But.. I will follow through again and as I've done many times in the past... bring to you the `UFOlogy' you find on the internet. And, as you can see from today's headline - the YouTube account with the colorful name Parcteena Dogruf - seems
Image URL

Now it seems that the blog webmaster of PhoenixUFOs is also the webmaster of My UFOs which has only three posts - which is his `UFO Pictures' blog, politics (hates Rove) blog (where one page is called America's Finest Whores) .... and the background, really to his three blog posts on Phoenix UFOs. Additionally, Phoenix UFOs has several UFO links, including to Ken Pfeifers UFO Picture Website - a 2006 UFO wave in Australia - and a useful link summarizing many real guesses at the seeming physics behind the UFO sightings here on Earth. That link... which I've also now put into my own resources in my sidebar... can be read here - The Physics Of UFOs.
That said... Parcteena Dogruf's `about' page includes the picture shown at this link - I>B>Stankey's Bean Burrito - yeah..
Below are his two statements on YouTube before his first UFO videos.
I've always been into this heavy philosophical stuff. It's like totally awesome, dude.
"I fart, therefore I am" René Desfartes
a bit less than serious as you are seeing at his blogs already if you followed the above links and have an inquisitive mind.
So, is it some old fart... codger... citizen sleuth? Or some teen having the time of his life in portraying `Parcteena Dogruf' UFOlogist? (entered Parcteena Dogruf into an anagram solver and got nothing either,...... dogfur? UFODGR?).
Or, is it someone who happened to catch an Orb in the sky on a sunny day and then begin to go off into the deep end?.... The website being a signature of the high strangeness associated with feeling that you are being targeted by the anomalous?
Who knows, but... as usual... UFO Disclosure=Ludicrous Foes.
Shake your head like a wet dog and wonder why.