As all Clockers know, the UFO field is ripe with disinfo and with `secret government projects'. In the video below, we have a dash of both as the government launched, without public notice, a UFO looking aircraft designed for who knows what ..... but certainly falls under the nefarious category for UDCC: Full story within the TV report - about 400 views as of Wednesday afternoon.
Original Link to story and video -
Are these mountain ORBs? - - and, like the Crossett Light - could `areas' or even mountains - have specialized consciousness that literally `hangs out' in certain locations?
It's a hodge-podge of links today. ------------- Joe Capp is a UFO experiencer who saw an UFO in 1962, started blogging about the same time as me, and now is a UFO investigator in a sense. Always standing up for the witness, here Joe brings the near ubiquitous (on MUFON reports, to me of which are usually not of the level I bring to my readers) NYC Nighttime Orb scene to the internet - - it's literally an HOUR of the same UFO - and in this video, just seconds into it, you can see a VERY strange Triangle UFO just hanging in the sky - worthy of a click I assure you:
Yesterday, in my comments, I think this video was linked to - that said, I ran across this link, maybe the same link - of a BIG UFO story in South America in Brazil - who knows but is of interest - MAJOR alleged "UFO" sighted in Sao Paulo Brazil - TV Station shows - - amazing picture, which, if true, would tend to end all doubts. Interestingly, the man in this video AND the commentor on this blog - both mention a KITE as the answer. HMMM.
Finally, for today, Emma Woods ..... if you don't know her name, or the story about how she is challenging the `alien abduction' hypnosis she underwent by one of the leaders in AA, - get your mind ready to wrap around at least 20 minutes of content. Good Luck - - you will bookmark this link I bet.
Alien Abduction Books