And, we did have some absurd stuff - like this teen becoming hysterical about a Light In The Sky lending credence to the idea that a 1938 War Of The Worlds situation would indeed flip out some folks IMO.
That's not to say that the proliferation of `absurd' UFO `gathering sites' on YouTube - which seem to feature nearly exclusively FAKE UFO/Orb videos - isn't a distraction; --- along with those still putting the pieces together to support their fantasy of the 4th dimension overtaking us lowly humans sometime in the next 50 days. Indeed, trying to see through this thick haze of fog makes any legitimate look at the Unidentified in our skies much more difficult.
Now, that said, - some of the videos submitted to MUFON this month have been Very Exceptional - including this very strange daytime object in the Virgie Kentucky Sky - in what appears to be part of a Kentucky UFO Flap perhaps. There was also this moving Orange Orb (followed this guy) very similar to the `Feather Orb' earlier in the year that was seen in Illinois in a clear daybreak Orange Orb Picture. Also, an excellent video was found of the Georgia Glob Object that has been being seen in the daylight in north Georgia. This is almost a must watch video.
So, how does all of that add up to a move - if any - in the UFO Countdown Clock? Well, let me produce some top of mind impression `numbers' - and the comparisons to the last few months.
The Phenomena Itself - 75 (compared to three month average of 52) - We are seeing more and more reports of the anomalous with some clear photos of strangeness - including both the Virgie White Tube and the Georgia Black Blinking Blob.
The MS Media - 5 (compared to three month average of 21) UDCC carried NO MSM reports of UFO interest in October 2012 - The MSM is totally involved with Obama, Romney and Sandy - no room for the `nonsense'.
Governments - 1 (same as last month ) Total shutdown mode. And with a spineless MSM - don't get your expectations up.
Internet/Other - 80 (three month average 55, but last month was 80 based on the `moon oddites'). You can read last months report and overall analysis Here.
Overall analysis - In last months analysis I suggested that the phenomena may have to step up it's `game' if it was going to stand out from the nonsense CGI and purposeful disinformation. And, IMO, the Virgie `White Tube' and the `Georgia Glob' may be an example. OR, an example that the creative hoaxers are stepping up THEIR GAME. And, perhaps they are.
Nonetheless, it's hard to ignore the UFO War chatter and have significantly weird daytime clear videos of `something' without NOT moving the at least a bit - before the busting of the hoaxers and disinformation agents. So, let's move the clock setting one half hour more towards midnight - how about 9:00 PM.
Finally, I found a thread on GLP (God Like Productions) from earlier in the year before I reset the `clock' - talk about expecting the amazing - When The Clock Stood At 11:56PM. Also, please look into the sidebar of this UFO website from the UK - you will see me quoted about my `Disclosure' Attitudes - pretty cool being quoted.
My thanks to the first purchase off my author page in November yesterday (my 2006 UFO book) - A UK reader - appreciated. Here's my Author Page - Is there a FREE book this weekend? And, certainly, don't miss the Book Vault. Thanks for your participation and use of UDCC.
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