It's funny that my ground troops out there brought to me today's video link - as this morning, I spent an hour or so getting the final review post together about the Jerusalem UFO - and got about 1/2 way probably. I will print it -- well, how about on 3-8-11 (lol). Anyway, this video is really about where I have been going with this whole `it's a hoax' - `it's a viral promotion' - `it's all CGI' - crappola - and I've been implying such for a couple weeks.
Again, while I will get to my own investigation, or more specifically, my analysis soon - my tipping point was seeing who everyone was basing their hoax claims upon - hoaxkiller1. They were basing their whole denial, IMO, on a house of cards ready to fall.
Anyway, here's a slow, and deliberate examination of all the important details - take the time to lead - not follow. Clockers, this is worth your time: (under 2,900 views)
My thanks again to UDCC's loyal readers!
The March 8th Prediction - Lujan Matus - The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus