Not only that, daily, more and more people are posting extraordinary videos for all to ponder. Such as this one - make sure to watch it till the end and the enhanced version at the link is also EXCELLENT.
I also expect, as the new naysayers to the `Orb Phenomena' are quite vocal right now, that eventually this ORB phenomena is going to get national attention - this video already has over 40K views this week and for good reason.
Filmed in the early morning on Feb 12th 2011 near Mendocino california
Enhanced version -
Here's a UFO Disk picture from the MUFON files yesterday -
More about MUFON, and it ain't pretty: -
I know many of you enjoy the attitude I bring to my websites - here's a new one - !
Some of you still haven't checked out this new book by a fan of this website - called Falling Star by Philip Chen - Falling Star (The Watchers) - Ebook is like a buck or so.