Does this match the impression left by the MSM of the event?
Here's the comments:
I just joined this site looking for a forum to tell about what I saw today, I live near 23rd and 8th and just went out to catch the ABC and NY1 reporters who did there report that you can see online or TV. Again, I feel compelled to write about what my girlfriend and i witnessed today. Make no joke about it, they were not balloons and the reports speak nothing about the formations that were formed and then broken between the smaller objects or about the “mothership” looking objects. ( UDCC emphasis) I spoke to the ABC reporter after he finished his report and he was sarcastic and joking about it, and the report of course comes off that way. Nothing about the military fighters that I and several other people saw. The military did scramble jets at high altitudes without a doubt. (UDCC emphasis) The guys I spoke with were older blue collar guys that saw the jest with me as did my girlfriend. Their contrails and speeds were definitive. Also, the patterns and the quantity of the smaller objects and their separation and then their union were beyond belief. (UDCC emphasis) They were not normal. They covered several hundred miles in seconds to unite and then breakaway from each other. I only witnessed one, near the ending of the entire event, smaller object proceed from a standing holding pattern across what must have been miles of sky to unite with a larger object. They were not balloons. They stop and moved. Scattered and formed. (UDCC emphasis) The military fighter (s), was as I said extremely high, well above the commercial air traffic. Their was something up, and it was not normal.
Well I am am the guy who called into the Jack Blood show. I saw these UFOs, whatever the hell they were with my bare eyes. I live on 34th btw 9th and 10th in NYC. We got a call from a friend who was shopping in Midtown. I went out side and didnt see #. Went up to our fire escape and sure enough these were these silverish glowing orbs that changed position, stood still at times, and vanished and appeared spontaneously. (UDCC emphasis) I don’t give a # if anyone believes me, I really didnt feel like typing this crap up. I have better things to do… but it made me laugh after I did a google search on it to see what was being said. Anybody who says it was ballons is talking out of their ass. These things had to be at 50,000 ft. I worked on A-6 Intruders in the Marine Corps, VMA 224, 2nd MAW out of Cherry Point, NC. I can gage these things pretty well. I believe they were some kind of military eye in the sky type of craft. (UDCC emphasis) I dont believe in aliens. Even if a craft landed in front of me and a little green man walked out I would still suspect the government. But that didnt happen.
I went out to 23rd and 8th during the daytime like everyone else to see whats going on. There were several objects up in the air, about 20-30 and they came and went pretty quickly. They did look like balloons thought but the shape seemed to change a bit. They were yellow and were in the air for hours. They basically hovered. At one point there was a group of about 15-20 and one came closer to that group as if it was going to join them but it went around them instead. They did not make sharp turns, they moved with intent unlike a floating balloon in the air. When they were hovering they did not move at all much. They moved in many directions and at one point there was a cluster of them. Some seemed to be near each other but moved in different directions, if they were balloons I don’t think they would have been doing that. My friend who was with me was convinced they were balloons but they were there far too long and moved in such an interesting way that I doubt they were balloons. (UDCC emphasis) I was watching this whole thing for about 45 minutes.
yes there was about 50 people or so gathered on 23rd street and 8th ave, my girlfriend and i and many of us witnessed white objects in the sky very high around 1pm, looked like 2 motherships white ballooned shaped, being at times merged with up to 30 to 50 very small round white objects. They were not weather balloons and they were way above commercial air traffic. We saw a military jet pass at high speeds well below the objects altitude. I personally saw one object still in position for 10 minutes then move across the sky and merge with one of the larger objects. My girlfriend, before I arrived witnessed a formation of around 10 smaller objects merge with a larger one. A man she spoke to had been there 2 hours prior and witnessed what he said was over 20 objects merging. No accounts on news. Anyone?
(So, he's there at 1P.M. - his girlfriend was there earlier than him and she spoke with a man who witnessed this merging up to 2 hours earlier - once again pushing the timeframe to 11AM or before. Remember, we KNOW that one set of 12 balloon escaped at about 1PM. These accounts again speak of multiple events. Also, the stated `highness' of these accounts is also not a feature of the MSM TV reports. Or, the jets.)
we have video from bad cell phone, we just watched and you cant see the objects. the frog video is about the same. We are very freaked now, as we new nothing about the oct 13th predictions, i googles “ufos manhattan 0ct 13th” and got the link to the predictions of fulham for today! It’s unreal. Whatever was in the sky was not of this earth and they were not military. I am not going to guess their altitude but they were at least thousands of feet above the highest aircraft. we are kicking ourselves for not running home and getting video camera but then again the altitude may have denied any good pic. So frustrating. But I ama skeptic and an agnostic and so is my girlfriend and we know that what we saw was very very unusual. (UDCC emphasis)
I stood and watched them for about 40 minutes moving into formations backwards and forwards in the sky. The strangest thing that happened in that time, that I haven’t seen anyone yet report was the appearance of a triangle shaped fighter jet, which raced across the sky and seemed to circle near them 4 or 5 times before seemingly disappearing into thin air! It was without doubt the strangest thing ive ever seen in my life. Anybody else see it? A few people stood with me on the corner of 23rd and 8th Ave saw it as well. 2 questions… 1. Why would the Air Force scramble a fighter jet to check out balloons and 2. How and why did the said jet vanish into thin air in a clear blue sky?
(Does UDCC notice a pattern? How about You?)
I was in mid-town early this evening and there was a lone helicopter hovering in one spot extremely high in the sky. It caught my attention because it was in a stationery position and frankly, I’ve never noticed that before so I stared at it for aboout 3 minutes and it didn’t move. I chalked it up to the news covering traffic on the westside. I was on 5th Ave and 39th Street near Lord & Taylor. May or may not have meaning but 39th and 5th is not that far from 23rd and 8th Ave. Not liking the possibilities. As if we don’t have enough going on.
I was there. It was very unsettling to watch. There’s no rational explanation to that spectacle in the sky. They stood together, in the same relative position to each other – you could call it a formation – and in the same spot in the sky, with very minimal movement for a long time. Small bright perfectly formed dots, against a perfectly blue sky. Surreal. Much too far, too bright and too stationary to be balloons, though I’m open to that explanation if someone can prove it to me. What I saw was unnerving – still is. There were two crowds of people, one watching a formation visible to the East and another crowd the formation to the West. (UDCC emphasis) I did not see the one to the West, because the Eastern one was enough. It took a while for the eye to focus on the dots. They were so far away. The one to the East had 5 objects in it. All stayed put with very little movement for about 20 minutes or so except that at one point, three of them formed a perfect triangle, the fourth one moved a bit to the upper tip of the triangle and the fifth one moved farther away to the right. Then they kept that position for a while. It got to be disconcerting. (UDCC emphasis) I have no rational explanation and was hoping the news would post something logical about military exercises, etc. No luck!
from this link -
I've also unearthed more videos of 10-13 of interest from the above link and others that I will bring you tomorrow (saving you minutes of waiting for the above link to load) - be ready for your head to continue to spin.
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