Rare Double Post Day
What you see above is the AOL headline for this story today - http://www.aolnews.com/2011/02/23/retired-army-colonel-says-ufos-are-real-but-denies-government-c/ - and as you can read the retired military man supposedly gives a new point of view `sure to aggravate both sides' - to paraphrase from the AOL article.
I guess the poke in the ribs in all of this is that the words of Buzz Aldrin and others may no longer swept under the bridge regarding `aliens' in one from or another (which the article also go on to say, UFOs are small objects to mile long craft). It's a longer worthy read and could signal a shift in the lamestream media's acceptance (as obviously, ANYTHING more dramatic than the Jerusalem series of videos is likely to cause more effect than a 7-10 day window - except for the internet).
Oh, BTW, here's another declaration of Real UFOs, except this version has Roswell as a real UFO UFOs are Real : Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer, Don Phillips - http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2009/07/ufos-are-reallockheed-skunkworks.html
-----------------------------------A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact
Ufo & ET: How Government Disclosure of the Truth Will Impact Humanity
UFOs Disclosure: The Official Report On Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs : The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects)
If this video below is a repost within the last month I apologize as the strangeness is starting to look familar: (311 views)
Thanks for visiting again today - Oh, Clockers -- You may want to mark 3-8-11 on your calendar; and remember where you read it first.