The video itself is very interesting; mainly because of the interaction between the interviewer and Dr. Greer. You see, the interviewer is part of the `movement' too - and has a different take on at least one particular aspect of the UFO saga than Greer does. The result, is an interview - that really digs into Greer's explanation for the aliens.
It turns out that the one particular part that the interviewer doesn't like at all is Greer's contention that ALL E.T.'s are friendly, or, at the very least, NOT a threat. And, for that belief, Greer gets vilified mercilessly by the interviewer .
I guess I'm here to `back' Greer in that viewpoint.
Because, unless you accept the very `out-there' conspiracy concept that `Reptilian' aliens are running the planet in one manner or another - there is NO evidence of `aliens' EVER taking over the Earth in its history since humans. Indeed, NO evidence of `aliens' even `living here' prior to mankind's accent in those hundreds of millions of years of life on Earth before mankind.
Now, what Greer is saying is obvious - but important. And, that is, ANY alien race - that is real in the sense we humans are real (having an ontological presence) with the intelligence to GET to Earth - would obviously be MUCH advanced from human intelligence. And, would therefore be MUCH advanced in terms of `armament' too.
In other words, they would have been able to have destroyed us long long ago -- if they wanted this planet. Remember, while intelligence is assumed to only have arisen in the universe after the second generation of stars -- that was BILLIONS of years ago. Some intelligences may have billions of years of science behind them.
So, therefore, as Greer suggests, if we are indeed being monitored by aliens - perhaps by more than one species of aliens - it's obvious that they will NOT be attacking. And, if you think about it -- that was basically how the `outcome' of thought about `UFO's' happened in the 50's.
That being, and apparently the governments conclusion too - was that `whatever' the UFO phenomena IS - it is not a threat to humans. Indeed, it's what has allowed the government to push the whole `UFO thing' - so far away from the common man. To relegate it to the fringe of thought. To be able to `laugh' (others say threaten) at those who suggest otherwise.
BUT, Greer suggests a HUGE caveat -- a HUGE caveat. And that is, that the human race by back engineering crashed UFO's -- IS CAPABLE of Interstellar Travel - BUT IS NOT ALLOWED -------------- BY THE ALIENS. Which is, therefore, why they are here and are impeding our move into space ---- as `THEY' don't want `warlike' humans to come to THEIR planet -- in so an uncivilized manner. Greer points out that humans have already killed 160 million humans in WARS; and, that that is NOT allowed of species that `wander the universe'.
And, I have to admit -- that is an appealing concept -- that the aliens are here to make sure we don't go anywhere else until we get our hostilities in order. And, our priorities in order. To better understand what mankind is to this planet and the universe. Yepper, it's a comforting concept. And, while I will agree that IF aliens are here that it's obvious (to me) they are not taking the planet over -- I find it a stretch to say they are here to keep us here.
But, that was not all that Greer said -- or, should I say -- claimed to KNOW. For example, he maintains that the `Greys' are really a `grown' nanotechnology - and that they are MADE in test tubes - and that they are programmed for specific duties. He also makes claims about mind control by the military.
Finally, one last time - I want to examine a subtly that Greer uses to diffuse the `bad alien' idea presented by the interviewer (who felt that we should have military defenses against the aliens) who sites numerous times of what she would consider violence by the aliens (including the abductions). And, Greer's explanation seemed to go over her head -- Greer ascribes these type of experiences to a more qualitative realm of beings-entities ------ that are NOT ontological like humans and real aliens. And, as you know, in one of my more recent post at my blog The Heavy Stuff -- I got into quite deeply that I feel their are at least 4 types of entities/aliens.
And, lastly, I will provide at the bottom a few of the links of relevance to this posting - including the views of the interviewer - which include Roswell as being some sort of craft from our future sent to straighten out our timeline.
Yeah, right.
Greer's stuff sounds simple and logical compared to that.
Please watch this video - and leave a comment.
Much more on UFO's at my blog too.