At UDCC we've even identified a near motif for ORB UFO sightings that is dependent on proximity to the observer (often an Orb caller or Orb videographer)... you can dig deeper for an explanation if you desire on these pages as today the focus will be on the individual who came to our attention yesterday via the MUFON reports - the green Orb photographer in Roanoke (Ken Hurt was on the photo submitted) - a great photo that later vanished..and was no longer available.. So, I used the big G to find perhaps Ken Hurts YouTube account - figuring that perhaps he had put the great picture up there. I came up with this account Kenneth Hurt (61 videos) - and indeed, when I dug down I found that who KH follows on YT has many many YT `UFO' Channels - including some of the good and many of the bad `gathering sites' (which largely promote totally fake content IMO). So, to a degree, a big red flag went up - as folks who really know the UFO scene know these gathering sites are disinformation channels.
But, just look at what KH puts up - most of it is pretty standard stuff - most of it. And, he doesn't seem to be of the mode of simply putting up the BS content normally found on the gathering sites. But, it's always of interest when folks who simply have the interest in UFOs find out that they can buy equipment (in this case KH got the night vision stuff) and that seemingly - THERE THEY ARE!............. Well, almost like that.
Personally, I am more in the skeptical camp on most of the night vision footage UNLESS what it is indeed capturing is some other aspect of the Orb phenomena - which it could be - but isn't necessarily. So as arm chair investigators, let's see what KH has in his inventory of `UFO' videos that he himself has captured.... Consider this exercise just another UDCC look into the Orb phenomena. And first, on his `about' page he promises to bring the best in music and paranormal. And, he has a Facebook page link Here - that references UFOs being real.
this might be KH
The next thing to note is that KH didn't have a YT page until 4 months ago and his second upload was a 29 second UFO/Orb video - it's here - It's not very impressive as orbs go and one has to wonder why the abrupt stop.. looks RC or rigged up light show perhaps.... or an orb..... he is indeed excited by what is happening.. The video above has 135 views... one of the more viewed UFO videos of KH. ... Now the comments were interesting and leave little doubt as to why folks may become more interested.