Hello Clockers, thanks for checking back in today. AND, if you are new to UDCC, this is a near daily blog about the UFO phenomena - welcome aboard.
Without further ado - As Clockers know, 3-8 was an anticipated date around here - was this what some of us were waiting for? UFO Over Chile March 8 2011 (1,020 views)
I put up a couple `UFO' videos on my side blogs too today - http://strangeufovideo.blogspot.com/2011/03/israelites-are-in-ufos.html - here, on Strange UFO Video - used a longer video that ultimately insists that the `aliens' are Israelites; also you can find out about what an abductee has to say about life on Mars. And, on North Carolina UFOs - a `Red' dot in the sky for a couple days recently - http://northcarolinaufo.blogspot.com/2011/03/north-carolina-red-lights-ufo-march.html
HERE's an OVER the top NEW explanation for the UNIVERSE --- I love this -- http://news.discovery.com/space/once-upon-a-time-the-universe-was-really-weird-110321.html -- AND it involves DIMENSIONS -- Totally intense short read for my UDCC Clockers.
Another, convincing, multi-orb event:
Some folks are starting to believe that the `Chemtrail Planes' are not Planes at all - MULTI ORB CHEMPLANE=SIlent UFO Mankato MN 2010-2011 march 12 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl7kqNf2OQo
Chemtrails Confirmed
And, please check out my Chemtrail link in the sidebar too.
Finally, do you Reddit? --- I now have a super simple page of Reddit Headlines Daily - You MUST read the comments on Reddit too - http://morningredditheadlines.blogspot.com/2011/03/reddit-headlines-march-22nd-2011.html
Thanks Clockers.