Good morning Clockers and new visitors to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock). Today is the day after - or - perhaps not; as you all know the worldwide `markets' took a major tumble to crumble yesterday. If you really want to know what my crapolla ideas about it all I've blogged those today at BS (Barf Stew).
And, one of the many possible ideas often entertained by `UFO Disclosure' websites, namely Exo-Politics ones - is that an Economic Collapse may preceed some sort of intervention by Extraterrestrials. IF so, perhaps the chance is upon us - it has also been rumored to be a good time also for the governemt to simply say there are aliens ---- and therefore we could have a new `enenmy' worthy of uniting the world togther and prolonging the MIC. But, who knows.......
So, what I provide today is what UDCC often provides - material that UDCC finds via searching content sites not websites - or - relying on my readers for compelling links they find - and today Clockers get both.
First up - the video worthy of the headline. A special video to UDCC in that the uploader has NEVER uploaded before via this account, which indicates to me some level of authenticity (not to say that `callers' multiple videos are not important). Next, at several points in the video, (he uses a tripod for much if not all of it) albeit at the more `jumpy and pulsating' portion of the video `multiple orbs' or multiple `lights' appear -- indeed if you use your imagination - it looks like some sort of solar system. His story and video are interesting too in that he claims to have begun filming this light only after it PULSED OUT. And then reappeared at a different location. It will be very interesting to see if another video of this Orb emerges. Under 70 views as I post this:
YT link -
His Description at YT:
i live at the base of the ski resort steamboat and my deck has a perfect view of the mountain and on Aug 4th 2011 at 2a.m. It was the brightest star in the sky and while smoking a sig before calling it a night it turned off and reapeared in a higher alltitude! I instanly ran in and grabed my new canon 14mp powershot, busted out my crap tripod (sorry for that) and started filming. This orb was pulsating in diffrent colors blowing out a ora ring, vanishes and the regenerate itself, also look close around the orb three smaller orbs apear. most of this video is at a 140x zoom with my camera in hd and the things i caught ive never seen before! Hope you like
p.s. this was right above the ski slope as it slowley came closer to all the homes and condos...i almost never touch the zoom in this so the massive size in growth is doing it itself, all the moving around is my stupid tripod and me trying to adjust it, the orb was concistantly moving in a very slow crawl so the quick jerks are my "B"! Let me know what you think!
Now, the `multiple orbs' I saw (viewed 80% of video) were around the 4:40 mark, 5:50, 6:50, 7:07 -- I didn't see any after personally nor did the Orb `pulse' as much as before. And, the only verbage of the video includes the words Electric Toothbrush. ---------------- All that said, IF Orbs are in some way trying to get our attention (remember why this guy noticed it) - and are part of some sort of Fortean OR Alien agenda OR Spiritual/Consciousness agenda - they may happen `more' during times of human emotion crisis - perhaps like the feeling of hopelessness as things seemingly collapse. My review trying to find uploads of last night videos hasn't produced anything as authentic as the above video - if you find something good on YT today send it too me - you may find it featured.
Here's the link to my BS coverage and opinion about the Crumble of Markets 2011 - yesterday. Interesting that it was one day off from that 8-3-11 crappola too. Don't you think?
And, my thanks to MUZ --- again. He has linked UDCC to a story by a BBC sports reporter driving into his work in the early moring this week. The report is audio and overlayed with some other expert telling listeners very precise info about `aliens' and recovered technology. Worth your click and remember this event too happened - again - `the week of the crash' -
Thanks For Reading About UFO Disclosure Today - More Via The Sidebar - Often Including Answers To Your Questions
This Weekend, Make SURE To View The STATE UFO Section!
Finally, it is always intriguing to me that Orbs are sometimes described as being as bright as the sun in some sense -- yet, never are too bright to look at OR illuminate the surroundings like a Sun. As if it-they is-are some inner light. Perhaps...... And one way to get that inner light from the Sun (what a segway, right?) is to get it from the Sun Directly. Make 2011 the year you go solar or at least become familiar with what the terms mean, and what the `terms are' - and the government incentives to make the cost of total repay-return to you - easy to understand.
Check deeper for systems that `unlink' to the Grid IF the grid goes down.