The 4. report was totally over the top for UDCC - and is the capture of a low level GREEN Daytime Orb by a man named Ken Hurt - below is the picture he submitted to MUFON - he says in his report that it was a close a 50 feet and he actually took three photos before it shot straight up. (11-12-13 event)
Here's The Report (So, this is UFO blogging - the picture was valid and with claimed copyright on it this morning via Ken Hurt - was amazing - and yet by 2:44 this afternoon is gone from being available
UDCC would love to hear from Ken if he becomes aware of this posting.
1. Communicating Orbs Seen Multiple Times By Phoenix Couple
2. Claim of 20 Objects Following Each Other Last Night In Michigan - Worthless Picture
3. Two Women See Upside Down Pyramid In NJ Two Nights Ago - Moving and Had Hum
4 - Featured above.
5 - Featured At my `other UFO blog' - (An UFO story seemingly confirmed in a near impossible manner) -
6- Strange Blinking `Light' (structured) Twice Hours Apart - Two Nights Ago
7. While Driving In Buffalo NY on 10-10 Saw `Triangle' of Lights And Drove Under One Which Looked Slightly Metallic
8.You know, you always hope for a `DOUSE' of a story and this one easily qualifies and could have easily been chosen for my `other UFO blog' Amazing UFO Stories - Ready? Happened a month ago today in NY state: I ONLY bring to you the description but this object was said to be only going 40-50 miles per hour and was making a HUGE amount of noise:
Full Link To Story (red is my emphasis)
....."The noise, extremely loud, did not make any sense given the speed of the vehilcle and the look of the engines. It appeared to be about 100 feet wide, and 400 feet long, with a width of 40 feet or so, the upper portion not being lit well.
....The noise continued, seemed to indicate that it was not a hot air balloon enthuists prank. It disappered out of view, heading through a very rural area to the direction of Fort Drum military base. I would suggest google earth to look for odd aircraft hangers.
My feeling upon initially seeing it approach was sheer terror, primarily because of the noise, but after observing the big beast, I felt as though it was a large heavy lift balloon machine with a psy-ops feature to distract an enemy. Oddly, I looked for windows, doors or protrusions and saw no sign of such. How one would use such a balloon is a bit of a mystery......."
9.Strange Lights In Wisconsin Two Nights Ago
10. Recurring Orbs In Wisconsin - Emitting Beam - (With Anomalous Sound) This is one of three videos submitted `Light' Video
11.Orbs (but with a description that easily matches Lanterns) Seen Over Power Lines In NY state A Couple Days Ago
12. Ready for ANOTHER breathtaking story from 3:50 AM 11-14 in TEXAS? A story that would suggest the military perhaps once again involved with a totally impossible craft? Indulge yourself with the story below and pay special attention again to the ENORMOUS size of this craft like the previous description:
The Full Report Link (red is my emphasis)
We were woken up by what felt like an earthquake at 03:50 central time. We ran outside and the air and ground was vibrating like standing next to a very loud speaker with a lot of bass. A bit faster than a heart beat. There was no sound. The craft was moving about 20mph in a W to E direction ... a little NE... heading toward Killen/Fort Hood, TX. The craft was as big as my 5 acres. There was no sound, no lights, the craft was illuminated by my street light. It was a very dark grey and we could see features ... not very symmetrical in nature. The craft was disk shape with a center fuselage, split down the middle, with the fuselage in-between the two disks. The fuselage was semi-square with rounded edges and corners. Kind of like Batmans Batwing... kind of. The disk was about 30 feet thick/tall. There was no bevel or curve to shape. It was a big squarish disk split in half with a squarish fuselage. It took about 5 minutes before it disappeared into the darkness. It did not zip away. There was swoosh just the steady deep earth shaking vibrations. No damage to my home or trees or anything. Enough vibration to wake us up and to make us run outside. Shortly afterward (a minute or two), two apache Helicopters followed after it, traveling about the same speed. |
Now, the `other' explanation for the above is that the `military' is aware of these breaches within our perception fields and does some sort of follow up cleansing in a sense.
MORE? You Glutton!
14. Person Claims To Have Seen 15th or so Orb over the last twenty years the other day in California (more of the attaching to a consciousness or location perceived by such)
15.`Spilling Orbs' In Wisconsin But Also Reads Like RC or Lanterns too (just the other day)
16.More LIGHTS in Wisconsin on same night 11-13 (didn't come out on video despite being very bright)
17. More unexplained in Gastonia North Carolina 11-13 - this one with a bit more.... Believer in Ancient Alien theory sees unexplained light in sky with multiple jets of a military nature around it - also emits Orbs.
18.Here's a GREAT report of another low flying small translucent Orb... 11-9 in White Lake Michigan... serious Orb phenomena here if true... remember, one of my theories is that these orbs are slight displacements of `time' (space) -- (an Able-To-Not-Be)... here's a link to the near must read report as I only give you a smidgen below: FULL MUFON Report
"I had a perfect view of this thing for about 20 seconds under ideal viewing conditions.
From the time I first noticed the object, I can only describe it as a perfectly round distortion, about 10-12" in diameter that was traveling very slowly."
The other two reports were not worth linking to.
And, tomorrow - about 15 of these reports AT LEAST will have fallen below the threshold window for casual public viewing - to be replaced by more astonishment at the neighborhood UFO phenomena also known as Sky Orbs.
So, in summary - one very worthwhile picture that vanished into the ethernet.... and some fantastic perceptions of huge impossible crafts.
So, what else is new?
Well how about Robert Bigelow - YES, THAT Robert Bigelow... surfacing on CNBC of all places and talking about ... of all things ... OWNING THE MOON.
Please Check Out My E-Book Below