Anyway, in digging through two cases to MUFON very recently I came across something to share with my loyal Clockers/readeres at UDCC. First, I bring to you a `Strange' UFO report and then a bit of real UFO blogging afterwards.
red is my emphasis
1995 or 1996 Friends invited me to go camping. We lived in Idaho Springs, Colorado and worked at the Indian Hot Springs Resort as maintenance director. We were above the hot Springs on a hill. Too many rocks by fire, could not sleep so moved under pine tree to lay on softer ground. I was awakened by what felt like a dogs cold nose in my ear and herd what sounded like hoofs running away. I got up to take a leak and saw what looked like a falling star at first in distance. However it did not burn out, or hit the ground and headed right toward me. As it grew nearer it grew larger and larger. The brightest and whitest light I had ever seen. It was a sphere like the moon with no dark spots. It Onstopped right in front of me and right over my head. Again it was huge and I was frozen stiff. It made a very low pitched noise like a rumble. I closed one eye as they trained me in the military for aerial flairs because the lite was sooo very bright. The sound stated to go away when I herd more loud sound and here came 3 fighter jets in formation They were so low and the jet in front banked right between myself and this object. I could see the silo wet of the pilot. and the UFO took off like a bullet, made the jets look like they were standing still. I think I was in shock and sat on a rock. My friends sleep through the who thing. I sat there never moving till they woke. I told them what happened and of course the laughed and asked what I was smoking. The next morning my friends came to me at work with a copy of the Denver Post and it was all over the front page. bright lite in sky seen from Mexico to Colorado where they said it made a left turn and went west threw Nevada, California, and disappeared heading out to the pacific. It has haunted all these years but all info on my siting seems to have vanished. I have found only a few such descriptions from the past that are similar. In the bible and a astrologer who was apparently famous in his day from Europe I believe during the Renaissance period. I now have a very bad cataract on my right eye only, broke myself up some and am disabled and also have advanced cancer and am desperate for come confirmation and or closure. I am awake allot nights and can't sleep and on clear night look to the stars for a return. I have always had a feeling it sought me out and the jets chased it away.I long to return to the site but am so poor I can barely pay attention let alone afford to go back. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
On the face of it - this is the prototypical `Neighborhood' UFO experience simply placed in the desert....impossible object, comes close and hovers, nearly instantly vanishes. Nothing new. Indeed, the `fighter jets' is also not new but is not part of the ordinary... but, again.... does it make ANY sense that THE FRIENDS WOULDN'T HAVE WOKEN UP if the total event was REAL? It seems, as I've said before many times, that the `fighter jet' `military copter' simply seems an embedded part of the total UFO perception.
But, none the less - I knew the MUFON database is searchable back through 1995 - so I searched for 95-97 and Colorado - and NOTHING shows up to suggest the Denver Post coverage - let alone I certainly don't remember reports by the MSM in 96 about left turning UFOs. One can SAY anything.
But, I did find one thing when I searched Colorado 95-97 - a REAL strange `UFO' picture submitted with a report from Submitted on Jan 18th, 2014 about a UFO event on Aug. 10th, 1995 - the above report submitted with this picture below:

So, nothing at MUFON to confirm this huge sighting known to many and nothing at the Denver Post search I did - however my Google search did yield something I had largely forgotten - that the Denver Airport was built about then and had a huge Conspiracy Theory tied to it.
Oh, you can expect an update link right here as on Strange UFO Stories - I've been doing some digging into another similar UFO tale, one with checkable details... come back later. It will tie into the Memories Into Fantasies Idea.
UFO News
(example of Neighborhood UFO photo)

lots of pictures on the above site
one of only 3 UFO websites I link to in the sidebar as worth your time
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