Picture One - Plane Present
picture two - http://www.ufodigest.com/sites/default/files/Marie-De-avion-disparu-large-jpg.JPG
The French bloggers comment/analysis was highlighted with:
Why the plane disappeared then reappeared ...? ... It comes from other countries, a UFO-Transformer? Aircraft "normal", which passed a short time an Other Dimension, a return? ...
French Bloggers Website
This phenomena of the vanishing `plane' who is dispensing is not as crazy as it sounds - get your binoculars out the next time you see the now familiar `wagon train trail' of parallel lines of clouds.
READ A BIT OF WHAT I THINK OF THE CHEMTRAIL PHENOMENA BELOW Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
BTW, I've been updating over at AUS-SUV (Amazing UFO Stories and Strange UFO Videos) - here's a 2012 encounter with aliens on the ground after seeing a craft landing in Pennsylvania - Peanut Shaped Heads and other details. And, this account of a Christmas Day UFO (2012) worthy of your read. As the stories emerge about distant past perceptions I expect much will be found in AUS-SUV. New stuff too, obviously.
Over at The AnomalyMan Listing - my science based Clockers will enjoy the results of a 2008 experiment at the Space Station that involve simply putting some `living things' outside the station. And, another recent post there talked about the new finding about the `doomsday' asteroid called Apophis - Think BIG, Real BIG, yes, find out the percentage of how much bigger than initially thought until now.
Cool book about chemtrails and the collapse of the capitalist system. Indeed, there will be a popular revolution in USA like in Venezuela, in Brazil, in Bolivia, in Uruguay, in Argentina and many other countries that have overthrown oligarchic governments and replaced them with popular workers democracies in favor of poor people and the little guy. Thanks