Data suggests that even the `regulars' (about 800 of you) are `here' and reading UDCC only about once every ten days or so - so, even `Clockers' may not be aware of the on-going manner that I write up individual cases around here. SO, let me fill in some background. The `Virgie Tube' in Kentucky was a supposed event that happened Oct. 12th and was reported to MUFON a few days later. UDCC carried it the day it hit MUFON on October 17th, calling it perhaps the best UFO picture of the year (the picture links are at this link). I think UDCC was the first to `cover' the Virgie Tube, but I was hardly alone as many UFO sites monitor the MUFON reports or monitor UDCC's monitoring. lol.
Frankly, I rarely monitor the other UFO sites for what I bring to Clockers and Newbies --- there is PLENTY of `content' I can find on my own for your eyes - rather than `me tooing' some video or set of pictures. Indeed, as I've pointed out now multiple times in 2012 - since not all UFO sites use common sense on what they publish - and who are often using UNattributed stuff on `gathering sites of UFO videos' for their `content' - which is OFTEN FAKE for attention - I tend to stay away from certain `suppliers' of content routinely used by `other UFO sites'.
SO, when I received Terry The Censor's comment the other day about a lead in the case - of course I looked. And, indeed, my thanks to TTC as it does provide some additional insights, perhaps. Why you ask? ------ Well, it's not really the `possibilities' mentioned on the site sent by TTC - which included the mentions of possible companies that make custom Mylar balloons or other prosaic ideas such as it staying in one place of the sky for hours because of being tethered.
Indeed, what I learned new was that a video existed - something beyond the 8-9 pictures that the guy uploaded to MUFON. Indeed, he uploaded the video to YouTube on Oct. 19th - it already over 600K views and about a 3/1 positive to negative ratio of viewer opinions.
link -
`Account of Allen Epling' (looks like an old codger like me)
During the video, you can hear the guy `Allen Epling' taking the pictures of the object threw his telescope (the perfect set-up, a guy with a telescope and camera attachment and an Unknown in the sky). Allen also provides this commentary at the YT video:
UFO sighted over Virgie, KY on 10/16/2012. Video taken by Allen Epling through a Meade 8" SCT astronomical telescope. I want to emphasize that the object is NOT moving, The picture is unsteady because I had to hold the camera in hand while trying to video it through the eyepiece of the telescope. There were numerous sightings of the same object at the same time in an area covering 4 states, and reported to the police and newspapers. Sighting was with clear, blue, cloudless skies, no aircraft in sight, altitude unknown but definitely above airliner cruising altitude. The object hovered roughly in the same location for over 2 hours, not drifting more than 10 degress in any direction. Was sighted approximately 60 degrees above the horizon. Image in video was shot with about 150 power magnification. I couldn't risk losing it by taking time to set up a tripod or fixed mount for the camera, so I handheld the camer and struggled to keep the image steady and in the field of view. Couldn't take time to really get a good focus for fear of losing it. However the object's periodic brightening blurred the image anyway at full brightness. I did also have time to get many still photos which show the object more clearly and in focus. Two of those still photos can be seen at the link displayed above as the "updated version" of this site.
From this we gather the newish emphasis on the `periodic brightening' and the height of the object. And, I also checked the YT account - ONLY this video done in several different manners. -------- BUT, and it's a BIG but - the TTC Link at GhostTheory.Com - `revealed' that Allen Epling is --- well, ....... `out there' about certain beliefs.
Very out there - as in - being an expert about the endtimes - this is his website and book promotion page - - but, how out there really, one might ask. The guy has some credentials as a teacher and scholar as you can read Here. I love that this guy is into the `structure' of the universe (me too, but from a phenomenology and perceptual positioning). This guy has three of his books for FREE also at his website - they look VERY very heavy duty. (You may be reading me talking more about these books too.)
Now, next of strong interest is WHAT the Virgie Tube is supposed to represent via a Biblical `reading' perspective and perception - and that is - that the `Tube's Lights' - the two parallel lights within what appears to be a tube of form - are SCROLLS. Lord have mercy, one can easily use your imagination to complete that thought.
That of course has set off the NAYSAYERS bigtime in the comments section of the above video - with over 780 comments - and screams that it is ALL a FAKE that is nothing more than a `paperclip' and trick photography. (BTW, the above video has over 140K views via the MSM if the Huffington Post is to considered such.)
SO, what are we to make of it all - trying to be as `fair' as possible?
First, the video to me does suggest he's taking pictures of the sky - and he has both the video and the pictures to prove it. There were `other reports' of strangeness in Kentucky's skies on that day - I carried this one as an example of the Collaboration of the Kentucky Tube UFO - on the same day as I first carried the Virgie UFO story on Oct. 17th. Sure sounds like the same object - don't you think? (Except here it's moving slightly, the Virgie object seemed more stable in it's description - if one wants to pull at straws.)
But, a critical thinker would also say that `perhaps' it is a fake, right? --- After all, it is my contention that the EndTimers would be starting to get a bit nervous that the END is NOT NEAR as we get within 60 days of 2013. `They' MAY want to step up any kind of `proof' that the `end is coming' (we all get the caveman image with the sign in our brains with those words, right?), and willing to pony up fake manufactured videos, photos and fake `confirming' MUFON reports. (And why the rush to photo and video if the object was stationary for hours?) Especially if your book isn't selling so well................... perhaps. And, yes, my own constructed scenario is indeed possible. But, is all that PROBABLE?
Now, the twist to the whole `Virgie Tube'; - to me, - is that THIS, IMO, IS INDEED A `UNIQUE' OBJECT. A very unique photo. It's not like we have a lot of TUBE UFO's - seriously. So, it would even take creativity to `produce' such an outcome IMO. BUT indeed, is `something' producing it? Perhaps even literally as `Allen Epling' evidently thinks possible?
OR, is it more likely that Mr Epling lives somewhere near a very sophisticated hoaxer or sophisticated craftsman? A `craftsman' who doesn't want to `come forward' when his device was up TOO HIGH and was being passed by airplanes - if not being checked out by airplanes according to the one witnesses MUFON description. Perhaps worried about the `authorities' coming down on him/them/her. (?) (Just a theory.)
Or, obviously, could that `craftsman' be an older codger - like Allen Epling - perhaps. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if someone using a camera and a telescope is the norm in Kentucky. A craftsman that could literally build a `sign from the heavens of the skies' - where the expected `Scrolls' would appear in the endtimes?
OR, could it be once again - that the believers of `something' can LITERALLY PRODUCE `images' IF not OBJECTS - especially luminous Orb `objects' - into the skies and perception field in front of them? Is Mr. Epling another Orb Caller of the ilk of Dean Clark; also of Kentucky? Even if HE doesn't know it or claim to be?
And, the final OR, - was the Virgie Kentucky Tube - something really anomalous? Something from beyond our time-cone with no ties or basis to Earth or Humans? ---- Just what is the likelihood of THAT folks?................ No, I'm afraid we Clockers will have to use our collective better judgement before declaring anything definitive about the Virgie Tube Object - at least at this time - at least until the object replicates itself or perception - either in the same area or new areas.
Bottom line opinion based on all these understandings - something was indeed in the Kentucky skies and Mr Epling is tied to the event.
And, your opinion is what?
A big thanks to the purchaser of my book about Shaman Lujan Matus yesterday - AND TO THE BORROWER. (love those Kindle borrows) AND to the, again, like yesterday, SEVEN people who checked out the UDCC Book Vault of high strangeness. Oh, AND to the nearly 50 of you who DOWNLOADED THE FREE BOOK OFF MY Author Page on Amazon Too. Fantastic. Both books are shown below: (CLICK THE COVERS TO READ A FREE SAMPLE)
BTW, I updated my `Science' blog recently - it has a story about some data strangeness and change being encountered by Voyager I as it hits the edge of our literal `solar system' and how the monitoring data it sends to Earth literally changed IN ONE DAY recently. Find out more. My science blog is right up the alley of Clockers and Newbies who have found today's post.
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