Good Morning Clockers; - as you know, the anagram for `UFO Disclosure' IS `Ludicrous Foes'. And, the ongoing internet predictions, of the constantly changing date, for `official alien disclosure', has become almost humorous and ludicrous; - as every date suggested, always and FOREVER - is seemingly pushed back, or explained away after it doesn't occur: such as or such as
This has been going on for YEARS now; especially with the increasing exposure of the exo-politics forces, and their line of thought in so-called UFOolgy. Exopolitics folks position `alien disclosure' constantly, suggesting often it is the barrier preventing humans from peace, love and harmony. (Barf Bag?)
V.E. Ralph Convenience Bags for Vomit Disposal, 12/Pk
So, with less than 10 days until the next internet `announcement' date - supposedly August 21st this time, - at least they picked a Sunday - I thought I'd look a bit further into where this `mystery' date came from. So, I googled `august 21st obama alien disclosure' and out of 423K results, UDCC was number one on page one and was two of the first three choices.
Now, I know that UDCC got it from a YouTube video that pronounced that the Alien Disclosure had been moved back from July 4th to the new August 21st date. I featured that video and sarcastic post here on 7/6 - So, I assure you, UDCC was not the original source of this `(dis)info'. Anyway, according theYT stats, over 800 of the 40K views are from UDCC since July 6th and evidently there is a constant stream of folks searching for Obama Alien Disclosure: Here's that ominous video again.
link -
Additional data:A 07/28/11 First referral from related video - Brazil UFO, July 2011- EXPLAIN THIS ONE! MSM Reports, Multiple Witnesses, Analysis 1,171
B 07/10/11 First referral from related video - UFO passes over an aircraft, July 4, 2011 (HD 1080p).mp4 896
C 07/06/11 First embedded on - 824 (views)
D 06/26/11 First referral from YouTube search - ufo 2011 july 961
E 06/25/11 First referral from YouTube search - ufo july 2011 4,567 (Note, isn't it `funny' to search for videos in advance, perhaps this is a way to `set up a coming search' - like the one for `ufo july'?)
F 05/21/11 First referral from related video - COMET ELENIN WITH MASSIVE UFO FLEET (debunked stars ) 2,055
G 05/12/11 First view from a mobile device 5,769
H 05/12/11 First referral from YouTube - sug 1,166
I 05/12/11 First referral from YouTube search - ufo disclosure 897
So, looking at the search results and digging deeper - the site below comes up at the earliest date as having content about the Aug. 21st Disclosure story - and indeed, was responsible for the upload on May 11th. - - a blog with a female `star wars' avatar, anonymous, that has (her) occupation listed as Physicist, (so, we are supposed to believe that a Physicist uploaded this produced scare video about Obama Alien Disclosure, that he sources as ANW?) a blog that didn't come into existence until July 18th, about two weeks after UDCC featured the video - and two months after the upload.
IMO, a weird blog, citing reptilians in Puerto Rico and David Icke beliefs. And a blog with no backlinks according to alexa. Here's the associated YT account
The Alien Disclosure Video, with the caption now that includes the August 21st date, was CM's first upload. For that matter CM also uploaded this `Alien Disclosure' video in the last few weeks - with over 100 uploads on the ET/UFO/Alien subject matter in just the last three months. Again, a produced video. CM is seemingly obsessed all of a sudden. The YT account says that this person is 29 years old.
Ok, back to the tracing of who covered this video much like UDCC did. Websites simply looking for good content to bring their readers; not looking to participate in some sort of hoax about Alien Disclosure by President Obama.
On May 13th, the video was displayed here - to little fanfare via the comments and can be seen with the Original Title suggesting July 4th as UFO Disclosure day. This is a very popular new-agey type site. (High Alexa Rank) Also, it shows that CM went back and simply re-edited the video for the new Aug. 21st date - not in May as UDCC once suggested when assuming that no editing had taken place. More than likely the title was changed 7/5.
Now, the original video, as you saw above, first cited a contact to All News Web about the Disclosure, from, as always, `unnamed inside government people' - and, that the disclosure would be done via `off the cuff' comments by Obama about evidence of aliens trying to contact us. (What kind of strange plan would that be, right?)
However, CM was smart to use ANW as the `source' for the hoax. Why?
Because, for most in the UFO `community', it's a prove it attitude - to the all and everything approach to UFOs that ANW puts forth. Making much of their material that they source useless to most.
However, then something STRANGE happened, I could NOT find the video on ANW's YT channel at all about August 21st. NOR could I find any posting by ANW about an 8-21 Obama Disclosure. NONE. Nada.
OMG. Did California Marcos make up the story about it being an ANW story? Knowing that no one would bother to check? CM was 100% RIGHT. NO ONE would even bother to source a ANW story as much is horse manure. (ANW, did upload a UFO Disclosure dialogue on or about May 15th, but, not related to the video or supposed statement from only days before.)
Ludicrous Foes - indeed.
Continuing the tracing of the exposure to this HOAX.
Oh, BTW, this low rated (alexa) site had it's account with YT disabled - and I think it was the same video - it may have linked to the video on June 30th. a literally faceless UFO site that has one backlink according to Alexa.
Digging deeper, here's an online discussion of the Aug. 21st date that began the day before my UDCC post on July 5th - by a prolific poster called SkateAlex2 (its possible that the edit was up with the new date hours before) and his profile. Yet, has a twitless Twitter account -!/skatealex2 (Alex Reichmann) - And, this is really the last link that I could find that directly is talking about Aug. 21st as a Obama Alien Disclosure Date.
BTW, is a site dedicated to demystifiying magic mushrooms. It is VERY highly ranked according to Alexa information with almost 500 backlinks.
Oh, I did find one more coverage of 8/21 (this Reddit, dead end discussion, of the date about a week ago -
Certainly, the violent swings in the world economic situation, will be the excuse for the next delay. LOL.
That said, it would be a coup to disclose `alien disclosure' amid near economic and political chaos to set in motion a NWO - but, that's the conspiracy side of me.
However, obviously, and perhaps proven, I truly think the August 21st date has nothing to do with NWO or will even occur; as I said, this is all written in as an exercise to see sourcing - and, see what that leads to as a conclusion. And, the conclusion is HOAX.
BEST GUESS ANALYSIS - (the face value and the gut feel)
With no evidence of ANW involvement with the Aug. 21st date, the source of the video - the FIRST video that account uploaded - was the California Marcos YT account, which at the time didn't even have a blog (linked to on his YT account), and would suggest the `produced' `newsflash type' ominous sounding UFO production - suggestion that a set July 4th disclosure date had been pushed back - ONLY belonged to the mind of CM. And all that happened on May 11th.
Then, popular sites/forums and picked it up, but ONLY them (not the ATSs or Godlike Productions type of levels) - shroomery may have even been set up, like UDCC, by possible false searches the end of June.
Not until mentioned it or uploaded it on June 30th was the next `hit' on the internet search. And, that got removed.
CM must have been bummed at this point too. July 4th came and went. Then the edit to the title, August 21st was the new date. Then, see what happens, perhaps the 8-21 date will take off virally.
The next day, July 5th, the new edited video was mentioned on the popular forum - the date/story mentioned cryptically by one of the main posters on the forum. (As no explanation was provided for the change of date.) I believe the video links thru the facebook videos on the forum page is the new edited headline.
Then, a day later, I picked up the video via a YT search on July 5th or 6th (the moment it was probably hot again) - by chance. And posted it on 7/6.
No, other websites are associated with the video according to Google. That was the last of it.
Gut Feel - A twenty nine year old, possibly from PR, with production video skills, and interest in Star Wars and David Icke, wanted to see how far a `false' (hoaxed) story attributed to a known `wacky' UFO source (but with a following too) could go viral. Using the fact that ANW has been printing false `Alien Disclosure Is Coming Stories' for years.
Then, upon deciding on the hoax - first produced the video for the next big possible date with enough lead time from May 11th -- that being July 4th. (And, Clockers know about the surge in UFO reports on that evening - coincidence?)
Then, updating it with a new prediction to continue to build upon the following to the false story. (And, while providing no background to why it wasn't on 7-4 OR why it will be 8-21, hilarious really - indeed, the blog didn't even exist on July 4th.)
Then, started the blog, to at least have a `look' of being legit, as the YT hits mounted into the 10's of thousands. (over 41K).
Goal and Method of hoax - Outlandish prediction, excellent production skills including FALSE story that no one will check, ominous music in background, wished for implied revolution in outcome - IF true.
The Obama Alien Disclosure Rumor - Sourced - and 100% Baloney. And, now you know the rest of the story.
Thanks for visiting today - bookmark and return soon -
Ufo's True Mysteries or Hoaxes (Isaac Asimov's New Library of the Universe)
Aztec 1948: UFO Crash
How we staged the Morristown UFO hoax.: An article from: Skeptic (Altadena, CA)
Hustler Adult Magazine June 1996 the Flying Saucer Coup How a Goverment UFO Hoax Will End Civil Rights in America
Mind Stalkers: UFO's, Implants & the Psychotronic Agenda of the New World Order
Conclusions from Controlled UFO Hoaxes: No.46 (Institute for Cultural Research Monograph)
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