On multiple fronts in July, the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock was nudged towards the Midnight Hour. Perhaps most notable, was by amazing slueth type work by a citizen codger about the Roswell Incident in 1947; who is using Isotopes to PROVE that some of the crash fragments he found (even via anthills) was made off-Earth - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2011/07/citizen-slueth-fits-possible-roswell.html - that said, the MSM can be expected to remain silent, as usual, even when the confirmation test results prove an alien craft crashed over 6 decades ago.
But, also of interest in July was the seemingly HUGE surge in ORB reports - especially in the first half of the month with many Orange Orbs on July 4th - one Orb even being caught on LIVE Chicago TV http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2011/07/chicago-tv-station-captures-ufo-live.html (some of these reports are certainly Chineese Lanterns). Also of interest is that some of these July 4th Orbs are REPEATING in the same towns, year after year, and that some are being videotaped by different people simultaneously.
UDCC also touched on some of the `more impossible' cases in July with coverage of the obscure but famous 1966 and 1994 Schoolyard UFO stories - which simply are impossible to explain off IMO. AND, the Exo-Politics movement got a significant boost when George Filer revealed his ET contact as a child - fitting in with some of the Exo-politics folks beliefs
All in all, it pushed the UDCClock forward to 15 minutes to midnight as 2012 looms on the event horizon.
Thanks for your attention again today.
2011 is the year UDCC goes Solar - How About You?
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Hi Rick. Did you see the Brazilian rotating lights? My wife knows I am interested in UFOs and was watching Globo - Brazil's main station and they showed the video. Lots of kids saw it and commented that it was very scary, etc. It was visible in the day and the night. Here's the mainstream media video. The reporters say it could be a kite or balloon. They even go to a kite store and the store owner says it is certainly a kite. Finally the lady reporter says: "I will only believe it was a kite if the kite falls in my hand".