Let's say you purport to be the number one UFO research organization. One that faithfully records and reports what UFO observers are experiencing; - providing public access to what appears to be the latest `UFO' reports (and certainly, other than with diligent internet searching - the source with the most reports). And then, one day, that website mechanism seemed to break down for peoples reports to appear on that certain linked page, - thereby keeping the reports FROM the public.........
Weeks go by.
And, then, you post in the middle of your front page a link to the reported latest reports, the literal FIX ---- and THAT PAGE, the fix, HAS BEEN DEAD FOR DAYS WITH `TRASH' REPORTS. (Wasn't it the rock group Ace that did `How long, has this been goin on'?)
Or, does NOBODY actually care?
Think I'm kidding? This is the link, they provide, as the FIX on their front homepage at http://mufon.com/ that is supposed to take you to the latest reports from the public ---- http://dev.mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=latest_reports - go take a look, it's been that way for DAYS and days and days. And, THAT was after being down for weeks with NO fix. Hilarious.
ARE they being hacked? WTF?
Should UDCC go `conspiracy' oriented and say that reports of Sky Noise Phenomena is being withheld or suppressed? Or, that ORB reports have literally EXPLODED as more and more folks worldwide seemingly are `calling', consciously or unconsciously, these `balls of consciousness' literally into being. Nah...... LOL.
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As you know, UDCC tries to bring to its readers a diverse range of viewpoints about the entire UFO phenomena - almost regardless as to how `real' my personal opinions are about a particular associated phenomena (such as bigfoots and ufos; or alien abduction - to name just two). So, in that spirit I provide the next two pieces of more intensity that usual around here - yet, directly up the UFO phenomena alleyway.
First, if you have not been following the SERIOUS situation being alleged by a person who under went `alien abduction' hypnosis by a noted person in the field, here's your chance to catch up http://ufomagazine.squarespace.com/ufo-magazine/2011/8/17/response-to-paracast-defamation.html while here, Bruce Duensing tells us all that UFOlogy IS DEAD - both pieces make strong points and strong reading.
Today my newsblog features what apparently is a real story and MOVIE about 2012 and the Mayan connection - including access to those forever unopened Pyramid rooms. - 2012 Movie
Finally for today, how about a little UFO Caller in action. (one with galactic connections?) I've featured this guy before - enjoy his latest: All of 830 views.
link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2qPAZD1z6M
Thanks for your readership and interactions with this homepage - it is greatly appreciated. I'd also like to welcome the two or three new `followers' (Leaders) to this website - feel free to say hello or provide your views in the comment section.
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