Every once in awhile UDCC talks about Project Bluebeam and its believers - hear some of the stuff - right here:
Climategate, The Marijuana Conspiracy, Project Blue Beam, and other true stories from the Dot Connector magazine
Oh, I posted a REAL strange UFO video at my Strange UFO Videos blogsite - http://strangeufovideo.blogspot.com/2011/05/pyramid-ufo-colombia-march-2010.html
ORBS in Toronto? - http://www.youtube.com/user/supermushmouse#p/u/31/VHAU0U6AXDA
This guy has TONS of what he considers ORB proof - posts all the time - you can see all of them at this above link to his profile.
As some of you know, for a long time I ran a number of `Squidoo' pages that had `anomalous' links - it is at this link that many of them ended up - http://www.squidoo.com/anomalymantopvisitorlinks
Meanwhile...... Menacing UFO fleets circumnavigating globe - http://members.beforeitsnews.com/story/569/797/Menacing_UFO_fleets_circumnavigating_globe.html
Is 2011 the year you go slightly solar?
Solar (New York Times Notable Books)
Solar Electricity Handbook - 2011 Edition
Solar Bag