One of the very few blogs I have on my reading list at blogger is The Big Study (you will find it in my sidebar too) by 'The Professor' - who takes a fantastic approach to the subject IMO - and who has TONS of old time UFO material that he owns and features often. His latest post is not an exception to his fine on going service to the UFO community..... Anyway, he's dug out a simple list that brings 10 ideas about what 'UFO's Might Be'. The full great post is Here and I will use an excerpt or two I'd like to feature below. Oh, BTW, he has left out possibilities from beyond our Earth - paranormal possibilities. The chart below was from Ivan Sanderson in one of those UFO mags of the era 'Fantastic Universe Science Fiction'
First the list of UFO possibilities
a]. hallucinations, natural or induced;
b]. radiation and plasmas [he said "energy packets"];
c]. ghosts/apparitions;
d]. holograms [he said "projections"];
e]. mirages/ tricks of light;
f]. terrestrial biological forms;
g]. non-terrestrial biological forms;
h]. artificial life forms;
i]. non-animate matter [he said "minerals"];
j]. terrestrial technology;
k]. non-terrestrial technology.
Quite a listing right? And a dead on explanation for a huge segment of what is considered anomalous sky phenomena.... but the Professor goes on to specifically focus on J and K with the photo below:
If the list and the picture above is not enough to stimulate your inquisitive mind (or to read the Professor's article) let me add just a thought or two to the proceedings - the slippery slope of Phenomenology allows for the manifestation of UFOs most likely IMO - at least in the majority of human perceptions/consciousness of the remembered UFO events.
As a phenomenologist my 'able to not be' type of space idea allows for nearly all of the above alphabet soup of UFO possibilities to be 'true' - as the phenomena, even when technological is relentlessly temporal.
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