For those late to the Denver UFO party scene - a Denver TV station earlier this month ran a Story on November 8th about an UFO that was brought to their attention by a man who was not identified in the report. The man claimed that for several months he had been going to a particular location in Denver between noon and 1 PM and simply setting up his camera and running the video tape. Within the captures of the tape, the man claimed that on many days a week that from a particular intersection in Denver an UFO would come out of the ground and fly around Denver's skies - so fast - that it could only be seen if you slowed down the tape. WAY slooooowwwww dowwwnnnnn. And that then, you could also see the UFO go back into the ground near the same location that it emerged from prior to it's air flight.
Yeah, quite a claim.
So, the TV station sends it's own crew to the same spot at the time the man suggested and guess what - yeah, you guessed it - UFO seen doing exactly as the man suggested. TV station brings on multiple experts to assure us all that this is not normal crafts and isn't birds or a bug. Then, simply declares the video finding a UFO. (Picking great photo stills from the video that even look like the classic saucer UFO.)
Enough for the background - on to the real controversy - the counter report by `citizens' - ............ indeed, at least TWO groups of `citizens'. You see, not only did the citizen sleuth show up - the `professional' citizen sleuth - in the form of a professional `paranormal' research society investigative team showed up. Everyone armed with their video cameras and preconceived ideas and possible agendas.
Indeed, on the face of it - as an outside observer - it appeared to UDCC that each group was simply determined to show how inadequate of a job the MSM TV station had done; suspecting them to be doing it simply for ratings during the ratings sweeps. And, with that - let's turn to the counter view of the `follow up' proving event.
So, on the following Saturday and even other times - folks from the social/news site Reddit show up at the location with cameras running. Here is the thread on Reddit talking about the findings - Reddit Denver UFO Comments - if you read this link - you will find some of the following among the 167 comments.
1. As opposed to what the TV station said - the place had tons of bugs that could have entered the video panorama. (the original reporter had made some quip about the station not turning bugs into a UFO story). Oh, pictures of the bugs was offered as proof. Denver BUG UFO `Moneyshot'. As was this video of the area of the shooting - where you can hear the citizen sleuths meet up with other citizen sleuths. Video Of Field - With UFO Videographers Talking in background - seen by all of 267 folks and offering no proof of anything - the only comment says - `I was promised flies'.
2. One of the other groups was the paranormal investigators - Rocky Mountain Paranormal. Who was going to issue their own report - Paranormal Denver Report on Denver UFO. (We'll get to this in a moment.)
3. That some folks see a `thruster' in the original video when the craft turns - which others call a reflection - and that their was confusion that CNN sent a crew to cover this when it was CNN who simply ran the original Denver TV UFO report. Yes, stuff as basic as this can be misunderstood. It's also of interest that CNN ran the story about the FOX TV station that did the story first - was that to make Fox look stupid?
4. This comment about sums up the general Reddit view:
dontblamethehorse 14 points ago