Yes, only 10 days after the failed Blossom Goodchilds prediction of UFOs in America's skies over Alabama in 2008; 23 separate radar views over a couple hours of the skies of Western Pennslyvannia suggest that up to three dozen `targets were tracked from 2 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. at variable speeds ranging from 7 to 20 mph, and up to 40 mph at the top end. The objects flew at between 4,000 and 5,000 feet, which didn’t pose a traffic hazard for the known planes whose cruising altitudes were roughly 20,000 feet.'....the targets as “uncooperative,” meaning they had no transponders, and their signatures were different from “the four or five planes we had over that part of Pennsylvania during that time of night.” there is more at the link - including the radar shots. The article suggests it was almost a `survey' of the land below.
The worrisome aspect of the above report is that it suggests the `UFOs' DO indeed have signifcant `fleets' perhaps. The fact that this all occured over the cloudy skies is also perhaps telling. One thing for sure, the MSM may be willing to mention UFOs that seem less than threatening - but - up the ante to dozens cruising undisturbed in our airspace - and you certainly would run into a brick wall one would assume from the lamestream media in reporting such incidents. IMO.
As Clockers know, I have brought you access to the links that screamed `hoax' for the Jerusalem UFO/Orb event - but, have yet to run one here - so in the interest of being `fair' - to what ALSO could be a FAKE video - here goes:
Did you know that one of our Clockers, and frequent commenters, is an author of speculative fiction? Here is her website - you can find her book stuff in her sidebar -
Here's a strong view about the Jerusalem UFO -- another one who KNOWS -
The Revealing: The Time Is Now (Nephilim Series Vol. 3)
More Jerusalem UFO/Orb linkage - - YES, ON DEC. 16TH -- the very day of the OTHER Jerusalem Orb video - is the day CNN reported a UFO shot down over Israel. Could the video I ran the other day BE the shot down UFO? OMG.
So, Did anyone else see the Jerusalem UFO besides the videographers? - - A must read account by a NON video person.
Was it caught on a Webcam?
Webcam with panorama view of Jerusalem at time of UFO
Uploaded by Yahn25. - Explore more science and tech videos.
Thanks for being a Clocker!
Finally, Clockers have been buying this book on my recommendation this week Falling Star - and here is the promo: