So, now are left with a stunning array of DIFFERENT looking lights - from white balls of light high in the sky, that move or don't move - to other colors that seemingly due the same thing but with the colored balls sometimes a bit closer to Earth level. Sometimes these `balls' of light seemingly `form strings' of material, sometimes these `segments' even have rainbow like colors within each `showing'. These extensive balls/cubes/strings of lights can be even illicit the description as Space Worms or Sky Symbols. Humans like to look at fancy things.
And, perhaps, some of these balls of light have additional `programming' to move or drop or even to drop other balls of light. And, the big kahuna - the `lights' can form into some sort of continuum that allows the `interior' of that `triangle space' to SHOW a perception of a Triangle Craft. An impossibly low, impossibly slow moving, impossible to NOT have been seen by others both before your human sightings and after - Craft of some sort. (As we describe things that appear to be solid and moving as crafts when they appear in the sky.)
BUT, what IF, it is all about NOTHING more than `generating perceptions' within humans or even OTHER conscious beings on or near Earth. That SOMETHING `on the other side' has the ability to make projections INTO our perception structure. Something, that in my opinion (IMO) might seemingly be `becoming smarter, or `better' at making these projections into our reality spaces. (Yes, perhaps even human dreaming.)
Now, `the other side' could be ANY number of things from dead human consciousness evolving - to contact with `non now spaces' of any nature. And, yes, the `other side' may represent nothing more than blips or even intentional blips in the `programming' designed to tweek the human sense of wonder - the Fortean explanation.
So, to wrap up this little exercise - the images that could be projected as perceptions to humans - may be evolving in complexity and perhaps even with the ability to suggest a `proto-real' substance. IF these type of perceptions can be `climbed into' from the other side - what is `released here' - may account for all kinds of `alien contact'.
Your thoughts?
Speaking of thinking - our own MUZ - at his blog - 'Into The Faery Woods' - has unleashed a masterpiece a couple weeks ago called Apocalypse UFOs Psychedelics Aliens And Anthropocentrism and like a lot on UDCC is NOT for lightweights.