Just couldn't resist the headline today as a few thoughts popped into my mind prior to posting and deciding on a headline. Indeed, as the headline popped into my mind, it reminded me of certain meme's associated with the whole idea of `aliens' and just how advanced they have to be to have `gotten' to Earth. Oh, the marvel.....
Or, could it be that a minimum number have been here on Earth for a VERY long time? EONS perhaps. And, consequently, could have traveled at well below the speed of light at any time during the last 1/2 billion years or so into our area of the universe. Nonetheless, of course, an impressive accomplishment......... That said, perhaps it makes sense that the beings are sometimes described as `robotic' or at lacking emotions - how much of either would be helpful on trips of untold length and timing.
Would such a race of beings, hundreds of millions if not several billions of years cruising the `heavens' --- have had PLENTY OF time to `work out' science in all it's permeations? Would they really `need humans' for ANY type of experiments? Or, is it simply a matter of adding human data to the database as part of the scientific purpose of the mission.
Makes some sense. Especially when compared with at least a segment of what is reported to be `alien contact' `in space ships' that are seemingly in perpetual `operation-table mode'. But, why is this motif only arising in the human consciousness within the past 70 years? Or even more recently; -- IF the experience has any degree of objectivity in perception (the I am in a spaceship experience), and IF it isn't ONLY recent, wouldn't OLD TIME descriptions of the anomalous have had extremely similar descriptions? (IE: sparse room, table, strange creatures)
OR, how about an alternative explanation? One that means that `the aliens' `Didn't Travel Across The Galaxy' to `get here'? One that suggests that `the aliens' CAN BE (but are not usually) right here and right now, - but are usually elsewhere and elsewhen. An alternative suggestion that `the aliens' and the perception of such beings - may be more related to the consciousness of one or a group of individuals.
That `the aliens' are in a slightly different `space perception structure' - one with less consensus than our normal everyday reality of temporal objects. The reality the human mind has been conditioned to `view' since birth - but - perhaps, not the only structure of perception available. That `triggers' in the human mind can find on occasion a different reality to view (even in dreams; such as using `cues' to transform the perceptions and awareness of an `ordinary dream' INTO a `lucid dream' --- even a lucid dream with some control of the phenomenology.)
So, is it even MORE BIZARRE to think that `qualitative aliens' are engaging in these `space-ship examination table' perceptions? Or can these near dream like - hypnotized states - (often with missing REAL time when encountered in `awake' consciousness) - be some bizarre REAL movement by humans to a different perception structure?
Could it be the `qualitative aliens' DON'T need a `spaceship' for THEIR existence UNLESS they are trying to get to our common consensus area of perceptions? That the literal `Space-Ship' is used to peer into another `reality SPACE level of perception'? That `the spaceship' is PROTECTING them from `our type of space consensus'?
Finally, could this `qualitative space' be the `escape hatch' for `living beings' to explore as some sort of `endless nirvana'? One that for most human consciousness level beings is very limited - and perhaps very limited even after a `death'? Could that qualitative space be like any other in that it too has evolved over 13.7 billion years with the `beings' that were able to `access' this escape hatch? Beings who discovered that THAT qualitative space had no limitations such as `here and now'?
But, what are we to make of accounts by humans IF the above is the case? Why would `qualitative beings' need DNA or ANYTHING at all from humans? To give humans a permanent `home' in that `other space'? In an `other space' with a REAL phenomenology?
IF that was the case, perhaps the extremely vivid `dreams of abduction' which involve sex and fetuses - are for a purpose IN THAT REAL. .//////............ And that the `human females' that report such experiences shouldn't really be looking for some invasion of `hybrids' on our EARTHLY consensus of space - as much as a `breeder' for a different phenomenology of beings.
In other words, `hybrids' are NOT being bred to return to Earth - hybrids would be being bred to BE in the other special consensus of space. The type of space I call, via my Phillips Phenomenology, the `able to not be' space. A space that is a part of all of us and all things living or `dead' objects - a space that could be part of an evolutionary path of phenomenology itself.
Did you enjoy that ride?