Good Morning Clockers. IF you are new to UDCC today, thanks for your visit - bookmark this page and stick around as `stuff' happens nearly everyday in `UFOolgy'. Such as the video I have below:
Now, of interest, is that I found this video first on that website that has been `leaking' these old time `alien videos' (you know, the ones that somehow have the Roswell alien video as from 1942 and onward) -- dated 6-15. However, this possible source had it up on 6-14 - - has been a YT member just a few months (Nov2010) and has a treasure trove of `alien' videos. A 35 year old Australian (which could account for the date situation I suppose).
Anyway, like all the other so-called alien videos - this one - once again, is murky, and in less than ideal conditions. Suspicious to say the least but within the growing `alien disclosure' structure that seems to be presenting itself.
And, today's house desending UFO report from MUFON - - this one has to be a joke, right?
And right here is the % who thought the MSM gave the Weiner too much coverage -
Going slightly Solar In 2011?
Solar Fan Hat w/ Solar Panel on the Cap Front, White Color