So, I have a rare gem that I doubt you are going to be seeing featured on any other `UFO' blogging site..... you see, as a Redditor I frequently see on my Reddit front page stuff from the UFO category..... and what I saw was the claim of an anomalous photo of `who knows what' -- that picture from that posting is below:

And, I have to say that EXCEPT for the line of poop - these look nearly identical to `daytime orbs' that many folks photograph - especially over water like this.... makes one think that if a flock of birds was up and over the water that simply filming below them -- with the birds out of frame - could produce multiple images of `moving orbs'..... has someone figured this out and often is simply pulling the UFOlogy crowds chain? .... Oh, that's right - the above picture is the one claiming to be Orbs or the unknown.... but, this picture below... from the comments on the same thread at Reddit... clearly show the similarities:

Now, we've all known for quite sometime that a lot of sh.t is mixed in with all the `info' about the unknown and UFO's -- but this is taking it to a new, unexpected level.
A bit of levity and only for my private mailing list folks.
In other Real UFO Blogging News
As Clockers know, I recently featured the edgy Australian UFO scene of 2009 and into today 2014 -- and one of the feature Guys, especially right now, is a fellow named Peter Slattery (who I hope to have on an interview at some point) who is an Orb Videograher and now moving into being a point person for interviewing the other `alternative' voices on the UFO scene --- and while I somewhat mocked the edgy guests of Peters and the taking hook line and sinker some of the far out ideas of the alternative crowd.... perhaps I went a bit too far as he also in the video below takes on Stan Romanek (something not done too often beyond at UDCC) (the alien in the window guy and one of the talk circuit in UFOlogy):
Is This A Uri Geller - Johnny Carson Moment?
A VERY Interesting `About This Video' comment too at the above link.
A VERY Interesting `About This Video' comment too at the above link.
Thanks for your readership and interest on being on the private mailing listing..... oh, since I know this will be public in a day or two... you can join the private mailing list too via the sidebar - you will then need to accept the invite that sends.