Arizona - 11-9-11:
When taking my dog out into my back yard, I briefly noted what I initially perceived to be a plane. My back yard abuts a wide open and quite spacious state owned desert area with what I suppose one would call small mountains or very large hills. There's no available ground lighting in the area save for that of the housing in the neighborhood so it's ideal for watching the stars. When I returned my vision to that where I had seen the 'plane' it had not moved. I stopped and stared at the object for probably two or three minutes. I became keenly interested because I had always imagined that this would be a great property to seek out UFO's but I wasn't exactly prepared for what I was about to see. I ran back into the house to get my binoculars and when I returned the object had still not moved. When I put the optics to my eyes and focused, I saw what appeared to be a platform of sorts that had a red light on one end with large canister or rectangular shaped objects that were rotating and exhibiting brilliantly intense colors of red, reddish pink, blue, green, and amber. If I could relate it to something I know, I would say it was something like a ferris wheel tilted at a forty-five degree angle with only four or five seating cabins that each take turns changing colors. I wasn't fearful so much as I was fascinated as I watched it continue to do it's thing. I was upset that no one was there with me to watch so I decided that, even though my wife has a difficult time sleeping, I would go in and wake her. I went in and got her and, thankfully, she saw the same thing. She said,"It has all different colored lights and it's not moving." I sent her back into bed and called the nearby Wlliams Gateway Airport and asked if they could see the same thing and they stated they couldn't see it. As I was talking on the phone with them, I was looking around and trying to establish a distance and orientation from the moon or some other large star when I saw what I thought was another object exhibiting the same behavior. I concentrated on it for a moment and verified that, yes, it was doing the same thing. From my view, the second object appeared about a foot in perspective from the first. There was no way for me to determine the distance or altitude from me or any other point of reference. As I continued to look further, I was unnerved to find that there were no less than eight and possibly as many as twelve of these 'floating platforms' in the sky. I've gone out each successive night since then and found the same types of craft or images in different areas of the sky with the exception of two nights ago when it was overcast. I retrieved my neighbor last night and he confirmed the same thing. I really hope someone ....
Read Conclusion at http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=33353
And, how's this for a weird one from 1993 just reported:
After picking my daughter from school, we were walking through the highschool ballfield when we saw a huge shadow on the ground. When we looked up, we saw a circular shaped object (cerca 60 feet in diameter) hovering right over us(cerca 150 feet high). we were both frozen in schock and couldn't speak at all.The object was not producing any sound, we could just see the lights going around. In the middle, the object seemed to have a circular shape with spirals on the surface.Then my daughter tripped; trying to catch her, I looked down for couple of seconds. When we looked up again, the object was gone. I asked my daughter what she saw and to please draw a picture of the object. She drew exactly what I saw; I asked her to do this because I was not sure what exactly happened to us. We have not talked about this for a long time because it makes us very uncomfortable. I have always thought that UFO stories were a hoax, but I know now that they are real. I am unsure..why or what is happening, but this experience has affected my life in a way where all traditional beliefs that I had been raised with came tumbling down.
Link - http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=33354
Another Arizona Triangle seen yesterday and captured on photo Here - and, a close-up of a daytime Orb in Washington state On October 5th and this mysterious object showed up in a photo taken yesterday in Abilene Texas Daytime - Dark UFO Shape - one of those again `not seen' at the time of the photo being taken. The above were all on MUFON today.
Want to read about more weirdness in the skies of Upstate NY? Thought So. Found this on The Debris Field today. (see sidebar for link). Indeed, here is a book about the Hudson Valley UFO Experiences Of One Man.
Or perhaps you'd prefer something even further out:
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