Next - I update about 15-20 times a month at the Subreddit that I moderate on Reddit. It's called Strange State UFO - where I use the public MUFON database to it's full advantage. On Strange State UFO, a subreddit with over 500 subscribers in just the 11 months I've been building it, I FEATURE the MUFON reports that submit PICTURES or Videos. It's a damn cool place to check out UFO reports. ..... When you are there upvote, and leave some comments on the reports you find the most compelling.
Next, once again ON THIS BLOG (UDCC) - in the sidebar you will find the BEST STATE UFOs blogs - which feature ONLY UFOs from a particular state and generally ONLY the reports with pictures or videos - the very BEST pictures and videos (the others you will find daily on SSU above). This is a must if you live in one of the 17 States I've included so far. (Takes some time to set up blogs of course. And, this is about as many as I can handle.) These STATE UFO blogs may not update often BUT the updates are almost always worth it. Alabama Was The Last Update.
Again in the sidebar you will find my linkage to STATE UFO VIDEOS - about a 15 state series which features YOUTUBE UFO videos when it mattered what UFO videos were on YOUTUBE (before the takeover of FAKE UFO videos by UFO gathering sites). There you will see folks INTERACT with orbs, etc. Don't miss this. West Virginia Man Has Orbs Split On His Command.
Also, again in the sidebar here at UDCC you can find my `other UFO' blogs..... Strange UFO Stories ... and Amazing UFO Stories And Strange UFO Video which should fill your need for jaw dropping head scratching material to ponder. There are of course - other UFO links in my sidebar that any UFO surfer would find of interest.
So, it's Sunday - sitback and enjoy a real UFO blog - oh, and if you want you can always check out my Kindle UFO Books which are collections, generally, of my best and deepest material on UFOlogy.
I appreciate your interest in UFOlogy!