Was in my back yard sky watching with my best friend using night vision goggles when we observed 4 UFO,s directly over my home and then turn and fly towards La California. We were able to record some of the event. Adding footage to this report. we slowed the video down and you can also see another UFO pass over the other 4 at a very high rate of speed.We have been recording many UFOs in this area over the last thirty days. |

This is the Video Link - ETSKYWATCH.COM (space age type of positioning - lowers credibility a bit IMO)
Like many of the others we've seen and had on UDCC with the night vision `thing'. Could be all the same for all I know (not really). Obviously, the MSM avoids this type of UFO material and certainly what is being recorded COULD indeed be being driven by someone funded with your tax dollars - aliens are certainly not a given. Also, not to quibble - but, I'd say the video and picture shows ONE UFO (with four points) and not four distinct UFO's.
I have some very strong material up at Strange UFO Videos today - including TWO videos of the same strange event in Florida earlier this month (taken by same person). The video shows an Orb `Blowing UP And Turning Into Blue Mist.
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As I mentioned early in the summer, I am also now working on a new UDCC book of early posts - some great material. Expect to see that soon. (And read those early posts before they vanish from being FREE.) Dig into the archive for more.
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