As I mentioned in yesterdays post, IF the Israel UFO was a `hoax' - the time is waning short for the `hoax viral video maker' to step forward. Already, without more videos surfacing, it is apparent that the `shelf-life' of this event has reached or is reaching its expiration date. Perhaps more interesting is this strong feeling expressed by a comment in UDCC:
2) As to the hoax possibility, I think the biggest issue is not the resultant embarrassment and damage to the credibility of "believers", but the incalculable damage which will have been done to everyone's sense of trust, which is already in danger of disappearing. A hoax would be so harmful that if this does turn out to be a corporate publicity effort, we must take some kind of action that will make publicity-hungry businesses think twice before trying such a cynical publicity stunt.
If it turns out to be a publicity stunt, we have to hurt the hoaxer. By that I mean a massive, 100% punitive boycott of the product they're pushing. I know it's premature but I'm very worried about the fallout from a hoax. If it tuns out this has been done to promote a movie, we've got to do what we can to persuade the public NOT to reward it with their attendance. We have to persuade them to "vote with their dollars", and refuse to pay to see any movie that uses such a scummy scam as an apparently real UFO. It starts with us not going, and then spreading the word that no one in the "community" should support such a movie.
However, I surmise that more videos, if only city webcams or security cams, that caught the FLASH at the minimum, exist IF this is a real event. That said, at this point - anyone who had OTHER VIDEOS of the event surely know they are marketable. Worth dollars. So, why post to the world in a free public forum.
Then again, how many videos exist of any public event at 1:00 AM `by bystanders'? (Remember, the golden number of 1 AM videos demanded by Discover.Com for such an event to be real is evidently in excess of a DOZEN) -- (Oh, and let's not forget about the need for a tripod to stop that shakiness in the video to address the concerns of About.Com).
Okay, that was a lead on to TODAY'S JERUSALEM UFO/ORB VIDEO -- I'm calling this one the `impossible flash' which one of my readers sent to me. The link, again, on YouTube, is the effort of someone to see if any Israel Webcams might have caught the Saturday Morning Event.
And, amazingly, as you will see in the video - a Flash - supposedly in the same location as the UFO (via google earth) - that according to the date of the video is almost exactly 24 hours in advance of the `event'. (The person submitting the video thought it was the event but the date is wrong or different on the video camera --- that said, I have seen claims that when videotaping paranormal it can affect such things as displays.)
So, put this somewhere in the matrix web of your mind that responds to the words `Jerusalem UFO': All of less than 700 Views when posted before 10:28 AM.
Here's the verbage with the video post:
I went to this website and typed in the date as follows 28-01-2011. Also on this website you can get the location of the camera, the manager of the states that camera looks north, so using google earth I typed in the location of the web cam and looking north The Dome of the Rock is within the range of the cam, although it is distant and hidden by the old wall of the city and The King David Hotel. At 00:57:59, or 12:57:59 a.m. (on the webcam time) you see to the right of the screen over where the DOR is a bright light that disappears.I hope this shows what I mean accurately, all credit to the original filmers of this event. Never tried to make my own video so here it is for what it's worth. The only edit I did was shortening the webcam video. You can do all this yourself and find what I found. Peace.
How many little links of meaning exist for any given event?
My bet, on this particular video is that - wrong day, big co-incidence - but, who knows in this Fortean World.
Thanks for being a Clocker! A Leader!
Three Folks bought this Thriller I've recommended in the last two days - it mixes a storyline that includes aliens and the year 2013 - the reviews are awesome - he's a new writer - Falling Star - check it out, the E-book is like a buck. Paperback available.
Wrote this yesterday --