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Welcome to UFOvideo.com
Tuesday 02 October 2012 - 10:40:24 | red
UFOvideo.com first started back in 1996 as a spin off of the Ovnichapterhouse. It went threw many different looks and upgrades. Some of those older styles I might upload later. Anyway I took the site offline in 2003 and kept it asleep for nearly ten years. Now it's time to bring it back and keep it updated with the latest UFOvideo news!
UFOvideo.com first started back in 1996 as a spin off of the Ovnichapterhouse. It went threw many different looks and upgrades. Some of those older styles I might upload later. Anyway I took the site offline in 2003 and kept it asleep for nearly ten years. Now it's time to bring it back and keep it updated with the latest UFOvideo news!
(No Description Statement At Blog Heading)
What a handle right? UFOVideo.Com - but, despite the ambitious statement above... only one post since Oct. 2013. That said, the page opens with SEVEN UFO videos from YouTube the most recent one from 1/22/14. Indeed, the 2014 video comprises the first TWO videos (part one and two) and is about a 'Daylight Disk Over Mexico' (BTW, this person provides NO manner to link to each individual post - strange). The first thing I can say about UFO Video is that `like UDCC' they link to the original Uploader on the first video (2 videos) - and this is The UFO Uploader.... what isn't natural is that this guys first video (the one featured first here) is part of a whole channel of UFOs that he has captured in just the last month since this ORIGINAL video (did something go to his head with 44k views and a 20/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion with that first video?) BTW, at his YT channel you can find a number of daytime Orb videos in just the last month of short duration too. HMM.
Here's the Video (part one)
It's a pretty strange video indeed.
Frankly, his second video #2 on the website to some may be even more Impressive.
So, UFO Video (Dot Com) passes the first hurdle in giving the sourcing.... at least. But, like TPOM yesterday, it a website DEVOID of any real serious analysis of the whole phenomena. But, back to the UFO Videos - #3 on the website from 10/16/13 is the over the top and IMO VERY QUESTIONABLE Two Planes Escorting A Triangle UFO, nearly 200K views and about a 2/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion - video that was supposedly shot in Aug. 2013 with this rap:
This video was recorded on August 2013 from a highrise apartment in New Jersey. This brief video shows a triangular shaped unknown object being escorted by two jets. There have been rumors of the US military having a triangular shaped object for decades. Many researchers often refer to it as the 'TR-3B'.
By the shear amount of drones the military currently has flying around the planet. It's a pretty safe bet at this point that the military does have more classified UFO looking aircraft in it's fleet. I'm not clear why they would fly something like this around in the daytime with nearly everyone carrying high definition cellphones cameras in their pockets.
A source of mine who was in the military says jets escorting new experimental aircraft are not there to protect it from a curious public in case it where to malfunction and crash. There main purpose would be to shoot it down in case the pilot in the experimental government looking UFO decides to try and steal it and defect to another country. This is a common sense practical way to deal with not letting your best gear fall into the hands of the enemy. (Say What?) Destroying top secret aircraft was done during the raid on Osama Bin Laden's house in Pakistan when the Navy Seals blew up their crashed stealth helicopter.
The two jets don't look like they are fighter jets armed and ready to bring down an aircraft from the looks of the video. This is all assuming the video is legit and not some computer fabrication. The video was submitted anonymously to a Youtube channel.
For all you readers of this website, this is a common catch 22 problem in the UFO field. If you publish your evidence anonymously, then your evidence don't carry much weight. If you go public with your real name and face it helps with the credibility of your evidence but comes with some nasty name calling by some trolls and so it's up to YOU to decide if it's worth it.
I've met many UFO hunters and skywatchers over the years. Some went public and had to deal with trolls, debunkers, con men and general pessimistic assholes. Others never had to deal with any of that at all.
By the shear amount of drones the military currently has flying around the planet. It's a pretty safe bet at this point that the military does have more classified UFO looking aircraft in it's fleet. I'm not clear why they would fly something like this around in the daytime with nearly everyone carrying high definition cellphones cameras in their pockets.
A source of mine who was in the military says jets escorting new experimental aircraft are not there to protect it from a curious public in case it where to malfunction and crash. There main purpose would be to shoot it down in case the pilot in the experimental government looking UFO decides to try and steal it and defect to another country. This is a common sense practical way to deal with not letting your best gear fall into the hands of the enemy. (Say What?) Destroying top secret aircraft was done during the raid on Osama Bin Laden's house in Pakistan when the Navy Seals blew up their crashed stealth helicopter.
The two jets don't look like they are fighter jets armed and ready to bring down an aircraft from the looks of the video. This is all assuming the video is legit and not some computer fabrication. The video was submitted anonymously to a Youtube channel.
For all you readers of this website, this is a common catch 22 problem in the UFO field. If you publish your evidence anonymously, then your evidence don't carry much weight. If you go public with your real name and face it helps with the credibility of your evidence but comes with some nasty name calling by some trolls and so it's up to YOU to decide if it's worth it.
I've met many UFO hunters and skywatchers over the years. Some went public and had to deal with trolls, debunkers, con men and general pessimistic assholes. Others never had to deal with any of that at all.
Now, at the video itself - Once Again FROM A GATHERING SITE Look Now TV (147 vids) - it says the below:
Published on Aug 30, 2013
Ufo Sighting filmed in August, 2013. This Ufo sighting was recorded from the high floors of a luxury condominium, on the New Jersey shore. This video reveals a Triangle shaped Ufo. This sensational video was filmed by a couple that wants to remain anonymous. The person recording the tape added that the Ufo and planes were moving really fast, and that's why they were not able to keep them in focus for a long period of time. You can hear the person filming was having difficulty with focusing in on the object. You can clearly see a Ufo being escorted by two dark aircraft. On the audio of this Ufo video, the person recording the sighting can be heard asking, " Is that one of them government drone things?". Thank you for watching. As always, you decide!
So, IMO, on the above video, UFO Video fails in mentioning the source - the gathering site with what appears to be less than credible stuff.
And, on to video #4 on the front page of UFO Video - 10/15/13 - and yes, it's once again the featuring of a UFO Gathering site (110 videos) this one called Finding UFOs which has 2,900 subscribers and about 600K views (and accepts BITCOIN donations btw) -
Anyway, video four is These Orbs Over Australia - UNATTRIBUTED AGAIN. iT IS AN INTERESTING VIDEO and worth your time IMO. 149K views and about a 35/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion.
The comments suggest flares or an RC - I'm not so sure, but, the angle on it, strangely to me, sure seems to go from VERY close to somewhat far IMO.
UFO Video only gives the source - Finding UFOs - and doesn't mention anything about such sourcing of UFO videos.
Can you make it through THREE MORE?
#5 (from 6-11-13) 94k Views - About A 5-1 Positive To Negative Ratio Of Public Opinion but again, on a Gathering Site which AGAIN isn't mentioned by UFO Video. The Gathering site UFO BOOK has 15 videos currently and claims `Audio Color World' owns the distribution rights on all uploaded UFO videos on their channel - this one being the most popular of the 15 they have by far. UFO Book started 11 months ago and stopped 4 months ago and have a LOT of fake looking screen captures IMO.
UFObook is a "Latest UFO" channel on YouTube. Our goal is it to upload real UFO sightings because with today's modern Computer technology you can fake many things. Audio Color World own all distribution rights of the uploaded videos on our YouTube channel. If you like to use videos for uploads or commercial use please contact "info@audiocolorworld.com"

(Hey Isn't That The Fake Cabot UFO From 2008?)
#6 & #7 - June 4th, 2013 UFO Flies Into A Volcano -
This was recorded on May 30, 2013 of a UFO flying into Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano. It was recorded at 8:30 PM with a low light camera a Mexican media company named Televisa, which monitors the volacano 30 miles south of Mexico City. The video is time lapsed so the video above makes it appear to move faster than it actually occurred.
The volcano Popocatepetl is no stranger to UFO activity. It's been a hot bed for sightings over the years.
In 2012 2 UFOs were recorded near the volcano and one object looks like it also might have went into the volcano.
The volcano Popocatepetl is no stranger to UFO activity. It's been a hot bed for sightings over the years.
In 2012 2 UFOs were recorded near the volcano and one object looks like it also might have went into the volcano.
The link, once again (for #6) goes to yet another Gathering Site TheLifeBeyondEarth - With 146 Videos (which actually has some cool stuff and not all is UFO stuff) - The volcano video Seen Here is actually pretty good and is part of a newscast. Worth your time - what are Orbs doing this for? 700K views, and a 10-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion.
#7 was the 2012 version of the UFO and the Popocatepetl Volcano - UFO Video links to it here at yet again another gathering site called StephenHannardADGUK - (Alien Disclosure Group UK) - with 203 Videos - Many Over The Top (so to speak). 48,000 subscribers, 76 MILLION PAGE VIEWS.
For example, note the cover pic on one video about an alien grey being photographed in the woods

Totally, UFO Video.Com has about 15 videos, an empty forum and no personal info.
Quite a choice for Google to suggest for the UFO saga? But, IF you want kinda lazy blogging depending on questionable sources, with no indepth thinking exhibited ... this just might be for you.
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