We will start our review of the LMR's with the headline picture:

(blow-up is better with above original link)
yes, it's that smudge above the mountain horizon straight ahead
Today's Featured Orb Report (via LMR's)
Having just left a weekly discussion group meeting along Constitution Ave on Lummi Island WA, approximately 1/4 mile from the islands general store and ferry crossing dock, I turned right on Constitution when I saw a red glowing orb-like light, perhaps 3-5 feet in diameter, hovering 5 feet above road level about 75 feet ahead of me. At first it appeared stationary and I thought it might be some odd glow from a house light, but as I accelerated west on Constitution it began moving ahead of me in apparent unison/speed with my car now up to 20 mph. This 2-lane road cuts through thick, tall trees and passes just one house for approximately 1/4 mile before a 90-degree right turn--and its very dark on Lummi Island--so once Id passed that house (and its one porch light) I knew this red light orb couldnt be attributed to any manmade light or reflection. It continued ahead of me on the road, its red light glowing into the trees it passed, for perhaps 20 seconds when--still about 75 feet ahead of my car--it followed the roads path taking a sharp left turn and disappeared behind the trees at that corner. The red glow of its lights increased there, leaving a short trail in its path and bathing the trees on both sides of the road perhaps halfway or further up those tall Douglas firs. I accelerated to that corner to try and re-establish visual contact, but it was gone by the time I made the turn which is about 50 feet from the entrance to The Tree Frog Farms entrance gate. Throughout this experience I felt that rush of excitement combined with fear that I might be seeing non-human, at first unsure but then fear rose and goosebumps up my spine when I saw that not only was it moving, but apparently tracking my speed as it kept the same distance from my car down the road. I wondered if it was possibly the light on the back of very fast bicyclist, or single tail light of a car driving with its headlights off--but when it made that sharp left turn and accelerated like no bike or even fast car could around that corner, I knew it was something else. And that stunned me. I stopped my car well past Tree Frog Farm, where the road cuts through a clearing beside a field about 1/4 mile from my cabin, when I realized Id lost the red glowing orb. My thoughts raced, and I wondered if there could be any connection between this lights appearance and the fact our discussion group had just been talking about the possibility of UFOs on Lummi Island. One member had been describing her experience of living there many years before when the Navy had actually dived to investigate a famous UFO sighting (it had dived into the waters just south of Lummi, I believe back in the 60s or 70s. I will never forget that experience (and another I had on LUmmi a year later, which Ill detail in next submission here). Sorry Im just now reporting it 10 years later, but I just now heard of MUFON on Coast To Coast recently and thought I should mention it.) |
I absolutely love the UFO connection to prior `discussion' about such phenomena. Also, as Clockers know, on very rare occasions the Orb experience will seemingly include `pacing a car' ---- haven't seen too many red Orbs so alive. The above event occurred in 2003 in Washington State.
Other Citizen Reports Of UFO Found At MUFON Today
Today's Featured `Alien' Report (via LMR's)
1989 Chelsea Michigan
(from the actual pre-description at MUFON)
{dr}Since i was a little girl there have be many objects observed in my grandmas back yard some so scary my grandpa and i would hurry into the house. when i was around 19, i woke up with 4 of (them) around my bed i could not speak or move for awhile.. ,
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