9 days of sightings of 50+ crafts with no sound in close proximity to me with witness of head-on collision and shooting of another craft.
And, the link is even `worse' as far as claims Pennsylvania `UFO's
So, the lady is in touch with MUFON who is coming to investigate (who wouldn't with this description, right?) and record the visuals too. And, the lady has 10 videos uploaded in the last few days of which I bring you one below: All of 10 views upon my posting:
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfG9XIaozA0&feature=plcp
If you took the time with the video above - I think you are less than impressed as I was - as obviously, these folks, if they are capturing ANYTHING, are capturing an ORB display and NOT CRAFTS. ------------------ Then again, the MSM doesn't even acknowledge the Orb phenomena at all and we end up with this uninformed point of view.
Indeed, IMO, these aren't even `operating' like normal Orbs if there is such a thing and almost look like Fireflies (lightning bugs) to me. Now, all that said, maybe somewhere in these 10 videos is something worthwhile - good luck at finding it in her collection.
Big claims, tiny proof - the UFOlogy mode of operation in 2012.
One of the ideas I like about `where are they' concerning aliens if the universe is teeming with life - is the idea that we indeed may be among the FIRST intelligent life in this area of the universe - The `Heavy' Elements May Make It So - as the universe has only had them for about 7-9 billion years.
A couple days ago I pointed out the fact that the 2012'ers are probably getting a bit nervous about 2012 NOT being the end. And, that the 2012 BLOGS have been `dropping out' or slowing down in their postings. Here's one with a GREAT NAME that fizzled out in 2010 Timewave - 2012 - I love the line that we are heading to the end of our 3D existence. Oh, here's Another One.
My Kindle Book about the 2006 O'Hare UFO Incident has been top 100 paid UFO books for multiple days now - it's 99 cents and is my value book of all my books - check it out with a click of the book's cover below:
Two More To Check Out Below:
Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II
Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena
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