Alright, as promised yesterday - today I will comment about the apparent phenomena of cattle mutilations and such - a subject that Clockers are aware I rarely to never venture into. Indeed, to some of you I'm betting that my overall read here at UDCC is to have it `both ways' in a sense on aliens - and indeed you are right about that. As you know I nearly always discount the `bedroom' alien theme as being part of our objective reality - yet, have told you that indeed I believe that there probably are a limited number of non-human physical entities in Earthly contact too - with even fewer of these entities within `space craft'.
However, frankly, it doesn't make much sense that these non-human physical entities are totally biological, if at all biological IMO - as any `travel' within even our own Milky Way at speeds below light speed are prohibitive to `living' creatures needing reproduction and a `sustaining population base' to continue their existence. So, my basic assumption is that extremely FEW `races-species' are here - if any honestly. That said, I DO believe that the more `non-biological' the operators of `space craft' are - that the more of them is possible (as more could be from outside of the area of influence of humans at this point - the outer reaches of our radio waves from back in the 1920's and such).
So, COULD there indeed be `space craft' that cruise our skies - with NON humans - who may be doing something beyond belief (such as the bloodless surgeries) to our livestock? - I'd have to say that the evidence suggests that is the case. Evidence that obviously is so `nasty' to the `consensus viewpoint' of the mainstream media, that they simply largely avoid the topic altogether - as it suggests a human underground black budget beyond belief and abilities - or an alien presence in our very skies. Neither of which is the stuff of selling brand name packaged goods to mothers 25-34 for advertising purposes.
Heck, I avoid talking about it myself.
So, I'm going to provide some background from Wiki and intersperse it with other `proofs' of points of view on the matter and my own comments and analysis too. (I've been sitting on this stuff all week already from the distaste of tackling this issue for Clockers.) Here's the Wikipedia Link which reviews the literature and research into the phenomena - it's a quick read relatively. All the possibilities are there from Unknown animals doing the mutilation to humans to aliens to natural causes. (From Wiki)
A hallmark of these incidents is the reportedly surgical nature of the mutilation, and unexplained phenomena such as the complete draining of the animal's blood, loss of internal organs with no obvious point of entry, and surgically precise removal of the reproductive organs and anal coring. Another reported event is that the animal is found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when it is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds tend to be cauterized by an intense heat and made by very sharp/precise instruments, with no bleeding evident. Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner, consistent across cases, such as removal of flesh from around the jaw exposing the mandible.
Humans include the underground activities of our government or someones government - to cults (the 1970's favorite that I remember being trotted out by the MSM as the reason). Unknown animals being credited for the phenomena include the Chupacabra - and as I said, aliens.
Some of the most unusual findings the research on the mutilated animals and general research into the phenomena would be:
* avoidance by large scavengers like coyotes, bobcats and such
* absence of tracks - bones broken as if carcass was dropped from height
* some samples devoid of copper - high levels of zinc, potassium and phosphorus
*levels of radiation
Yes, there are some indications of black military helicopters and unknown aircraft..... there is also the one mutilation that happened in the same field that was being worked by ranchers at a close distance. Meaning... that it simply appeared almost.
Oh, and then there's that 1967 study by the FBI funded with all of 44K in cash.
The alien side?
Various hypotheses suggest cattle mutilations have been committed by aliens gathering genetic material for unknown purposes. Most of these hypotheses are based on the premise that earthly entities could not perform such clean dissections in such a short space of time without being seen or leaving evidence behind at the mutilation site, and around laboratory reports suggesting the use of unconventional cutting tools and other unexpected phenomena.[citation needed] Numerous speculative theories abound, but others center on possible specific nutrient requisites, hormone procurement, species propagation (reproduction), and rote experimentation on mammalian populations.[citation needed]
Now what else did I find?
Well in 2009 Paranormal People Online did this review of
much of the same info.. coming to this conclusion:
At some point in our not-so-distant past the faculty of some unknown and mysterious entity or complex took to abducting and mutilating cattle for whatever purpose; whether every report of such activity is a true and accurate measurement of that entity’s scale and capacity is in question, but in-so-far as no plausible explanation has been put forward in the 40 some years since ‘Snippy’s’ unfortunate demise, we can safely say that whatever is going on, it remains organized and holds a consistent but evolving methodology.
And, for real discussion of the alien possibilities - see the comments at this 15-1 positive to negative public vote with 5K views by Linda Howe - a well known researcher into the phenomena: Got 2 hours?
So it's either the military up to some shady stuff or there's an extraterrestrial element to it. This is far too widespread and technical to be a "cult" or "predators". Or something far too strange to imagine
Yeah, I've used the ONE comment at the YouTube video to be my sum up of the situation - something that comes from the sky is the culprit here.
(Or, is it just Fortean?)
On a sidenote - this website - was still pushing the BS Ukraine UFO as legit in late March The One I Proved Was Crappola and all smoke and mirrors of the disinfo folks.
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
So, as you can see I've installed a new stats counter - I'll be moving it down the page soon. Wanted to compare the various ones already on the site and am a softy for the numbers..... I also wanted to thanks recent book purchasers too - including those who took advantage of the `limited time specials' that Amazon now lets Authors do at any time - so, please - check out my books My Author Page.
so, then, I entered `alien extreme' into the Amazon Search Box