As many Clockers know (to newbies, Clockers are the regular readers of UDCC) Muzuzuzus, a Clocker and intense blogger in his own right, occasionally sticks his mind into the dialog at UDCC in a thoughtful `big idea' manner. He's one of the few who I've invited to do an occasion post here at UDCC if they wanted (never can seem to come up with MUZ sending me his e-mail to
And, like most of us, (that's me and you, the reader) - folks only have so much time for reading blogs on the internet - so, it's probably been 8-10 weeks since I've been over to MUZ's blog called `Into the faery woods'. But, as usual, MUZ's last post, like nearly all of his occasional posts (I'm reminded of my own blog The Heavy Stuff) at ITFW are meant to stir your mind and present the proof - so to speak.
So, with that as a backdrop - and with a snippet or two below to serve as a tease - I send you to MUZ's Blog For His Latest Thoughts about TED and the censoring of information with questions the common consensus paradigm:
" Graham Hancock, for example, in his talk, brings to peoples attention about the so-called war on drugs, which includes a war on psychedelics and the war on the freedom to explore our consciousness, and rightly emphasizes that if we are not sovereign over our own minds then we are not free in any way whatsoever."
"This drama coincides with stuff I have been thinking about of the lst few weeks, and also planning on doing a post about this exploration. I thought of the theme of how the emergence of modern science starts with Galileo and his tele~scope, This instrument is an aid for his nervous system to explore deeper into outer space. What he discovered verified the findings of......"
As is obvious MUZ sees clearly some of the bigger issues facing those that question the `system of thought' that prevails in the world today. His whole blog has ideas this heavy that you will want to explore.
It's the weekend.... you have the time.
The UFO Disclosure Destruction Papers
And, check out my latest UFO book in 2013.
As Clockers know, in the past I have occasionally featured the `followers' of this blog and THIER blogs (as many are bloggers who read blogs) too. That is, those still blogging. Because, as many of you are certainly aware of by now - it seems that blogs by individuals, often your favorite blogs for providing opinion into a subject matter you have an interest in - simply fade away at one point or another - and for a variety of reasons bigger than any list could create. BUT, one reason they fade away, a compelling reason, is to think that the words and opinions offered to the public simply are not having an impact worthy of the time-spent creating the phenomenology of the words on a page.
And, rather than fade away (since UFO disclosure has already occurred in the good ole USA) with the continued diminishing coverage of UFO's or frankly any BIGGER issues of the world or bigger issues of being humans in this world (freedom of our consciousnesses for one) by our beyond senseless mainstream media --- I am boldly moving one blog - THIS BLOG - into a new space of positioning. (Most of you are aware I do other blogs including other UFO blogs - so, it's not like I will be vanishing.)
I expect it will be `more interactive' with folks who will feel like they are part of something `inner' and more exclusive - because it will be. I have been mulling many ideas over for how to interact better with my readers over the next phase of UDCC - especially readers who are on the private listing that I am creating via MailChimp.
Clockers, Click Here To Put Your E-Mail Onto The Sign In Private List For UDCC
By supplying me your e-mail for this listing - I will then be able to put you onto my special `private' list - who will be able to log into UDCC on `private days' --- which will gradually be happening as you come to UDCC over 2013. Heck, you don't even have to provide your name (but, I'd prefer that you do and can and will stratify the list based on identification too) to be put onto the private list. Indeed, a make up name is also fine so that you have an identity. Also, with your e-mail, I will be able to pre-approve occasional POSTS BY `PRIVATE MEMBERS' who wish to opine about UFO's or the anomalous world.
I assure readers on my private list will have a better UDCC experience and something different than what you will find almost anywhere else as I head into this experiment. Again, get onto this list, which will take you 10 seconds to type an E-Mail address and read my statement to you - With One Click Here. Much appreciated..
========================================...........== Oh, and remember -- NO CHARGE. to sign up and cancel at any time.............. I'm about to make my first outreach to the people already on the list with what is to come.... please sign up.