Thank the almighty that the loonies have been reduced in 2015.
Ready for links today?
besides, one of his sidekicks I've known since he was a kid
Walks the talk
some of the initial categories of thought covered in excepts below
.....We will also have a go at some better definitions for such things as charge, potential, energy, time, mind, thought, etc. Slowly we'll put up - and develop - a special glossary.
We'll even have a go at pointing out suggested changes in Aristotelian logic and some of its shortcomings.
And interspersed throughout the material will be suitable reference citations. These will help the reader to see what influenced my thinking, and let him or her go back to the original source to see if it really does say what I say that it did. This way, the reader can make up his or her own mind about those points and those references.....Next we will address the nature of mind, thought, mind operations, and the mind-body connection. We will particularly deal with the type of radically extended electrodynamics required, including transverse, longitudinal, and time-polarized EM waves and photons. In addition, we will address the “infolded” internal longitudinal EM waves, currents, and energy inside all normal EM waves, potentials, and fields. What is in the present textbook are only the “surface manifestations” of a vast, hidden, superelectromagnetics for which all conventional EM entities (fields, waves, potentials) inside matter and in space are just superhighways....
On the above the table of contents is one click away at the bottom of the page. Sorry if you came here for a simple read.
Guess that'll do for a Monday