No, I'm not talking about the CIRCLE chemtrail phenomena - which is indeed rare and why I bring it to my readers today; no, I'm simply talking about observing ABSURD chemtrail phenomena in the skies - which I regularly talk about in these pages. Indeed, I've even featured some of my own Chemtrail pictures in this blog and am currently featuring a buddies picture of Chemtrails in the skies above Manhattan where he lives and is ONLY NOW becoming aware of the phenomena --- despite it going on now for about 17 years.
Yet, he still is on the front edge of folks even remotely concerned - as the silence from our MSM is beyond plausible - it's quite obvious. How else can you have in the Atlanta area a North Carolina blue sky with not a wisp in the sky --- despite 100's and 100's of take offs and landing withing the previous few hours - and then - suddenly ONE plane comes across the sky and dumps a THICK AND LASTING cloud for all to see - AND NOT HAVE THE MEDIA EVEN SLIGHTLY INTERESTED?
The only way how is that they are told to not cover the phenomena.
So, this was the poorly written three sentence description of watching the Absurd `cam trail' Grow and below is the Absurd Chemtrail Picture:
But, if you prefer the REAL `camera trail picture' to fill your lust for the anomalous - welcome to a MUFON report from Nixon Texas - with three cam trail pictures - of what was first a little THREE light object the size of your fist and then becomes a solid white light in another - I'll bring to you the Small Three Light Orb Object (Or Drone)
If you really want to know what I think about the Chemtrail situation - please read my E-Book on the subject - check it out with simply one click:
Excuse me while I slip a bit on this slope.
So, it's an American holiday and you might have time for an excellent ORB/Craft tale that happened repeatedly in Illinois years ago (would be of major interest to know if it is still observed). The repeated sightings propelled this guy into UFOlogy - he seems serious. One of the few perhaps worth a listen: (except from story)
That night I pondered on what it was that made the object appear so strange, then it occurred to me. First of all, this object defied my senses in that it flew and hovered without making any sounds, yet it wasn't a balloon as it had flown against the wind and could hover in a rock solid hover wherever it stopped. Second, the object was bright to look at, bright enough that it should have lit up the entire town but it didn't and this was not natural.
At that time I didn't understand how this craft could accomplish these things but the close up sighting of this object stirred my interests until I have been on a quest for answers all these many years. I believe that I may have found some explanations for how this craft was able to do these things and I will share these thoughts with you.
I try to keep up with the popular programs that deal with the subject of UFO's and paranormal phenomena but I recently bought a video tape called the "Lazar Tape". The Lazar Tape is produced byRobert Lazar who says he worked for the Government on above top secret flying saucer project at area S-4 South of Area 51 in the Groom Lake area of Nevada. In this tape, Robert Lazar describes the propulsion system inside one of these craft. He tells how it works and why it doesn't make any sounds that could be detected by the human ear. He also tells ...
Full Story and Website Here
Is Every Thought You Have Controlled? - BY THEM?
Pretty dangerous link above - don't you think? LOL.
Finally, please check out my Kindle Author Page - the BIG FREE day hadn't arrived as of yesterday - is it today? Remember, it will NOT be announced in advance.
Please Share This Post Via The Share To Media Buttons Below - Do Your Part To Spread The Word About Chemtrails - Finally, my thanks to those that came to UDCC yesterday from the NYC area from listening to the Kate Valentine UFO Show. Thanks. Welcome back.