I have quite a story today for readers of UDCC IMO - I hope you enjoy what my `Orb Search' for today produced for you to consider intellectually. AND, for the first time to my knowledge, a NEW internet/(cable?) service to track the nighttime skies in a `scientific' manner to lend - near certainty about the `ORBS' that seem to be increasingly caught on camera - as cameras increase. Orbs, that often `come regularly' to many so-called `callers' - or Orbs that simply `react' or seemingly `occupy space' related to everything from dead spirits, to mountains, even to the desires of individuals and somewhat often to mass consciousnesses of humans. (Think of the Obama Orbs. Mexican eclipse Orbs. And so on.) As what happened in this case, perhaps. (Unless you love co-incidences of anomalous events to special consensus human gathering events.)
(Sorry about having to link to Examiner articles due to the pop-ups there - but, remember, at least they pay their writers by the post. Anyway, the pop-ups aren't quite as bad as before and should not be a reason to avoid this important story if you want more details).
So, here's what I found; this new `sky observation service' is just getting underway ---- and has already caught at least TWO exceptional proofs of `ORBs' high in the sky. The one, as the headline suggests - evidently occurring minutes after the finale of an annual Fireworks display watched by over a million folks on a Saturday evening.
Seems that at that moment, shortly after the release of that human emotions highlight - an ORB appears in the sky and marches across the entire sky; - the ORB also caught by this `sky watching service' - which checks against KNOWN sky objects locations, and that confirms this was an unexpected sky object. Unexpected as in Unknown. Additional measurements confirmed the objects variety of brightness flashes.
So, if one is ready to accept a new level of `science' being applied to the evening skies - and willing to accept a YouTube channel called Secret Message TV - then, a new level of proof about Orbs, or at least more confirmation type evidence, IF so, then this video and service may be a game changer. Only about 3,800 views as of posting a few days ago.
Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PzMnGQ1aoSQ
Examiner Hattip - http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-vancouver/ufo-on-live-skycam-celebration-of-light-post-show-finale (most of this is nothing more than the verbage of the video itself which is worth watching above)
Link - http://ustream.tv/ (the pay service I believe that archives the night sky)
Link - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/vancouver-ufo-skywatch
Then, as if the above wasn't of high interest above, on the same night, comes this other Examiner story of a later(?) success of the nightsky tracking service (and remember, this stuff is just starting) - in tracking an ORB that simply flashed out. http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-vancouver/ufo-vanishes-on-live-vancouver-ustream-skycam (with video) The link also explains in more detail how the cam works and it's power of magnitude. Can the time be long before multiple Orbs, or Orbs that emit other Orbs, be far away(?) and, are caught on this cam service? Are Orbs about to be `outed'?
Will `Orbs' tend to be more anomalous or more `craft' oriented in nature? Without question, I believe we may see, and be reading more about, the Vancouver skies in the near and upcoming future.
Leave it to the Canadians and free enterprise.
Oh, one more interesting `twist' - it seems this fireworks display that was watched by over a million folks, had a light show within it too. To which, an award went to a Chineese light show as being perfect. To which, is connected the Chineese idea that fireworks themselves - the sound of the bang - releases human energy. Just sayin.
So, I hope you found the story of interest - but, let me tell you, I've got something coming that is of strong interest that I alluded to yesterday in the Jerusalem Orb review in my update of that post. Indeed, at the moment it is a two parter, a rarity around here, and will probably post this weekend. Stay tuned.
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