Yes, the morning of 3-8-11 has arrived on the east coast of America - I see no world stopping headlines about UFO confirmation by the world leaders - on the MSM news. That said, the headlines above - do go part of the way that Lujan Matus indicated would happen this week. (Is it possible these were the `culmination' vibes?) However, that said, NOTHING is changed by either headline; as the UK already released documents prior to these, and, while interesting - the documents somehow are `missing' their most famous UFO case - and as always with SOFT Disclosure NO official leader going THEY EXIST; and, as far as the Clinton's go (you do remember that stupid video of B.Clinton he-hawing about how he couldn't find UFO info out even as Pres.) - the fact that Hilliary was photographed on the Rockefeller estate HOLDING a UFO book, is old news.
All that said, my UFO searches this week have been quite fruitful with more posted at The AnomalyMan Listing and I will even have `new' words from Lujan Matus that I will be posting later too. And, as you can see from the headline of the video below - today is the day. (they change this headline date each day btw)
Here's the Fox News coverage:
And, here is a link to the best overview of the whole `Life Is Found Elsewhere' - Scientist Style - Includes the Research Paper and more:
Finally, Clockers, I am still putting together the Jerusalem Event overview - who knows, might today hold another posting? And, will coverage of the confirmation of UFOs come from the skies, with silver orbs, or the silver screen of TV - stay tuned.
Oh, The Event started on TV last night in America.
The book that Lujan Matus said 2011 was the year - The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus