By that I mean and explained - the government would have a time setting based on their latest official stance and statements by Phil Larson in 2011. Likewise, the lamestream media would also have `time setting'; and perhaps most importantly `the phenomena itself' would have an apparent time setting too. And yes, other factors, will have a combined `time setting', such as the current ideas of religion and science and the internet itself, upon the idea of UFO or Orb or Alien Disclosure. (Exopolitics too wherever they are playing at the moment.)
Yeah, it's complicated. LOL.
And, the time setting will and would be dependent upon the `indexing values' (which will change as space evolves) ascribed to each of the various categories of consideration. So, for example, if the MSM actually somehow acquired some balls and investigated or staked out some `flap' location - that attribute, the MSM, would rise in the indexing. IF the government issued a new statement about UFO's that attribute would increase, etc. And, IF the only coverage of the UFO Disclosure is coming from the internet, that would be the indexed value most in influence. It will make for a volatile clock I would think.
So, let me give to you a rough idea of my thoughts on this first re-setting of the Clock. I'd value your comments too. It's unlikely that the final actual setting of the month will fully reflect the attribute weightings so don't get bent out of shape.
UFO Disclosure JULY Indexing (which sets August time) All Indexes go from 1-100.
`The Phenomena Itself' - 65 (seeming increase in multiple orb phenomena, London UFO?, Ongoing Missouri Flap, Robert Bingham) (A 100 would be a month that included something like the NYC UFO of Oct. 13th, 2010)
The MSM Media - 25 (attention to Nick Pope's London UFO prediction, some Orb coverage increasing, continued snickering on stories) (A 100 would be something like the NYC LIVE UFO coverage of Oct. 13th, 2010)
Government(s) - 2 (suppression through disclosure) (This number is set via the official statement of Phil Larson last fall and NASA's continued insistence at ignoring the statements of astronauts about the issue of aliens and UFOs)
Internet/Other --- All the claims and such that surface and vanish in any given month. Including the recent words about UFO disclosure on Aug. 4th -------- JULY index - 30
So, where does that put the UDCC UFO Disclosure Clock for August? See the Clock at the bottom of the sidebar to find out. Your comments are welcome.
Is this a clock for you?
Finally, a thanks to the 20 of you who purchased my best selling UFO book about the 2006 O'Hare UFO Incident in July and the 10 of you who purchased my 2008 Stephenville Texas UFO Events book too.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)
And, my latest E-Book looks at my conversations with Lujan Matus, The Shaman, in 2011. IF you are not aware of Lujan, he claims to be in touch with Don Juan Matus of the Carlos Castaneda Books in his own lucid dreams.
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers