While the Kokomo Hum is perhaps the most famous of the American `Hums' - and the phenomena has been around for at least the last 40 years http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum - it appears that what is occurring in 2011 is `new' in some manners.
For example, the previous `Hums' generally were NOT heard by everyone, and were associated with ONE area for days, weeks, or even years at a time 2011 Example of The Localized Hum and Here. But, not continuously - or focused to just a brief `skyward' period of time. The wiki link above has various logical explanations of interest, including waves from the ocean hitting the ocean floor and being heard over the world because of that.
So, suddenly, the sky is humming - in addition to the ground. And, while the MSM has covered the occasional localized HUM story as a matter of human interest for decades now, (why would such a hum begin at all is another question obviously) the 2011 Sky Noise Phenomena has almost totally been an INTERNET anomalous event. It certainly is nefarious sounding and lends itself to conspiracy theories involving HAARP and Aliens/UFOs.
Also, once in a lifetime Earthquakes, like last months east coast quake, certainly don't slow down the legitimate speculation - IMO. Most folks are keenly aware that the MSM will withhold disturbing info like this, until it is unavoidable to cover. And, that may be the phase we are now within. And, as Clockers know, this is hardly the first set of Sky Noise Phenomena I've presented for your inspection.
First - August 7th in Maryland - 3.3K views - Continuous sky sound for over 6 minutes of video, slight increase at times.
link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwx6OmnD_jg&feature=player_detailpage
Here's a HIGH pitch version of it on July 15th from Michigan - to quote the guy `it's coming from everywhere' - 1,400 views. And on Barf Stew I posted this real strange HIGH pitch sound that supposedly happened just before the Virginia Earthquake last week - Very Strange Sky Sound - short, high pitched - wow.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzbLEE1AQVs
August 24th, SouthEast England - 1:00AM - `from everywhere' = 1,500 views.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n1E5ByN1gNs
Poland, Aug. 26th - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux5vgpuYjQ8&feature=related 1,300 views. This one is dawn or dusk and is more `wavy' - gets loud twice. Short vid.
Here's the STRANGE Google Trends about Sky Sounds - you can see the increase and the STRANGE correlation with this being a late in the year phenomena, and, only in the last few years. http://www.google.com/trends?q=sky+sounds
And, yes, I have MORE Sky Sounds already in the bin to bring to my readers. Stay Tuned - For More.
Regan Lee has been working out a new blog look and a more personal style to her `intuitions' at The Orange Orb worth your time and click.
And, not all Strange Sky Sounds are nefarious - that said, I bet some of you think this Video is the best of them all - and I tell you what I think at BS about it. If you want your sound to come from an unidentifed craft in the sky, this one's for you.
Enjoy Summers Last Gasp This Weekend - Updates All Weekend So Return For More.
Advanced Elements 5 Gallon Summer Shower / Solar Shower
Martian Summer: Robot Arms, Cowboy Spacemen, and My 90 Days with the Phoenix Mars Mission