Good Morning Clockers. My checks of the latest MUFON Reports continued to be fruitful visually as you will see from this report out of Canonsburg PA for 8 pictures taken of one of those `house hovering UFO's' that UDCC covers. What's of interest if you read the report were two things - at least to me - one being the statement by the photographer of the object NOT being like what he saw "orange/red Orb hovering over a house" (while he was driving by - he stops in the middle of the road to get these pics - sounds like a neighborhood) - and that he DOES visually capture the DISTANCE the object moves away quickly.
I will bring just two of the photo's here - the first being while the object was close - this is a winner folks - from 10-22-12:

(great blowup size - see `details') -
And, then, one of the pictures as it becomes far away and much more `line-orbish'.

Other picture links to the above:
Nice Overview of The Above Link And Neighborhood (kinda proves this isn't manure)
Absorbing the entire content of the above experience, from the description to the photos - is one of the more honest feelings I've had of a MUFON report in some time. Very interesting `proof' of the `Neighborhood UFO' experience. (And it changing upon being `observed' perhaps - QM style.)
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I appreciated those multiple purchases of books off my Kindle Author Page yesterday. I also appreciate those that continue to sign up to receive UDCC on their Kindle Device for FREE what a convenient way to get your UFO dosage.
Did you catch the 2nd UDCC `Blog Talk Radio' Show YESTERDAY? It was called the Friday's 4:20 UFO Review Show - where I talked about the UFOlogy of the week. It is a 15 minute show - give it a listen. Thanks. More and more of these short shows are going to be happening. I am also considering a chat-box too.
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