First up - While somewhat convincing it doesn't quite warrant anything more than a link description. First it's uploaded by a `producer' type of guy, ie: meaning adding soundtracks to anomalous phenomena without linking to the original uploader of the video. BIG Negative. ------------ That said, supposedly, the phenomena was filmed over Norway and is VERY saucer shaped at times - even MOST times. (sometimes on it's side however). -- It's entertaining and you see what you will in the first minute as much as all five minutes. Saucer Video 2011. The video was uploaded in the waning days of 2010.
Second up - I'm sorry, once again, this fakish feeling `UFO' - Clear - Daytime - Going Right over the video camera at 50 feet up - is a bit too much to waste the boot up time. It's short folks, excellent detail on the 99% CGI (or what we are told CGI looks like) video. Supposedly from China of course. All that said, the 99-1 thing was something to be aware of in 2011. (ows). Clockers decide of course. Purported to have happened in August.
And on Sept. 19th - URZI, --- yes Urzi captured 11 photos of another clear daytime craft - however, again, for UDCC it's all a Bit Too Fishy For A Video Unless You Want To See It. Urzi is the guy who captured other daytime video in the past.
None of the above seems as real as this very anomalous looking `saucer' from 1998:
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FslPzUw1Xs
The above link has a complete description of this video that is very worth your read. I too like the above video as to me it shows just how `in and out' of our reality some UFOs can be.
And then folks, I ran into what evidently has been a sensation at least in some quarters. It has to do with a `Saucer' video from Oakland California just a few weeks ago. The video has two versions supposedly shot by non related folks (as far as I know and I could be mistaken as this is very dissed overall) - I bring you the one that is most over the top but encourage you to watch the other one too:
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XWZhMTzKNs must read comments about this - many saying this is a blimp.
And here is the OTHER version Is this a blimp? Looks a bit more blimpish here IMO.
Seems my Year of the Orb post got a wider audience than usual as already reported - here's some more coverage - A Website Called Stardrive.Org and believe it or not -- as one of the featured links on Stanley Fulham's BOOK Page - Challenges Of Change. How about that? And, BTW, the Fulham page is an incredible resource on Stanley Fulham and his predictions. Page also has links to buy his book and links to various radio interviews he gave. If you are looking for a webpage to build your beliefs on Stanley's contacts - look no further.
UDCC looks to finish the year strong with some great posts - so don't go too far (except maybe to see a movie). Hope to see you again tomorrow. Please use the share buttons below - it takes under 30 seconds to `tweet' this post with your account. Thanks.
Yes, that is a new time on the UDCC `Clock'.