July - I began the summer posting with coverage of some of the FAKE UFO models available on the internet -- that are routinely used by the FAKE UFO websites to make clickbate - available for anywhere from 7 bucks to... yes you too can own your own Mothership For 185 Dollars.... yes... UDCC one of the few UFO websites trying to do real UFO blogging as it is in 2015. I also covered some Orb phenomena `movies' recorded from the 1950's and 60's - and have the great Video, don't miss this confirmation of the phenomena decades and decades ago. Another great video I covered was the 1994 Nellis AFB UFO video which certainly seems to show something craft oriented. July also re-featured an Orb summoner Sir Farquat who is one of those getting responses from the anomalous with a green laser ....
August - During the ratings doldrums of summer I gave my first public interview on UFOlogy in two years on Newstalk 1160 AM In Atlanta - you can hear the 22 minute interview Here for free. You can also read when I set my mind free in this August post when I tackle the chance that aliens may introduce themselves via something similar to a hologram... and if that was the case... would you believe in the Box Of Fiction?. ... I also took a look back at 1954... this time at a video of BETTY WHITE (yes that BW) talking about the increase of UFOs in the skies. Classic.
September - Chile Orb Summoner video is one reason to visit the September links. I also featured a video promoted in the peak of 2012 fever about Dr. Mack and Alien Abduction - you have been warned. Much like the warnings given by Scott Browne's list of UFO Blacklist - websites to avoid or at least to know that they promote some/mostly FAKE material. UFO clickbate. And, the jury could be said to be out on this video of a Daytime Golden Orb lower and more solid looking than most. But.. the only thing that is OUT about this video shot outside of Las Vegas (In July) is whether it is real UFO phenomena or something of a Military Nature as it is clearly amazing and indeed was what I termed THE BEST UFO VIDEO EVER. Yes, it's below:
October - As the leaves turned I once again took a hard look at the human condition as it relates to our perceptions... in my post titled The Amazing Speed Of The Human Condition For Perception - dig in with some of your intentionalities. Then immediately this blog dug into the ultimate Conspiracy theory BioAPI - are nanoparticles controlling humanity? Jason Bales was my featured Orb Vidographer who caught some great material of orbs by Chemtrails in this October post. And, I finished the month by featuring 3 of my 12 Amazon Kindle Books.
November - I use MUFON's own reports to report A MASS ABDUCTION at a MUFON conference (in September) but did it really reveal the nuttiness going on at MUFON or the mass hypnosis going on? I also looked at the famous UFO case of 2008... the one in Stephenville Texas using some excellent reporting about the anomalous phenomena in the sky. And in November I started the now famous `Entity' search on MUFON and completed the years - 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1953 and 1954. My findings.. if you take the time to investigate are quite interesting and directional. Read and decide for yourself.
December - I also extended the entity search to include all reports prior to 1947... and only one turned up An 1890 Report with `little people'. I also continued the MUFON database search for entity (to be resumed in 2016) and found this data for 1955. I also did a short post about how one should almost expect that High Strangeness will Beget Conspiracies as part of the explanation. Also during December I dug into ONE account for entity that I found during my MUFON search for 1956... and did a whole post about how UFO's MORPH and so do UFO Reports (real UFO blogging) ... Ending the year with one of the best `PROOFs' that the US Military lied about how they explained the 1997 Phoenix Lights - Remember The Flare BS Explanation?... well someone did their homework and it's not flares....busting the `logical' explanation offered up by the powers that be. Yeah... quite a year.
Here's some other year end review links
includes The Phillips Formula and The Ukraine UFO
includes the `House Hovering' Neighborhood UFO Phenomena
99 cents and up... Free to Amazon Unlimited
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