I was driving south towards the Delaware beaches heading into Milford Delaware and I had drove past a diner called the Loft. I was on the cellphone with my friend when I noticed 2 bright lights, like airplane lights. As I got closer, 4 more lights became visible and 2 lights diminished giving the object a square like appereance. It looked like 4 lights on each corner shining really bright straight out. Then the lights moved downward towards the ground and 2 huge red lights like floresent light bulbs glew underneath. The object was very big, was motionless just standing still as I was passing it and it didn't seem to far off of the ground probably 30 feet in the air. I had started passing it, looking at it on my passanger side window when 3 cars pulled over on the side of the road to look at it. At this time I got very scared. I went a little ways up to a gas station and got out to look at it. It then started to move towards the north heading in the direction of the Dover Air Force Base. 2 of the lights had diminished and the red florescent lights got shorter to 2 squares than started blinking. The object was very huge and seem to move very slow but was gone in seconds if that makes any sense. I wasn't sure if it was still there to be seen so I left the gas staion and made a u-turn to see if I could see it again but it was gone. If what I saw was exlainable and maybe something I'm not sure of please email me and let me know.
Thanks to MUFON CMS system.
On February 19th, 2005, at approximately 9:45 p.m. I had just finished work, and was driving in a westerly direction going home. I was approximately 3 miles from my home when I noticed a "greenish colored star", way up in the sky in the south west. I honestly do not know WHAT made me notice it more than any other star in the sky that night, but it just looked different. I kept looking up as I was driving. There were a few cars on the road that night but they all turned off shortly after I turned onto the road to my house. I was alone on the road. I kept looking at that "star" and suddenly when I was probably one and a half miles from home, the "star" went from the southwest sky, from the size and appearance of a star, to directly ahead of me, going across the highway, in about 3 seconds! This triangular object had a brilliant greenish white laserlight on the tail. Brighter than anything you have ever seen. It made NO sound at all at any time. It went across the road about perhaps 15 feet above the road and landed in a field next to a grove of trees, with the laserlight glowing the whole time. The object was about mabey 60 or so feet across, and 100 feet long. A triangular shape, with a sort of rounded nose. the shape was triangular, but with the wings rounded sort of. There were no markings except for lines, deep grooves running diagnally under the craft. round green glowing lights were spaced evenly under the craft next to the lines. No other markings were on the craft. When it came down and went across the road, I was petrified. I floored the gas and put my car into reverse and went backwards, I don't know how far. Then I stopped. I saw the craft SLOWLY rise up and turn slowly and stop and just hover atop the trees. The greenish white laser was on the entire time it performed this maneuver. The trees were perhaps 60-70 high. I did not know what to do. I couldnt think. I did not have my radio on at the time, but just a CD playing. I shut it off after I slowly pulled into a driveway, and turned my light off. My car didn't malfunction. I sat without breathing or moving and watched out my window/sunroof in my car. I did not have a cell phone at the time. The object shut off the laser light after it turned and lifted to the tree line. It hovered there for awhile, and then began to slowly move to where I was parked. I was parked maybe 30 feet away from the tree line. It moved so it was directly above me and stopped. I was losing my mind, I couldn't believe this was happening. I didn't know if I would see my family again. I was afraid they would see me. I did not move. I thought that anything that could move that fast, and never make a sound could do ANYTHING they wanted to. They were directly above me and stone still. The green lights beneath it were on. Then it started to move slowly after about 15 minutes, and headed out across the field toward the northeast. It was about 40 feet off the ground. The color of the object was a solid dark brown/black color. It was smooth. No dents or markings, rounded wings. I waited about, I don't know, 15 minutes before I could move, and drove like a bat out of hell home. One month to the day of that incident, I had a heart attack. I was 48 years old, with NO history of any cardiac problems, no cholestorol or BP issues. I couldn't sleep for a whole month. "
8:45 - 11:30 PM. Length of event - almost 3 hours. There were no electromagnetic effects. Me and 4 friends were outside of the house located in Bernardsville when we heard strange sounds. The sounds sounded like a whistle/trumpet and varied in pitch and volume. The length of the sound and time between sounds were consistent. There are no highways nearby, and there were limited planes in the sky, but we are 100% positive it was not a plane. There are also no nearby bridges. The weather was good; it was partially cloudy and the temperature was around 65-75 degrees F. There was also a full moon. I also observed a very bright light flash in the sky, which lasted about half a second while no planes were in sight. My friend's dog, which was outside, continuously barked into the sky as the sound was heard. After standing outside for about half an hour we went inside where the sound was still heard. It sounded as if the sounds were constantly switching positions. After I left my friend's house in Bernardsville, I went back to my own house which is located in Basking Ridge. Although this was approximately 4 miles from where the sound was originally heard, I could still hear the sounds from inside my bedroom. Also on the drive from my friend house back to mine I observed many cats and other small animals constantly running across the road, which is abnormal.
Special thanks to UFO Casebook.com
12-24-11 BOISE IDAHO
A few of the photos were taken without using a tripod, the majority were taken on a tripod, shot with an older NIKON coolpix 995 without any lens attachments. I noticed the UFO on the night of Dec after parking in the street in front of my house. The UFO was to the east of my 29th street residence....about 50-60 degrees up in the sky. A few months earlier in Oct. I viewed a red light that appeared to be exact to what I saw in Dec in generally the same area but to the south a few blocks.
In 1987-88 I saw pretty much a very similiar red light as a kid in McCall Idaho....in that event the light shot across a small valley and stopped around 30 feet in the air above a tree in our front yard and appeared to be a ball of energy spinning and changing colors at a high rate that then shot into the air and split into two changing bright white. When I blow up the photos I took of the Dec 2011 UFO, a few of the blow ups appear to be very similiar to what I looked at up close with the naked eye years earlier a hundred miles north of Boise. The UFO in the photos was stationary most of the time, with no
detectable noise, and was pulsing in intensity, sometimes seeming regularly, and other times seeming irregular. My wife got the impression that it was "scanning" the ground below and that appeared to us to be changing in intensity. While I was scrambling for the camera, a friend a few blocks over I
called witnessed a flourescent white tube looking extension form for a few seconds off of this red pulsating light. That same person a few blocks over called his father 3-4 miles to the west of us, and who also lives up a few hundred feet higher than our location, on a bench. His father reported the light was strong, and up above the horizon which leads me to believe that the light was higher than 200-400 feet at least. My guess, a thousand or so. At one point, the light did move dramatically as far as movement in that it was so smooth and consistent, it did not move incredible fast. It seemed to stop pulsating in my recollection while moving. It stopped nearly above our area, but a little to the north....it hovered for a few minutes maybe, if that, and then took the similiar path back to around where I originally first saw it. I watched for around 35 minutes, and then the light appeared to shrink in size, or move directly back away from my viewpoint, or both, and then started strobing faster and faster and completely dark to light and then after a session of quick frequency increasing strobing just turned off or vanished. I did not see any smoke against the night sky where it had been and that was it. end of show.
detectable noise, and was pulsing in intensity, sometimes seeming regularly, and other times seeming irregular. My wife got the impression that it was "scanning" the ground below and that appeared to us to be changing in intensity. While I was scrambling for the camera, a friend a few blocks over I
called witnessed a flourescent white tube looking extension form for a few seconds off of this red pulsating light. That same person a few blocks over called his father 3-4 miles to the west of us, and who also lives up a few hundred feet higher than our location, on a bench. His father reported the light was strong, and up above the horizon which leads me to believe that the light was higher than 200-400 feet at least. My guess, a thousand or so. At one point, the light did move dramatically as far as movement in that it was so smooth and consistent, it did not move incredible fast. It seemed to stop pulsating in my recollection while moving. It stopped nearly above our area, but a little to the north....it hovered for a few minutes maybe, if that, and then took the similiar path back to around where I originally first saw it. I watched for around 35 minutes, and then the light appeared to shrink in size, or move directly back away from my viewpoint, or both, and then started strobing faster and faster and completely dark to light and then after a session of quick frequency increasing strobing just turned off or vanished. I did not see any smoke against the night sky where it had been and that was it. end of show.
There are commercial/police drones in Boise being used. but local papers explain the commercial/police drones sound like commercial
blenders, quite powerful and loud. When looking at photos here blown up, I have the idea that this is some sort of contained/concentrated plasma phenomenon. One photo seems to have a formation of a type of "eye" formation and has a roughly cubic/ geometric looking cellular formation in
some photos, and areas regular dimpling effect, as if a grid of energy is feeding the ball of light. Some of the photos look irregular and boxy shaped...
don't know if this is just camera artifact, possibly high rate of spin and changing formation, or what. Its a once in a lifetime achievement for me to finally get photos of these strange red lights seen in Idaho, of which, is the bulk of my UFO experiences. There were around 8 other witnesses to the event that I know, and as this happened above Boise's north end neighborhoods, I am keeping my eye open for other photos. Hopefully some day we can collaberate some rough triangulation of the event. There are reports in Boise around the same time of year, and in neighboring states I noticed like OR or WA, that appear to possibly be related in color or intensity. One report in Boise a day or so around the 24th of dec saw a red orb breaking in two and then rejoining. I would love to hear a physics buff comment on the seeming formations that this ball of light seems to take shape and also when the images are manipulated, it appears that some sort of energy feild extends from the ball of light, if that is true or not I do not know, as camera artifact/play of light might comes into question as well.
This story and photos was sent to World UFO Photos by Cliff Green, witness and photographer.
I, and all Clockers, extend a big thanks to Ken Pfeifer for sharing these pictures with UDCC.
AND, THANKS FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS, SUCH AS ORION PLease make sure to check out my new Kindle E-Book, 31 pages of hot reading about the 2006 Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO Incident. Thanks for checking out the sample.