As you know, UDCC and my other blog The Heavy Stuff - inform the limited scope of my readership of the Chemtrail Phenomena that has been going on now for about 15 years or so. The whole idea of `chemtrails' being `new' bothers some (the skeptics for example) but, literally, is below the threshold of awareness TILL THIS DAY - even while the phenomena plays out literally in plain sight. Frequently.
Regardless of that - the fact that some of these lines in the sky are starting to be associated with `UFO's' - or ORBS - or simply crafts that seem to do `stupid airplane things' (like flying parallel to another `jet' or better yet - criss-crossing with one in the sky) - is becoming more and more obvious to the ones that are now more aware. I myself have seen this ORB phenomena once in association with chemtrails. Who knows really how often this is happening or what it really means.
Anyway, a specific story behind the above picture is at the link at the bottom of this posting.
Oh, and since it's August - and because NOTHING at all is truly moving in the direction of a confirmation of alien involvement on the planet - a real disclosure (not the fake soft disclosure now popular) - the UDCC UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock has been re-set back another hour to 5:00 A.M. - one of the earliest settings ever (and if you expect ANY media coverage of this after Labor Day and before Election Day - you are sadly mistaken. UFO's will NOT be allowed to be a political ball. Period).
(Have you purchased your UDCC T-Shirt Yet? - see sidebar.)
(This is a great site to explore too)