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Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufo. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2024

Talking UFOlogy - A Way Forward From Here

 Many of UDCC readers were here in the 00's for the lead up to the UFO "disclosure" news conference of 2010 - and have now probably followed the same path during this phase of playing the UFO disclosure game. Once again ending with literally nothing acceptable as so-called proof of an alien presence or even a new video considering those offered up were recycled from...well...the 00s. 

Literally the same old same old. 

Except for the usage of the new term UAP - literally substituting a new A and....changing the old UAP, often used in UFO circles - Unidentified Ariel Phenomena - to - UAP Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Somehow, the ultimate bowing, the reward,  to and for all the rift raft of the "disclosure movement"  and avoidance of any reveal of even black budgets doing any back engineering. Even if they are and have been. We've been through all that before in the 1000 plus posts since 2007. (Many visits from government entities and contractors to this website 15 years ago or so.)

Of course, the change is curious considering that, once again, literally nothing is being touted by anyone in these official government reports as "anomalous" - the mysterious side of UFOs (aliens) has vanished, right before our 'peering into the darkness' eyes.  A rug pulled on the genies/aliens appearing in bedrooms and telling fantastic tales of wonder. Seemingly gone or ignored by the MSM are "personal" cattle mutilations or such. And, just where was that promised enlightenment we were promised by those worshipping 2012 transformations?

But, let's get back to the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena compared to Unidentified Flying Object. In my opinion, the new term is to further isolate the media in any coverage. It's one thing to imagine what might be flying in our skies as unidentified before drones - but - certainly not today. No need to report objects flying in the sky...generally. Now, imagine the media confronted with pursuing "anomalous phenomena" - the stuff with the perception of quackery. Indeed, it's not even a matter of being in the air anymore. Anyway, it's much more fun to make material for the History Channel and such.

Yes, serious journalism and even slightly silly Larry King type specials are now long gone about the overall subject. Might as well bring on the mind readers or Uri Geller types - or - somewhere where the so-called "conspiracies" discussions are - like podcasts. Anomalous - what a word. Media stay away or you will have egg on your face type of warning almost.

Alright, enough is enough - I've had my say and now to the title of this post - A way forward - that combines the probable "truths" of both viewpoints concerning the "saucer" side of UFOlogy and the "beings, miraculous" side - yes, the anomalous side. 

First, the easy part - the saucer side. I propose this common sense idea - IF they exist, there's a better than 50/50 chance they our "ours"/"humans" - with the only question being does anyone not of a government (plenty of wealth in the world) "have one". I'll deal with non government entities eventually, but, my point is no longer are any aliens needed to fill the "object" side - at least not hypothetically. Trillions in black budgets mean anything is possible and certainly tech that is experimental. Doesn't even matter if it was "back" engineered or not. At least to me.

So, suddenly, aliens are not needed if the technology is ever demonstrated before it's ready to be seen or such. Or, when it's ready to be seen.....

Which brings us to the hard part - the anomalous. The absolute slippery slope to the rabbit hole. Right? To "people" having or somehow "producing", perhaps via self intentionalities, "something" miraculous or one could say anomalous. Right? The 'weird" seems to follow certain people at certain times and certain places - especially when sought or desired - or so it seems. 

It always strikes me how those "into" UFOs or the anomalous aren't aware of certain people or events. Frankly, one would probably have to be about my age and have about my interests to be aware of these combined things. Let me be clearer..... Many folks are aware of how Johnny Carson "exposed" Uri Geller on live TV (I believe about a psychokinetic claim and Carson said something to the effect "you're blowing on it") - but, Johnny also had on perhaps a non fraudster - a guy named Ted Serios.

From Ted - (have you done your research) - I jump to  Prophet Yahweh - who very interesting does NOT have the YouTube video, at least on the front page of search - where he called a so called UFO into the sky on live Las Vegas TV during the noon news cast. The prophet was hardly the first or last to claim the ability to "produce" anomalous phenomena - even occasionally on demand. In my blog here - I've noted many people who seemingly can video repeatable phenomena (meaning lights in the sky - orbs) to some degree.  I happened to encounter what Dean Clark was able to seemingly do and make into the sky shortly after beginning this blog. And is what Dean was able to do any different than what Dr. Greer has been claiming for years upon years? 

So, at the very least - we have some level of "anomalous" out there and occasionally it may even be in our atmosphere. The phenomena display is seemingly linked to conscious intentionalites and has location to actualize. It is temporal - non lasting - and cannot be readily replicated. And, it is Dangerous And Magical as I wrote here.

So, the way forward is to diminish any thoughts of interstellar beings who threaten mankind who are driving crafts doing impossible moves - just accepting that anything is possible when humans have had trillions of dollars, and unlimited interest in a subject matter - who indeed have probably had A. I. well before the public was exposed.

And, at the same time - for those who only believe the hardware to be our connection to the universe to acknowledge that human consciousness itself may be the real creation connection.


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Sunday, December 31, 2023


For a minute I considered leaving a literal blank page to sum up the findings and outcome of UFO Disclosure by world governments, especially the US government, as the year 2023 comes to an end. In a recent post at the very peak of USA search interest in the term UFO (which was July 2023) Disclosure I demonstrated that actual interest in the term was actually quite low despite the publics short attention span. And, interest has simply declined from there - perhaps the audience has more distractions on a world scale than ever. In short, nothing is immanently expected by the public regarding UFO Disclosure - so, obviously, it's not going to happen again - despite official government funded reports that rely on dubious sources and others that simply are the same old same old of the last two decades.

Those in the Twitter #UFOtwitter universe, then #UAPtwitter, and finally #XUFO - were beside themselves in 2023 on a regular basis waiting for the supposed next "coming revelation" - always a few weeks or months away. Or on the next podcast. 

Everything was rumored from actual alien bodies from recovered alien spaceship crashes (yes, the same Jackie Gleason type story stuff of seeing actual beings, which may indeed be the case for JG, IMO) - to - the more mundane such as recycled video's of unknown objects - to the more bizarre such as videos of aliens in Nevada and elsewhere. (Oh, I forgot the interstellar UFO that is so big that it ______ insert your favorite - under the pyramids, to under huge buildings, etc.)

For more fun and a "celestial" 2023 hook, the advocates of "anomalous" were finally able to get recognition of their side of things with the three word acumen UAP officially being Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (would that be the aliens in the backyard or the "too dark" entity/multi-dimension stuff?) which is now the official MSM way to say it nowadays. To which this website says - welcome to 2011, the year of the orb. Years after Prophet Yahweh called a UFO into the Nevada skies on live TV (should I mention the abilities of Dean Clark) - years after a man named Greer told of the same phenomena....(are we to believe the no media has an interest in proving or disproving the protocol he suggests?)

Unfortunately, perhaps - NOTHING at all of an anomalous nature has been remotely verified or even provided by this round of so-called government transparency on the issue. And, as in decades past, the secrecy of the spending of the MIC (military industrial complex) - or their knowledge of the so-called dangers of the inter-dimensional side. Indeed, IMO, with no restraints on spending - there is no way to say that anything unknown in our skies isn't "ours", regardless of how it got there. Is that what is being "disclosed"?

Now, all of this doesn't mean that the anomalous side of UFOs doesn't exist - I'm pretty sure it does. At least for individual certain locations,,,,under certain conditions.....with the right mindfulness....etc. Unlikely to provide anything material but real and not to be dismissed as non existent. ( some of these events are observable by others) - hence a market for Greer (btw, a meditation guru before all this).

Is all the above too harsh for believers in UFO Disclosure? Hardly. As you should read in this literal mindblowing month by month look at all the puppeteers of UFOlogy 2023 as only Jason Colavito can do. I'm sure glad I don't follow the in the weeds anymore. Oh, btw, Colavito kinda wrote what I call the CNN response to what "NewsNation" was doing mid summer promoting the UFO Disclosure information as the gospel truth. 

So, nothing compelling - everything "anomalous" - none of it or all of it, real.
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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Orb "PowerUP" Is So Strong It Produces A Halo

For over a decade now...UDCC has been showing the Orb Phenomena as BEING largely..the UFO phenomena...some have taken the night vision calling/belief protocol to new levels .... this is from  the night of 22nd of Sep 2018, filmed by James Gilliland and the STARGATE UFO YOUTUBE CHANNEL. The link to the video below is Here....Orb Powers UP - with 50,000 views and a 50/1 ratio of positive to negative. BTW...I do not subscribe to the idea that Orbs are crafts...except with rare circumstances. 

And, yes...I've covered the Gilliland Ranch in March 2013 - it's a good read. Here's an excerpt:

As I mentioned in December's post...I have a number of videos I will be posting and I have also been reading OLD "UFO" blogs that have went by the wayside for one reason or another. that regard I'd like to look at a 25 post blog that only existed in late 2010 and early 2011...about the peak of Orb activity being covered here as the true UFO phenomena. The blog was called UFONICLES - and in this first link...the author laments, and gives a thoughtful analysis of how the MSM reacted to Jerusalem UFO In Jan 2011 - one of UDCC's most important examinations back then.

Indeed...the author of the blog interacted with another blog that I was part of at the time...called The C Influence. Which I also covered here at UDCC - Arvin Hill - His Description Of The Phenomena of which I provide an excerpt below:
I started peeling the UFO onion two years ago after keeping the subject at arm's length for thirty years - in part because it was too enigmatic, and the signal to noise ratio was indecipherable; but also to keep the cultural contamination to a minimum just in case I should ever pursue my own research. I was afraid of a lot of things as a kid, but I found UFOs and their ostensible occupants intriguing, not frightening.The contextual nature of what transpired makes it impossible to effectively convey how it all unfolded. Some events included: profoundly mystical dreams; close proximity fly-by's, day and night; numerous structured, choreographed demonstrations illustrating the relationship between UFO stealth and human cognition; telepathy; photography. The majority of my experiences occur while I am....

Read the detailed full text at the link above. - He also provides some final insights at his Blogger Profile - explaining more as to why his blogging effort was so short...
Good Sunday Reading, Right?
The Archive Awaits

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Mysterious Morning Light Show Caught On Morning TV News Program

Hello Clockers...what's it been, 9 months? After waiting that long one would hope I'd deliver a good one for you...and I think this might qualify. Evidently, during a morning telecast on live TV in Milwaukee - some very strange lights appeared out of nowhere in the sky as they were cutting to a commercial break (a view overlooking the cityscape). Suddenly...and long enough for the newscasters to react...many MANY mysterious lights - looking much like fireworks (but without any up trail) appeared over a large swath of the sky...AND MOVED...each and every one of them. I first saw the link here on a website for a local Milwaukee FM Channel - and found the YouTube link you see below...already with over a million views in a couple weeks. Please watch this one a few times with an open mind...even as you listen to the newsreaders surprised voices.

Unidentified Lights On LIVE TV 2018  with 1,788 comments available to read....many suggesting, jokingly...that what we see is sperm and that Earth is a big egg...and we've just been fertilized...hmm.

So..what do you think...has the Fortean decided to communicate once more...with a new twist? Has some nefarious government or non government entity identified a manner to provoke fear or wonder into the populous at will? Has some prankster figured out how to drop fireworks from the sky in an unnoticeable manner? Or... is this simply a new development in fireworks that obscures the flight trail upwards (which would be a damn cool firework attribute)? OR...something VERY close to the camera that seemed to give the illusion of being in the sky (of course...if that was the case...this would be at least a semi common occurrence on live morning TV..which it isn't)?

Or...aliens, as suggested by the female reporter?

Let's simply assume for argumentative purposes that what was caught on camera WAS something anomalous as opposed to nefarious. Let's at the same time rule out my other suggestions above so we can focus on the anomalous..... Of the past we've seen mysterious displays of "multitudes" of orbs in the sky simultaneously...such as in Mexico. We've also seen Orbs move in the sky...but not quite like this - absolutely a "look at me" action/activation/actualization. 

Those who have read this blog for the past 11 YEARS, know that before all the BULLSHIT of CGI and clickbate "UFO" websites/YouTube channels - it was not difficult to find seemingly genuinely strange "lights" in the be exact...the same kind that have been seen for decades by humans, if not forever. 

An anomalous spontaneous generated moment of wonder for consciousness to find and discover. It just might be cranking up again for all to observe.

As Bruce Duensing's last post 

Is UAP A Quantum Detection System?

 before his death suggests - the anomalous may all be about a relationship between consciousness and being (takes you to Duensing's post)... and I'll let readers with this quote from Bruce ...his final comment:
Bruce DuensingMay 12, 2015 at 7:01 PM

I dont think for both pragmatic and perhaps metaphysical reasons there are no singular and definitive answers that could be narrowed down to any coherent narrarive in terms of the causes of UAP but it serves as an intriguing platform for exploring relationships such as stimulous and response as a singularity....drama as a reactive Zen Koan...I suspect there is no anthroporphic purpose as we define it in UAP..rather..relationships...without a heirarchy...Yet the questions mutate the answers...What or whom is detecting what or whom defies linear causation.

Or...was the video of nothing but Birds? With the OBVIOUS question...why has this NEVER been seen on the screen before?
Thanks for reading and having an open mind
you are rare.
Hey...there's tons on this webpage for true lovers of the anomalous...dig into the archive and page for more.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Lost 1999 Interview With Betty Hill - First Abductee

There are at least five parts... I've watched this... it's worth it to know her story... interesting.

I'll be getting to those bin links soon.
IF you are new... take a look around.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Orbservation Anyone? - The 2015 Seeing `Lots' Of UFO's Feeling - Los Angeles Orb Faithfuls Spotlighted

As I alluded to in my most recent post... there's two camps of folks who are seemingly seeing `lots' of anomalous sky phenomena.... and BOTH times... seems to see MANY orblike things in our atmosphere simultaneously - what I call the multiple orbs phenomena. Now... of course, those of a particular science bent (think the Facebook group that I love and am a member of that has folks actively searching with the latest equipment)  are very reluctant to .. well... believe... those that believe and can prove - that orbs can simply be called `into being' by simply being a meditative observer(s). ( Hilariously, the non-believers (the techies who find via equipment) will do anything to believe themselves, that every summoning/observing is a fraud of pre-planned balloon releases.) Pointing fingers in other words. (And, hilariously, not realizing they are actually doing the same via intentionalities via their `science' proof methods.) I think I went into that in yesterdays posting. 

Anyway... today I go - via YouTube video... to one of these `ORBservation' sessions (new coined term used here for the first time) -- where a group of individuals shows up at a pre-planned public place and time with camera and video in hand (these are the believers in calling who are now using the science folks methods too). Indeed, the lines are beginning to blur. And, while this is 2016 - what the non-believers in calling orbs don't seem to understand - is that I have seen this same phenomena (regular orb observation) on the internet as early as 2003 or so and it simply has grown as more people become aware.

Now is that to say that perhaps these `calling' observers aren't occasionally  DUPED by others, or their own beliefs at times, and are indeed picking up various balloon releases that happen over all big cities - at times? Of course that happens... but the phenomena of sky orbs is known, just as the orb phenomena is known to be responsive to select individuals or locations... orbs have been shown to respond to human intentions... the real question is = what are the orbs in their own space representations? 

And so,  this video is uploaded by YouTube account Fausto UFO (a prior caller who has seemingly lost his ability and now is in a more loose public calling/observing group) and looking closely at his account (you will see some strange slippery slope beliefs there) and reading between the lines - my surmise is that he was a `caller' four times about two years ago.... and was picked up at that time by the dreaded TPOTM (third phase of the moon).... which quickly drained his `power' IMHO... and now Fausto Perez (his name evidently) is part of a `group' that is able to, in a sense, re-gain his prior methodology/efforts by organizing these watching groups. Yeah, it's complicated.

Anyway... enough... and I will also print the most recent comment posted about this video... and it is very meaningful too to those that may read a bit too much into localized calling power of groups. Perhaps. 

SO - are you ready to see ORB-UFOs (in loose formation perhaps) a dozen of them in close proximity? 

Yeah, you are right... the YouTube cover `packaging' of this video doesn't give one much reason to believe - I know...... but IMO the guy seems like a sincere prior caller who would like to see the glory again in the sky. Give it a view.

Oh, remember I said above that I'd print one important comment that was below this video? Here it is and it's a point I have made before to NON believers who see orbs in their local area on a regular basis... it might simply be - you observing someone else's efforts and intentionalities.

I live in Venice Beach and have viewed similar UFO formations at night, but the orbs were orange most likely due to the alternate color of the sky. It's been a few years since the last sighting but I believe it was 9 orbs forming three triangles that were in a pattern. One by one they slowly dissolved into the darkness and when the last one disappeared the street lights flickered most likely due to intense energy. Taking credit for any visitation is bold, even more so considering how many govt bases are around and how little they tell us about black project tech. Interestingly enough Deepak Chopra recently mentioned how he has been changing his meditation frequency to try and contact ET, which is the same tip I've been on. But I would never claim to have summoned UFOs considering how many others meditate at any given time in a city of millions and the aforementioned factors.

Hey, thanks for being a Clocker.
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Monday, January 11, 2016

Philosopher William Dudley Bass - The Seeing `Too Many' UFOs Feeling

My internet friend and storyteller William Bass saw an U.F.O. in broad daylight in September 2015, and wrote about it in his insightful blog here - UFO's Gone - and his report is very articulate in all aspects, including having drawings of the UFO craft within his perception for a few real seconds of actualization. He brought my attention to it later in the fall as in the post he talks about what my reflections have been on the UFO saga.... using some very glowing terms (IMO)...indeed at one point I sent his words about my UFOlogy onto a buddy or two.

But, today's post isn't really about William's experience - or even my analysis - but about something that William refers to (almost in passing) in his post... that this is NOT the first time he has witnessed UFO crafts or anomalous sky phenomena - and his wonderment about how many folks had the same perception he did in September in the cars surrounding him on the bridge. Did they too see the UFO?

So... two things really... 1... seeing too many UFOs....2 ....did others see the same thing. (And I could add 3 - the slippery slope of what constitutes  now and real of phenomenology.) How about we take a look at `seeing too many UFOs' first; something that almost amazingly I have not talked about as UFO theory over 1,300+ posts.

First... let me answer I think the easiest part of my questions above... I DON'T think that other motorists saw the UFO like William or at least VERY VERY few of them.... and don't think it had anything to do with their attentiveness....well maybe just a little bit......IMO the few that saw anything didn't have it register in their brain and probably dismissed the immediate impression without consciousness as a bird or something.

Not expecting the impossible (unlike William with a heighten awareness who is aware because of prior anomalous sky perceptions) they simply don't fold the perception into immediate actualization for their retina..... belief sets taking control of screening anomalous data (that could be a safety hazard while driving on a bridge too). Indeed, back in the earliest days of this blog I provided real estimate based on USA survey data questioning that suggested that only 1% or less of the US population had ever seen any anomalous sky phenomena. Taking all that into account and the brevity of the experience... William WAS probably that 1% representative. (Funny as William very represents the 99% in his view on reality.)

But... now, let's tackle the deeper issues.,,,,,lol.

The people who are seeing `too many UFOs' in the skies - fall into only a very few categories. ONE - Folks like the Facebook group I'm a member of (with 390 others) and have been touting around UDCC for the past few months - In The Field - Active Observers In The Field - this group has active folks looking for the anomalous in the daytime (like myself) and night sky. And TWO - the callers/summoners - who since about 2002-2003 or so - have been able to demonstrate their expectations. 

And then there is group THREE - like William - and I suspect the vast majority of the 1% (who are NOT callers or actively seeking) who at some point in their life saw UFO one and then at some later point...or points... had the same perceptions again.,,,, and who were then relegated to putting that somehow into their expected reality mix..... without really any support for such things within society.... `Hey, I saw another UFO yesterday' --- (and the folks slink away from the one announcing such an event).

Humorously, both groups one and two - explain it in different ways in general (this is not to say that overlap exists for one and two as it certainly does) - and the number TWO group (callers and summoners) is a bit easier surprisingly. You see, the callers and summoners are convinced of THEIR contact methodology (since it works) and in nearly EVERY instance... that contact is mental and could be called meditative (to prayerful)..... to bleeding over into VERY religious. Additionally, these people `know the event' is for them - and what they are practicing to elicit the actualization. Readers of this blog know that I've identified DOZENS over the past few years.

Unfortunately for the callers/summoners - one of the most prominent callers has gotten caught up with the sleazy side of YouTube UFOlogy hoaxers - and many in group one are quick to brand all those who call and summon fakers and hoaxers... even seem to have a lot of their own more `science' view of UFOs vulnerable to such `callers'... it's as if their point of view is SO SHORT and new - to NOT have known that callers existed well before the YouTube UFO hoaxer crowd.

So... let's talk theoretically about group ONE - those `science oriented' `tech' finders of U.F.O.'s in our collective skies. Group one people using not thought and meditation (they believe) but modern technology to find those anomalous lights in our skies. High powered binoculars... night vision cameras... the most advanced high powered video cameras....etc, you get the idea (comparing their finds to sky charts, flight charts, and sky debris just to be sure)..... and sure enough... JUST LIKE THE CALLERS... the group one seekers - also find what they were seeking within our common consensus. 

Could it be that simple?

Could it be `intentions'?

Now, group one will tell you that they have NO expectations or intentions... really I say? They, like the group two callers, are NOT successful every time... and yet expect to be successful .. which is why they continue to look and seek. The groups IMO have few real differences... each has belief in methods which are rewarded by anomalous knowledge actualization.... seemingly for human benefit for one group and for NO REASON at all to the other.

Both of the above groups - the callers and the technology seekers - seemingly have a limited time-frame in which their own locality `yields' those anomalous seemingly conscious lights in the sky. Something ONLY someone like myself would know having watch the rise and fall of many callers and `hot areas' (one of the members in In The Field FB Group often talks about how her area was HOT a few years ago... these events go in sine-waves IMO -  to on/off - but rarely to never last even 5 years to most folks in most locations). Oh... most of the `tech' folk have been at it so short a time-frame that they may not even realize it will pass too.

IMO - Bruce Duensing got very close to what I'm describing above as `intentionalities' - he called it - Are UAP's A Quantum Detection System? - and IF I'm right - that it is `intentions' mixed with a bit of our local reality conditions and expectations - and that it is repeatable and demonstrable (like some of the callers like Dean Clark have shown) - then a perfect reason for the authorities to discourage this type of info becoming widespread is one of my old and favorite blog posts called The Danger Of A Billion Magicians.... read both the above links if you dare to rock your UFOlogy thinking to the core.

Again.... both of the above groups have some folks with HUNDREDS of videos ..... of Orbs. The anomalous. That they have seen. Don't tell them otherwise...... But, IMO... both of those groups combined are probably just 1% of the 1% who have ever had an UFO phenomena perception. A literal sliver of a sliver.... folks who in all reality are not going to attract the MSM..... for fear of what it would mean to both `other' 99%'s.

Okay... a quick and final look at group three ... with Philosophers like William Dudley Bass..... and heady folks of all kinds. Speaking of `heady folks' .... I have to say I was quite flattered to have William say these things about me and my mind in his post... see the below: Again from William's post Here... IF You Didn't Read It Already

There is more to a psychological, synergistic/synchronicity/spiritual component, too.
I saw this after watching alleged whistleblower Corey Goode being interviewed by David Wilcock on the latter’s Cosmic Disclosure presentation on Gaiam TV. Been reading and researching a lot on the UFO literature from opposing ends of the spectrum, from Dr. Michael Salla and whistleblowers such as Corey Goode and Clark C. McClelland on one hand and Disclosure Clock Countdown man Rick Phillips, iconoclastic guy who reminds me of Gurdjieff’s take on reality.
Phillips turns everything upside down as he discombobulates conventional interpretations of UFO phenomena and perturbs conditioned ideas regarding news, mass media, and alternative media. He pulls aside the sheets of paper diagrammed with carefully researched flowcharts of the Cabal to reveal the air and the imaginations beneath as gas and mind, themselves possibly projections of greater holographic dramas unfolding in the software code of consciousness for two billion years or more.
Having dealt with lots of weird stuff, and after he challenged himself to think deeper upon his experiences of observations and the power of the conscious mind, indeed to reflectupon reflections, Rick Phillips discerned a common “UFO motif” behind “99% of UFO experiences.” Using motifs as linked successions “of notes producing a single impression,” he determined the most common UFO motif is “a vigorous plasma Orb that catches one’s attention” and then morphs into “structured” shapes, morphs again, morphs into recognizable patterns, then “passes out of perception.” Passes out of perception, and perception is as much mental as physical. More importantly, Phillips notes such experiences tend to be localized and are usually “tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans.” I would add human personalities, as in UFO experiences are “tied to intentionalities and” personalities as well as interpretations by everyday consciousness minds streaming mindlessly as radio signals stream thru radios without considering the power of consciousness to morph perception, intention, and personality.
Okay - I'm blushing... being compared to one of my hero's of thought - Gurdjieff
And, I won't go into Williams FINE ANALYSIS of the possibilities he experienced - please read his entire piece - as I would be nearly in agreement with all his main conjectures. I do think the fine minds are tuning into something that is a version of the truth of the anomalous.
Anyway... back to seeing `too many UFOs' - early in 2015 I had the same feeling. I had taken to looking closely with high powered binoculars at the Chemtrails in our collective skies - especially on the few Carolina Blue sky days after the passing of weather fronts. Because on several occasions I've seen `strange things going on in or around' Chemtrails... from movement of something `down' the Chemtrail from the `plane'... to an Orb on more than one occasion. And, in one week after such occurrences...saw TWO Orbs..(one each time) by simply scanning the skies with my binoculars.
My thoughts were ---- IS THIS POSSIBLE? 
It's a bit unnerving IMO. Hilariously, I don't consider myself in any of the three groups.... just reflecting on reflections..... Thanks for the stimulus Mr. Bass.
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Sunday, December 27, 2015

2015 UFO Review - Hottest Posts....Most Important Posts (Part One)

Not a year goes by in UFOlogy that one can't say isn't interesting. On a personal UFO note, 2015 was THE YEAR that I `finally' (if that would be the term) have seen daytime Orbs with high powered binoculars multiple times... and several times in a week at one point. It also was the year of IMO an expansion of the Fortean nature of the Chemtrail phenomena.... with everything from `attracting' Orbs... to `displays' that run `down' their entire length from the `plane' - to confirmation of `different' types of Chemtrail plane shapes.  

Also, for myself - I found a treasure trove of UFO phenomena in the FB group that I joined run by Scott Browne (In The Field) that has 100's of sky observers like myself. And, it has been a trip... as expected ... having a FB page for UDCC's Facebook Page - started on January 1st. IF you haven't `liked' that page... please do so.

And then there is the phenomena itself and the reaction to it by folks and by the MSM in general.... and without question IMO... the LACK of any significant UFO coverage in 2015 is simply the continuation of what I called the `Disclosure With Suppression' announcement in 2011 by the Obama administration. Something not even noted by other UFO websites. Talk about being blinded to a point of view. Additionally IMO... 2015 has brought the continued deterioration of anything associated with the `alien abduction' research so highly believed in by many just a few years ago.

All that said, the phenomena itself... except for just a few videos ever... has never seemingly been so actively caught on camera - Orbs that is...the real UFO phenomena. Lastly as an overview.. the increased scrutiny by YouTube at some of the FAKE UFO websites promoting FAKE UFO videos might be a sign of sanity.... something UDCC has pointed out for years and years.

Below is some of the best from 2015 - dig in, bookmark, return, share, do your part to bring some sanity to the overall view about the UFO phenomena. Thanks. Oh... and buy some of my E-Books. Or donate... real UFO blogging isn't free of effort... links to donating are in the sidebar. OR if you have a website... use my affiliate link to make Real Bitcoin by placing a banner on your website... I've made about 1/3 BTC in 2015 using it. Using my affiliate link to make your banner - costs nothing to your earnings. Thanks for your readership in 2015.
2015 Year In Review

Hottest Posts - Most Important Links

January - while Don Lemon on CNN theorizes about the supernatural (ie-UFOs) might have taken down a missing airliner... interest in UFO's continues an uninterrupted downward Trend as noted in this Jan. 5th posting.... also pointing out that the UFO Dog and Pony show would have folks believe that interest has never been higher (a common slogan) for UFO Disclosure..... January also started with some excellent `structured orb' photos from Payne Ohio that you can see Here.....Also in January I took up an old Unpublished comment from my bin and finally addressed The 1977 Ft.Benning Incident ... which again... largely turned on the testimony of one individual making HUGE claims about 100's of men if not 1000's..... This post like many others I've done on UDCC shows how old UFO accounts often simply do not stand up to the test of time and often morph out of recognition to what may have been experienced (or not).....But perhaps the BEST post of the month was this re-examination of the Early FBI Files On Aliens specifically the nine attributes they had. Was all this DISINFO? ..... January also covered the 1949 Norwood Ohio UFO Searchlight Incident... some of these early day UFO incidents compared to what is seen today... was more physical apparently in nature IMO..... Also in January was the first identified Orb Videographer in New Hampshire called Low Fly Orbs regular readers are aware that one of the main features of UDCC is to feature such individuals. But, January ended with a look at Kickstarter and a way to raise money to tell the real story of Bob Lazar... yes BL.... All enough to wonder what can the rest of 2015 be like... right?

February - began with the biggest UFO hoaxing/BSing, whatever you want to call it of 2015 as a breaking story with one image -  The Roswell Alien Coming 5-5-15 - which turned out on 5-5 to be as big a letdown as possible.... and further tarnished the Dog and Pony show called UFO Disclosure... if such a thing is possible..... in mid-month UDCC took up another `old' alien photo.... The Amoco Alien Photo...see how murky all alien photos are when an attempt is made to source them... fun in-depth read. Then on February 22nd I did the strange story and follow up with Frank Kimbler THE man who previously had `proven' Roswell via isotopes in anthills and the strange sample that is now missing. I ended the month with some ISS photos and conspiracy... but I can't link to everything of course.

March - In possibly THE POST of the year (as far as my evolving theory on the UFO phenomena) - I've identified the UFO motif to include Helicopters And Low Flying Jets that happened immediately AFTER the UFO phenomena when seen by humans are a close proximity. Later in the month I did this Probing Post About UFOs And The Phenomena .... On March 5th I covered IMO what may be the BEST LIVE TV UFO video of the year (show could have been just taping prior to being live too I guess) - anyway... I covered it Here and you can see the video below:.... perhaps the best `saucer' video of the year. While I covered this in March the event happened in February.

I rarely feature my Google Plus page ... but IF you like such things... and I do have cool stuff there... and have had over 6 MILLION views.... CLICK HERE TO SEE IT

On March 17th - Was the First Orb I Saw Near A Chemtrail and this is how I blogged that event. .... ALSO an excellent post is this Deep Theory Post About Chemtrails And Orbs - I challenge my readers to not miss this one if you truly want deeper understandings into the sky phenomena. And finally March ended with some REAL UFO BLOGGING as I take 23 reports of UFOs in one small area and turn it into ONE via a little legwork ....perhaps...... what can the rest of the year hold?

April - Took on Ccrow777 and his ... well... craziness... but not without at least inspiring the idea of orbs having micro intelligence again. In 2015 I cleaned up many of my unpublished comments and even some previously Unpublished from my bin of posts. Fox News also covered in April a 2013 UFO Video shot by Chilean miners that has some impressive details ... such as length of daytime event, with a VERY `SAUCER' type of object seen below:
Chile Government
And,,, was there a Kingston Ontario UFO wave in April? With Video Too. And finishing the month was a GREAT video `Orb Near Volcano Plume - great 2015 daytime Orb video and from Facebook too.

May - Started with an update on 2013 Orb Caller Sir Farquat who like many others...seems to have his `powers' declining after an active period. Indeed as I review my posts for May I had a number of `UFO'/Orb posts with video and pictures... here's one posting I did about a Multi Hour Multi Witness Orb and is worth your year end click.... as is this post with GREAT pictures from Richmond Kentucky. But... for me.. May will be remembered as having this post in which Bruce Duensing identified a possible UAP theory which include the intentions of the human and my own ORB seeing in May that included multiple times near Chemtrails. And finally in what may be THE video of the year.. another Orb Summoner in the UK may have caught on video the actual Orb/Helicopter/UFO phenomena - and the video can be seen Here (yes, I've covered this guy before too).

June covered everything from John Lennon's UFO Experience to the death of Bruce Duensing. June also covered Dubmani an Atlanta Orb Videographer who has several of the POWER up and fake plane phenomena in his video Orb portfolio (which ended in 2013). June continued its connection to strangeness as at my fathers funeral a close cousin not seen in decades... in his first conversation with me since we were teens (except for one time) he asks IF I Remember The UFO We Saw As Kids... I about crapped my pants..... but perhaps you prefer FICTION? Well.. I gave it my best as to how the UFO dog and pony show would treat Alien Bones Found In Desert Via ATV - a rare fiction blog post with some humor IMO.

This is the end of Part One... See July - December soon too. As you can see above... real UFO blogging is not free of effort. Perhaps you'd like to support real UFO blogging once a year... all donations are appreciated... click below. Thanks.

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

1953 Alien Being Descriptions - VIA MUFON Database Search

If you thought, like myself, that having virtually NO adults reporting the `entity' experience from 1947 to 1952 on the MUFON database was strange ... it continues with 1953 too... this time the only reports with two young boys... one five in one report and one six in another... and BOTH are claiming alien abduction of some sort - the most extreme type of UFO encounter. And, while the reports are somewhat with details... I can think of many many questions of what seem to be obvious omissions too of someone who would have such a remembered experience. IMO both reports seem like these are ` childhood dreams' implanted by living through the `alien abduction era' of the 1980's thru the early 2000's - of reports (and internalizing them) .... as one report didn't arrive until 2007 and the other just this year (2015).

I'll let you judge of course... Red is my emphasis.
Short Description
Around the age of five, I was lifted into the sky
report submitted 8-11-2015
Long Description

In the summer of 1953 I was a five year old boy who lived on [location removed] . Cedar street was a dirt road, with very little traffic. During the day, it was just as likely to see a mule-drawn cart as an automobile. I pretty much was free to roam the street because most of the houses belonged to relatives. While Phoenix City had a notoriously dangerous reputation, Cedar Street was a safe area.
The street ran east/west. Up the hill to the west was a paved road that split towards Eufaula, Alabama and towards Seale, Alabama. To the east, it ran towards the Chattahoochee River.
On this particular afternoon I walked up the hill to my grand father's house, who had a Coca Cola cooler in the small building at the front of his property. I asked for a Coke, but he refused.
Next, I continued up the hill to the small store at the intersection of Cedar Street and the paved highway. There were a few men at a table outside the store, playing dominoes. I hung around for a few minutes, but nobody offered to buy me a drink. So, I headed back home.
As I walked down the hill, I was on the north side of Cedar Street. But as I neared my cousin's house, I angled across the road to the opposite side because I didn't like walking past the deep ravine that bordered their property.
On two earlier occasions I had seen a large hairy ape-like man amongst the kudzu in that ravine. Although the creature had never threatened me, I was afraid to get too close.
I was about halfway across the dirt road when I was struck in the forehead by a bright narrow beam of light from above. The beam was less than two inches in diameter. It made no sound; nor had any "feel." But, it was amazingly bright to be seen during a mid afternoon.
I gazed skyward and saw a large gray disc suspended very high over the back yard of my home.
Immediately, I was lifted into the sky at a very fast speed.
Actually, I did not have the sensation of being lifted. Rather, it was a sensation of "falling" up.
My memory is clouded about the ensuing details. I seem to recall being greeted by at least three persons inside the craft. I can't describe what they looked like. I'm assuming they did not look like "monsters" because I did not panic. 
I recall being on a table; and something sharp being stuck into my left nostril. It wasn't painful; but it was uncomfortable.
I also recall being told that it was a beneficial procedure. They weren't speaking words. We were communicating via "thoughts."
I was also told to not tell anybody what had happened. They also told me that the hairy creature in the ravine would not harm me.
Next thing I recall, I was inside my house, standing behind a sheer curtain in the parlor. I don't know how I got there.
That night, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the hairy creature standing next to my bed. He was so tall, his head bumped against the light bulb that was hanging from the ceiling. Next to him was a shorter, similarly hairy woman holding a baby creature. The hair on the adults laid flat on their bodies. The hair on the baby was "fuzzy" and stood away from its body. 
Suddenly the baby jumped from its mother's arms and bounced onto my bed. She reached down to pick him up, and the small creature peed on my bed as it was being lifted.
The father seemed perturbed about the incident, and the three of them exited my room, went through the parlor, and out the front door.
I never again saw any hairy creatures. But for the next ten years I suffered from chronic nosebleeds and boils on my body.
During those years, I often "left my Body" and flew around during the night. Sometimes when I returned to my body, I would jolt so hard, it would bounce me out of bed.
I never spoke of these things to anyone. I tried to forget they even happened. I grew up in an area and in an era when things like UFOs were not even discussed. It wasn't until much later in life that I became curious.
After high school, the nosebleeds became rare. But, sometime around the year 2005, I began to notice something inside my left nostril. It felt almost like a small pimple. By 2009, that pimple inside my nose had begun sprouting something that resembled a stiff hair. I tried using trimmers to cut the "hair" but it would not cut. One day I grabbed a pair of tweezers and yanked it out.
It was not a hair. Removing that thing was very painful. It looked like a section of thick mono-filament fishing line. Maybe 40 or 50 pound test line. It was more than an inch long, although less than a quarter inch had been visible when I tried removing it.
I tossed it into the trash. As mentioned earlier, I never thought too much about UFOs. As an adult, I plodded along as a soldier, a commercial fisherman, and a pest control technician. Nothing special about me.
In 2013 I got throat cancer. The treatments nearly killed me. Until the cancer, I was an extremely healthy person. I did not have a primary doctor. I was never sick. The only time I saw a doctor was when I had injuries. The only times I missed work was when I was a bit too hungover from alcohol; and that was rare.
I am filing this report because things are only now becoming more clear in my memory about unexplained things that happened in my life. I am curious to know whether or not I might have had contact with alien beings.
Thanks for being available to hear from folks like myself. I apologize for not being able to provide better details.
Sincerely, D.D. 

So in this case the `entity' is a hairy ape-like man in description.... the overall report IMO is well beyond the level of belief I'm likely to extend into our common consensus reality. Ready for report 2? (Actually the search did have a third entity report... that in the short description said `first abduction' - and then had NO description beyond that... I'm not counting that one... but what is it about 1953 that inspired THREE abduction reports).
Report two
1953, at the age of 6 years old, I saw a ufo hover near our home, I notified my brother, & 2 male cousins, the ufo came to rest at the foot of the Hansen Dam , where I was abducted!

Report submitted 7-17-2007
Long Description of Sighting Report
Todays date: 7/17/2007, My name is Ruben Sierra, male hispanic, former United States Marine, this instant case was first investigated by the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, founder of (cufos) center for the studies of ufos, who in turn, gave the case to the late, Idabell Epperson, Director Mufon southern California, & her daughter Marylin Epperson, both field investigators for Mufon. I Ruben first sighted the ufo hoverning near our government housing project apartment unit, which was near a hilly area, the ufo then floated over the service drive, at which point I brought it to the attention of my older brother, & 2 male cousins, one older & one the same age as myself.
I was 6 years old at this ufo encounter, the ufo then came to rest at the base of the Hansen Dam, built by the Army Corps of Engineers, a Federal body, as was the Federal housing project were this all took place (Emphasis Added!) The community at this time and place called this location a ufo landing base, and I feel the community was built for the purpose of studying ufos and working hand in hand, with them. Moreover, it should be noticed that the Los Angeles Unified School District built a school for this government housing unit which is very odd to say the least!
The ufo while over the service drive came to a complete hault in the air, my brother and 2 cousins, and other children waved at the craft an the crafts occupants return the wave back to us. The ufo/craft the flew over the playground area, an came to rest at a 45 degree angle at the foot of the Hansen Dam. My brother & cousins, & other children followed the ufo to the Dams base, where all became afraid and returned to the housing units, but I Ruben remained at the crafts landed sight, as the craft was at a 45 degree angle, I approached it, an remember the smell of something similar to battery acid!? I remember walking on the gravel of the dams base, an placed one knee on the lowest point of the ufo which was at a 45 degree angle, and I crawled the circunference of the ufo, until I was at the opposite site of the craft, and I saw a small opening, where I saw beautiful lights of magenta, red, blues, yellowa, pink, and gold, lights, which seem to draw me to them, (Emphasis Added!)
I fell downward into the craft, an have screen memory which was brought out under hypnoist, after I came out of the craft I return to the housing units where the children were playing a game of (hide and seek), so I went into my apartment unit where I was in a state of confusion, as my mother was combing my sister hair, at which time I asked my mother if my sister was chinesse, being my family is hispanic, mexican american, I was in a state of confusion. Moreover, at this time my mother sent me to my room as she was agitated with me for not reconizing my sister, I asked my mother if my sister was chinesse, as in ELONGATED EYES, I believe from my experience in the craft I have no other explaination! Other than the alien beings had wrapped around ELONGATED EYES!
After I went to my bedroom, I sat in my red sofa chair, at which time I levitated upward to the ceiling, and I felt the curtain rods, the ceiling light bulbs, as my feet dangled downward, I then floated downward to the red sofa, an came to rest on it. I told my mother what transpired in the bedroom and she said you need a plane ticket to fly, an became more agitated and sent me outside to play with the other children.
The children were playing hide and seek, an as I was late coming to the game, I had to seek them out, I was instructed to count backwards from a 100 at a light post, at which time I feel into a stupor, at about 75 count, when I awoke I found myself at the roof of the 3 story apartment units, and I found the children one at a time in this method of some how levitating to the 3 story apartment roof top, hearing where the children were hiding and levitating downward until I stood in front of the children, at which point the children became afraid, saying how did he do that, I don't want to play anymore!
By this time it was now dark outside, and the adults were outside caring for the children, I remember a man pitching a baseball into the sky and catching the ball with his glove, it had to be a full moon as I could see the ball as he caught the ball, on his third toss, I glanced upward, and saw a ufo the size of a basketball, follow the baseball downward, then circle the housing unit at which time it shape shift to a giant ufo over lapping the roof tops of the 3 story apartment units, with the same colors of magenta, gold pink, etc. as in the day time sighting.
At this point the adults took the children into the apartments, and I went into my aunt and uncles apartment, as my parents were grocery shopping. When my parents return they took us home, an it was at this time I had my childhood ufo abductions, of abducting me from my bedroom apartment, and taking me to the same location of the base of the Hansen Dam, this transpired 3 times, and I told my parents, my mother then told me if I were to be taken into the craft again, as I reported to my parents of being seated in a chair in front of a large picture window, looking out into the blackness of space, and seeing millions of stars pass by at a great rate of speed, then the chair would shift into a different position, and the process would repeat itself.
My mother got the idea of tearing the white bed sheets into strips, as she said if you fly tonight you'll take your brother, she then tied my hand and arm to my brothers hand and arm, and my leg to my brothers leg, an turned off the bedroom light. The childhood ufo abduction repeated itself again, at approx. 5:00 AM my mother was making my fathers breakfast, and peeked into the bedroom, only to find the ufo aliens were not infalliable, as I was not tied to my brother but rather I was tied underneath, the bed itself, and my arm and legs were tied to the bedpost legs underneath the bed! (Emphasis Added!) Submitted by, Ruben Sierra, Palmdale, California. 7/17/2007 
A bizarre dream? Too much to be real? Levitating in public - yet no other person has a similar story or memory? Doesn't pass the smell test to me.
And there you have it... one additional year into the `saucer' era and yet to have anything to grasp onto IMO. 1954 next... the world awaits.
feel free to buy one at full price too

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Four Alien Being Types

This is a re-post of one of my favorite posts of all time and will be part of an upcoming E-book. I wrote it in 2009 at the peak of the UFO phenomena coverage in America for my blog called The Heavy Stuff. This is a detailed look at the `alien perception phenomena' as described from my own unique focus on Phenomenology (what spaces are and human consciousness of that structure). I hope you enjoy it and explore some of my other E-books on my author page:
(links no longer work btw)

Hello, and welcome back to The Heavy Stuff (THS) - a blog to bookmark if you want speculation into realities greatest mysteries. Today's posting is an offshoot of THS's  post earlier last month - having to do with just how strange the whole `ufo' experience can be to an individual or even a group of individuals. It was in that post that THS speculated that occasionally, and perhaps often,  a  `UFO experience' may involve `different types' of entities.

THS, when mentioning different entity types,  wasn't referring about the internet speculation (with some added  fantasy perhaps) that multiple alien races are here, permenantly,  in Earth's biosphere and are probably interacting with humans (some say dozens of races). No, what THS was and is referring to  is `spaces'* (entities) which do not have an equal `basis' of `common reality' grounding - compared to a human. (Wordy, THS knows, but we will get much more specific in a bit.) Let THS attempt to explain:

[* Remember, much of the Phillips Phenomenology (PP) positions `space' as a characteristic which must be actualized for an event to occur. The PP describes `different types of spaces' - and where they occur.]
Type One - Aliens/Entities

(Real & Travel In Craft)

Type One Properties ---> Real `physical' alien - in the same manner that a human is `physical' . A being with a birth, and, on-going, contiguous,  `space-time' reality - rooted in our same human perceived outer reality that we as humans consider a  `common consensus' - considered by all to be called our `real'** ontology. Type One Aliens are beings that do NOT exceed the speed of light for travel and are beings that travel by craft. They are beings that do not need to `become objective' to reveal `their reality of space'. They would be beings as trapped in our common reality as we humans are.

**[In other words, if a class of 100 college biology students were asked in an auditorium classroom if any of them thought the lecture was a `being dreamed' as opposed to being experienced while awake - all would KNOW it wasn't a dreamstate. (Then again with college students who knows, right?)]

Comment - To humans at our 2009 level of consciousness, these Type One Aliens are the most real and `humanlike'  of all alien types. `They' will probably have arms, legs, a head, be able to communicate with each other - etc - humanlike characteristics of which humans can identify. Nevertheless, `aliens' of any sort are inherently scary to most humans, of course.

However, type one beings that travel `anywhere' in the universe ONLY below the speed of light - can be assumed to be rare; very rare - in ANY one particular location, including Earth. That said, being very rare - in a near infinite universe - does not mean non-existent or impossible. Indeed, while of low probability to be at any one location in the universe - this would be the alien/entity type MOST likely to have an interest in living planets like Earth.

But, would such beings, Type One beings,  be so focused as `being here' only in the last 60 years? (Or would it be another type of the four entity/alien choices THS will review?) Wouldn't such type one beings be just as likely to have been here, around Earth, for at least the last few hundred million years? You know, coming and going at will over the millenia - perhaps staying on occasion for eons.

Could we really expect that more than a  handful would be `around' in any given era like ours? (If they did `stick around' how many `aliens' would they need to have a sustainable population?) Could we really expect a huge increase within a short period of 60 years, that we seem to have experienced,  from beings that use  `moving craft' in a `galaxy' context? (If there has been such an increase in the last 60 years.)

Indeed, the idea of a sudden increase in `this type' of alien - a type one alien/entity - just seems unlikely, logically. Why? Well, first, T1 beings living below the `light threshold' would not even have knowledge of mans recent advancements - outside of a 60 year light cone. Could there really be a significant number of civilizations within 60 years that have humanlike entities that have crafts that go a significant % of the speed of light? And who would want to come HERE if they did have such `slow' `interstellar' craft? It simply seems unlikely.


All that stated, doesn't it seem possible that a few - repeat, a few - species of aliens may be camped out semi-permanently on Earth or nearby planets (if they do have near light-speed craft)?It does to THS - but - at the same time - it also seems logical that there AREN'T - large numbers of different types. We can all quibble about what constitues a large number  within a 60 year radius or permanent level of visitation on all `live planets' in the universe. (Meaning that other planets with planet and animal life would be just as likely as Earth to have monitoring `type one' aliens.)

It might be a cool blog post to speculate `how many' craftable alien civilazations might be within any given 100 mile light year `radius'? Why? Because if an entity had access to the universe `above' the speed of light -- there exists little reason to `limit' oneself to the `local' 60 light year light cone. Which leads us to the next logical type of entity:

Type Two - Aliens/Entities

(Real and Travel Without Craft)

Type Two Properties --> Real physical alien - in the same manner as a human is physical and the type one alien. A being with a birth and an on-going `space-time' reality - rooted in a common consensus with similar beings on a planet with a real ontology - just like humans and type one aliens. Beings that can EXCEED the speed of light for travel and do NOT travel by `craft/structure' in the strict sense of the word. Beings that `become objective' to reveal their reality on Earth. (Obviously, the `how' part of this is the `science' side - or - `consciousness' side -- the esoteric aspect. On the science side, perhaps humans/aliens/beings can create machines that can be `stepped into' and as the outcome - provide `bi-location' for the `space identity'. On the consciousness side - perhaps some beings with intelligence on some planet somewhere have been able to develop - just thru `mind' focus -- an ability to travel the universe --- and in essence - `plant'  their `space' elsewhere/elsewhen. To THS, both of these `new location experiences' - would seem to be within the rhelm of possibility if the concept of `dopplegangers' is real. If there is a `space' which can `be representative' within `another reality' (not connected by the light cone to the original now) - then the `doppleganger' may be just the `vehicle' needed. IT WOULD ALSO EXPLAIN THE MANY MANY TIMES THAT ALIENS HAVE BEEN SAID TO JUST `VANISH'. Because, it's not really `their space' that is here at all. It would be like having perception from an out of body experience taken to the 10th degree. Frankly, it, this explanation, would also account for the great variety of `beings' - indeed, those of type two that are more rooted in `science' travel -- may be limited in the way that they can `appear' based on some specific `programming' - ones `space' could appear as perhaps an animal or non-similar entity that was originating the `signal'.

Comment - To humans in 2009 at our collective consciousness levels - these `forms' or alien/entities - are perhaps the most mysterious - as they seem to be possibly `more real' than `more spiritual entites - like Type 3 & 4' (which we will cover soon). WHY? Because things that seem totally solid, totally here - and then can vanish -- does not fit our normal consensus reality. Is this how a Bigfoot can be within 20 feet of a human and compel that human to search to find a `real Bigfoot' - again - for the rest of their lives? Or, how `beings' or entities can come out of, or go into, a `glowing slot' of space - as seen on the Bigelow Ranch.

Doesn't it seem likely that many of the experiences that are described as paranormal are really an encounter with these `enhanced' Type Two creatures? Doesn't this really seem to describe much of what is taken to be UFO's - speeding away at unbelievable' speeds? Indeed, if we are ready to be honest as thinking humans - this type to alien - literally from a different world with a `common now' (meaning the alien or entities world does exist as a planet within our timecone) and `common spaces' to our Earth -- seems to be the `main type of alien/entity' that we as humans have encounters. That is, if we base the `population' on the actual number of `high strangeness - close encounters'. (Certainly, there are more `lights in the sky' stories. Remember, lights in the sky stories are a dime a dozen and could involve machines or crafts built by humans within the governments and militarys of the world.)

Key characteristic of Type Two alien/entity -- `travel' of being is accomplished by `structure' of temporarily increased consciousness level or `increase' in space bi-location via some `science' methodology that enhances that ability of bi-locate. For the entity that `travels' the travel is temporary and `not' the `normal state' for such a being.

Type Three - Aliens/Entities

(`Real', Travel without Craft, Do NOT Live On Any `Planet' Surface)

These beings are `real' in `quotation marks' - and do not appear `as real' (solid - in a quantitative sense) as the many close up sightings of legendary creatures such as a Bigfoot (a Type Two creature). That said, they may be viewed as appearing in any `shape' from an Orb to a `translucent' or ghost like being -- ie - an entity that doesn't appear `solid' - and appears to have a light basis. Somehow, a human that encounters such a `being' `knows' that it isn't real in our normal sense -- and furthermore - doesn't seem to be able to have a `permanent time' within our reality common consensus. These beings/aliens/entities seem to be operating on the energy from the local environment.

While it's possible that these entities see `themselves' in some on-going manner - it's equally likely that - these entities have NO on-going consciousness of their own space. There is no reason that both types may be part of Type Three. But, even for `spaces/entities' that see themselves in an on-going manner -- it's hard to believe that these `spaces' were ever `born' or that they `live' on a planet. Indeed, these type of `spaces' seem `very local' and very temporal - probably distorting the very localness and temporalness of common consensus that humans live within on Earth.

Indeed, these seem to be the creatures of `our own making' - mythology -  and iconic shapes and feelings - that can form into temporary `translucent' type of `solids'. The land of angels as a possible origin for this type of entity also. For, if these are not `super-local' specialized consensus events, then - they must be `timeless' beings that permeate everything. These are the `Godlike' `guardian' type entities that Mr. Bledsoe reported (my recent post covers this -  - and that many many people have reported over the years). Likewise, Mr. Bledsoe also reported entities (translucent) with glowing red eyes -- this also would be a Type Three entity.

These type three entities are perhaps the most frightening to humans (with good reason) -- as they appear to be powerful `locally'. These spaces seem to be part of the human condition encountered by only a few. The limited number of `possessions' would seem to fall into this category in general. Entities `built' by the dilemma of the human condition of needing to embrace despair.

Type Four - Aliens/Entities

(`Real', Travel without Craft, Human based - alive and dead)

This type of entity is very similar to Type Three except that it has a `singular human' basis - either `prior' or `current' - as opposed to Type Three being a more `common consensus space' with energy generally supplied by living humans. Indeed, Type Four entities could often be thought of as Ghosts or in the most extreme rare circumstance `a real doppelganger'. These entities would tend to visit or at least be most perceivable to  humans or places they `knew' when alive.

While poltergeist events can be scary - often `visits' from these entities are spiritually uplifting and not frightening. And, unless `called' these entities seem to be short lived and infrequent to often being a just `one time showing' after death - to a loved one -- and often only in a symbolic manner or in a dreamstate.

Nevertheless, most humans consider the Type Four entity to be real and of our very essence - even beyond our own humanness. Indeed, type four entities give the human race hope that we are more than just our physical bones - and thoughts - and that we too - may be connected to the entities of our universe that can travel.
The above is called real UFO blogging - you can find my best posts from all my blogs on my author page.

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition