The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label fortean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fortean. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Mysterious Morning Light Show Caught On Morning TV News Program

Hello Clockers...what's it been, 9 months? After waiting that long one would hope I'd deliver a good one for you...and I think this might qualify. Evidently, during a morning telecast on live TV in Milwaukee - some very strange lights appeared out of nowhere in the sky as they were cutting to a commercial break (a view overlooking the cityscape). Suddenly...and long enough for the newscasters to react...many MANY mysterious lights - looking much like fireworks (but without any up trail) appeared over a large swath of the sky...AND MOVED...each and every one of them. I first saw the link here on a website for a local Milwaukee FM Channel - and found the YouTube link you see below...already with over a million views in a couple weeks. Please watch this one a few times with an open mind...even as you listen to the newsreaders surprised voices.

Unidentified Lights On LIVE TV 2018  with 1,788 comments available to read....many suggesting, jokingly...that what we see is sperm and that Earth is a big egg...and we've just been fertilized...hmm.

So..what do you think...has the Fortean decided to communicate once more...with a new twist? Has some nefarious government or non government entity identified a manner to provoke fear or wonder into the populous at will? Has some prankster figured out how to drop fireworks from the sky in an unnoticeable manner? Or... is this simply a new development in fireworks that obscures the flight trail upwards (which would be a damn cool firework attribute)? OR...something VERY close to the camera that seemed to give the illusion of being in the sky (of course...if that was the case...this would be at least a semi common occurrence on live morning TV..which it isn't)?

Or...aliens, as suggested by the female reporter?

Let's simply assume for argumentative purposes that what was caught on camera WAS something anomalous as opposed to nefarious. Let's at the same time rule out my other suggestions above so we can focus on the anomalous..... Of the past we've seen mysterious displays of "multitudes" of orbs in the sky simultaneously...such as in Mexico. We've also seen Orbs move in the sky...but not quite like this - absolutely a "look at me" action/activation/actualization. 

Those who have read this blog for the past 11 YEARS, know that before all the BULLSHIT of CGI and clickbate "UFO" websites/YouTube channels - it was not difficult to find seemingly genuinely strange "lights" in the be exact...the same kind that have been seen for decades by humans, if not forever. 

An anomalous spontaneous generated moment of wonder for consciousness to find and discover. It just might be cranking up again for all to observe.

As Bruce Duensing's last post 

Is UAP A Quantum Detection System?

 before his death suggests - the anomalous may all be about a relationship between consciousness and being (takes you to Duensing's post)... and I'll let readers with this quote from Bruce ...his final comment:
Bruce DuensingMay 12, 2015 at 7:01 PM

I dont think for both pragmatic and perhaps metaphysical reasons there are no singular and definitive answers that could be narrowed down to any coherent narrarive in terms of the causes of UAP but it serves as an intriguing platform for exploring relationships such as stimulous and response as a singularity....drama as a reactive Zen Koan...I suspect there is no anthroporphic purpose as we define it in UAP..rather..relationships...without a heirarchy...Yet the questions mutate the answers...What or whom is detecting what or whom defies linear causation.

Or...was the video of nothing but Birds? With the OBVIOUS question...why has this NEVER been seen on the screen before?
Thanks for reading and having an open mind
you are rare.
Hey...there's tons on this webpage for true lovers of the anomalous...dig into the archive and page for more.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The `Fortean Switch'

I sure hope that most of you caught the real Fortean link yesterday on UDCC to my blog called The Heavy Stuff. In that link I explored a tale found on a social news site that suggested the `impossible' or what I often refer to as `the Fortean'. You'll have to dig down for that on this page, but, I wanted to bring to you just a kernel of further thought on the subject of `the impossible'.

You see, today I went to the latest MUFON reports as I often do - but, what I fail to report to Clockers on a regular basis is that occasionally NOTHING of value is there. NOTHING at all. And, then the thought hit me --- can `the Fortean' simply flip a switch to activate the perception structures that get reported to an agency like MUFON? Why would some days of reports be replete with tons of the impossible and yet other days - NOTHING at all.
The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization
My read of a lifetime about the reality structure.
The rest of today will be a mish mash of some links in the bin. First up - Could NASA Be Hiding Life on Mars From US? - I featured this blog a few days ago too. Lose yourself, it's Sunday.
Did you know that I also teach people to do the impossible? Learn To Juggle In One Hour - For Health, Fun and Profit
On occasion we talk about Dean Clark around here - the Kentucky Orb caller on occasion - he put some of his stuff on this YouTube Channel - bottom line, one great experience and video and the rest, well....... not so persuasive. 
Speaking of unusual lights - my best selling book since November:
Going To The Light At Death - The New Theories (The Heavy Stuff)
Speaking of going to the death - how about this for the FINAL post of a UFO blog in 2009 - Childhood Alien Contact.
And, finally, LM says that he had his alien contact at a very young age too:
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What One Week Of UFO's `Looks Like'

My thanks to Kate Valentine for interviewing me for her radio show at WVNJ yesterday - some of Kate's final words were `you've got my mind spinning' - as I ended with a bit of phenomenology and perception statements. The show replays Sunday afternoon and you can still catch it my going direct to the WVNJ link above.
As I mentioned recently - there is a new upgraded UFO site that is simply the bees knees and represents an incredible amount of effort on the webmasters behalf. As I said, I am simply beginning to learn how to use this to my best ability to bring to Clockers the best in available citizen reports of the anomalous phenomena within their perception.

The site is called Sightings Report . Com - I've officially signed up and therefore I now get the websites weekly summary. Are you ready for this - and for how it simply is a HUGE task to even review the available `evidence'? Case in point, this weeks summary suggests 110 reports of which nearly 30% are correlated to other reports; 113 pictures and 10 videos. Yeah, that's how crazy it all is. I will be doing my best to delve into the suggested links of SR and to simply continue to explore the MUFON reports on my own - which is where many to most of these reports come from. 

Additionally, 5 hot spots were listed as having 6 or more reports of UFO's within the past 30 days - 3 of the hotspots are in Florida.
I updated my blog called Strange UFO Videos - with that `strange sky noise' video I referred to on UDCC about a week ago. It's real strange and is probably a hoaxers stuff getting the attention of a random person who uploaded it to YouTube. It happened in Indianapolis about 10 days ago - and over 65K have seen the video and it does have a positive ratio of opinion. All that said, I think hoax - go and see what You Think.
I also updated my blog called The Heavy Stuff yesterday with what I feel is the best FORTEAN story of the 2000's - perhaps. Anyway, it's about an endless roll of string and then finding that the endless strings from nowhere - are more Common That You Think - great Fortean read this weekend.
Chesapeake Bay Crab Cakes & More

Sunday, June 10, 2012

PSSSSTT..... THIS Is What Is Going On - The `Targeted Individuals' Program With `Aliens'

I've gotten tons of very far out e-mails over the years at UDCC, and a few even make it to Headline Stories - like this one. Indeed, if I didn't promote this to today's lead, (and few get promoted) it would be buried like others in our comments archive of over 800 comments - many enlightening comments too. Perhaps enlightening is too strong of a word. LOL.

I first present the comment in its entirety:
ella has left a new comment on your post

I'm the one who told him that the planes were fake, actually, on August 3, 2011. I have the emails. I realized it in June, 2011. He and I are somewhat like alien abductees, but it's a different program, called "Targeted Individuals". Talk about nutcases, listen to the "Talkshoe" shows that go on all night, every night, where Targeted Individuals discuss what is going on with them. They aren't naturally mentally unstable, but the bizarre things that happen in Occult torture programs make them sound completely crazy. 
Here's what is going on: 
The planes are NOT real planes, and they are not on any flight path. Look at flight paths across cities. They are not in a grid pattern, and the planes are not on the radar, or on Planefinder, normally. If they do show up on Planefinder, they will pop up, and either the take-off, or the destination, will be a question mark...."?", and then after a couple of minutes, it will go off of Planefinder. Real airplanes follow flight paths in the sky. They are like roads, and big planes can't just go willy nilly all over the sky, wherever they want. 
They are not real airplanes. There are no videos of them taking off, or landing, because they do not take off, or land, anywhere! They are ORBS that project images of aircraft. They are shapeshifters. It has been going on for a long time. They are the eye in the is in a lot of music from the 80's. Pink Floyd album cover...the triangle with the beam going to it, and the rainbow coming out the other side....that is it. It's a hologram. 
The "Occult" knows about it. The "planes" are "demons". They are what did 9/11. Those planes were the same as chemtrail planes. They were fake planes. There were entities all over the WTC, but people don't know what they look like. They are two dots of light, or an orb. That wasn't all paper exploding out of the WTC! Those were orbs. There were fake helicopters, fake planes, fake boats, and fake birds all over those videos. The real ones may have been turned to dust. There were three planes calling in distress signals from the Atlantic Ocean on the morning of 9/11. The WTC was built to be taken down on 9/11! The architect said that "voices" told him how to build the buildings, just like "voices" told Nicola Tesla how to create the Tesla coil, and free energy. 
The Chemtrail Planes are the same as "Foo Fighers" in WWII. Hitler was in the Occult! The NAZI scientists/Occultists came to the United States, and they created NASA. 
The entities that are the Chemtrail Planes are Inter-dimensional plasma-based life forms. They are Demons/Alien/Devils. They are the same entity that built the pyramids, all over the world, and Solomon's temple. They are the same entity that the Dogon tribe describes, and they say they are from the Sirius Star System. They are intelligent plasma based life-forms; the Djinn. Watch the movie "The Objective", that's what they are. They are the WMD that G. Bush talked about S. Hussein having. They are in control of the world. They are also "Anonymous", or "Legion". There is a leadership, and it is in the Ether (net). They are on the other side of your computer screen. :D 
The WTC was two columns, or Is Is. Sirius. It was a sacrifice, and the celebration to bring in the NWO, where they will be the law. They are the law now...they control the police. The police work for them. They are the Devil, and I won't say who else they are. They have been here before, performing miracles. They can also make storms, earthquakes, volcanoes erupt, and they are "Mothman", and they did "Fukushima", and most importantly, their base is the Moon. That's why they are called Demons. De Moon.

Tootles! Oh, my Youtube is ella5024


You'll want to make sure to send this story today to a friend on Facebook right? Anyway, where do I begin to comment on the above E-Mail.

First, the video in question (where the comment is based) is certainly open to interpretation - as MUZ pointed out when UDCC posted it. That said, the Chemtrail planes are indeed nefarious IMO - without question, and a lot of what Ella says above is very interesting when compared with another link I have on this page by Colin Bennett about Chemtrails and Chemtrail Planes BEING FORTEAN. (One of the very heaviest ideas I've ever encountered.) That said, I lean Orb/Alien  before I lean Fortean IF push comes to shove.

And, indeed, UDCC's position above is OUT THERE to most folks if not nearly all - but, UDCC also thinks it is at least possible to likely that some of the Chemtrail activity is NOT Orb or Alien. And, yes, because of pure analysis of options it is POSSIBLE that ALL the activity is human based. But, I personally doubt that it is all human. (What kind of blog are you reading right? LOL.) 

But, back to Ella's well articulated letter - I guess I've covered the Chemtrail aspect - so onward. 

Obviously, `Targeted Individuals', Occult Torture Programs, planes are demons, fake helicopters, boats and birds, Nazi scientists created NASA - would take a bit more so-called proof to be ponied up before I'd believe any of it. LOL.

That said, Foo Fighters may have been Orbs. Orbs may be plasma based `inter-dimensional' entities (I'd prefer to think of them as sub space entities and are part of our phenomenology.) However, nearly EVERYTHING else mentioned in the letter, and in the immediately above paragraph, are the result IMO of sliding down the slippery slope with no brakes. A mix of fantasy and possible reality markers.
The Mailbag also has a WINNER from Ken Pfeifer that I will be bringing to readers soon.
I indicated to my readers that I'd tell them when sales of the 2006 Chicago O'Hare UFO Incident moved into the double digits in sales. It has. Recently, when it was on the 5 day free promotion the book was NUMBER ONE in UFOs on Kindle and as high as 12th on the Kindle Charts for `Science' - hundreds downloaded the book. As recently as yesterday morning the book was in the Top 60 Paid UFO books. You can read the 99 cents E-Book (FREE to Amazon Prime members) with a click of the Sky Symbols picture below. Thanks for checking out the sample.

Now, make sure to use the share buttons below to share this to your Facebook account - your friends have to see the letter, right?. Appreciated.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

500 UFO Blog Posts Later

UDCC has reached a milestone, 500 posted offerings about the whole UFOlogy spectrum. A spectrum with more frequencies and sub-areas than even remotely imagined upon my first investigations into the whole phenomena in late 1991. A `phenomena' that seemingly continues to evolve even in 2012. And, yes, a phenomena with a spectrum of `realness' of which an simple overview is almost impossible in one blog post (but, I'm going to give it a try to hit what I think are the highlights, lol).
Indeed, what are UFOs to most people?

Even the fact that it is a question - is worth noting. 

Indeed, in Today's Age, has the 30 foot in diameter saucer shaped perception been replaced by an Orb lighted V-Shaped object of much greater size? Which, regardless of era, are crafts that NEVER seemingly land or conclude a journey - and, are always observed in a temporal and temporary fashion. Indeed, in my opinion - the amazing LACK of real video evidence for CRAFT of any sort (other than plasma objects) is VERY unlikely IF such craft are real phenomenological objects with any great frequency of occurrence. 

And, as readers probably are aware, a large portion of the public is of the belief that ALL UFOs are simply unexplainable things humans don't understand or are the `imagination' of the observers. As usual, at least the way I look at things, both camps of view have truths within them as long as they don't get dogmatic about it all.
But, more importantly for this 500th post - what is my OPINION about UFOlogy and UFO Disclosure --- OPINIONS FOLKS. Opinions, because NO one knows the FACTS.

* The 2011 `UFO Disclosure' by Phil Larson, the statement representing the US Government, was a `signal' to the MSM to `lay-off' using the `alien explanation' when it comes to anomalous phenomena. Likewise, since the `aliens' would be non-existent, there is no need for the MSM to `go-to' `UFO hotspots' in a fashion similar to what happened in  Stephenville, Texas. (The days of Larry King fondly asking the `dumb questions' - are over.) NO UFO stories are to have `legs'.
* Of the few craft that are REAL - Cloaking, or a slight phasing of space, are much under-rated manners in which the UFO phenomena might be representing itself to our human perceptions.
* `Aliens', IMO, generally are `entities' more than phenomenological beings. Generally, not entirely.
*Orbs, the real UFO IMO, are the REAL UNKNOWN about the whole phenomena and probably `themselves' are different `things' too.
* People who expect a UFO Disclosure haven't been paying attention. What was provided was a `soft disclosure' by some countries in which edited documents were provided - as a 36 hour news story - with NO country EVER then saying `Yes, there are Aliens' - NEVER. And, with other countries, such as our own here in the USA, placing their heads in the sand with a complete denial of the phenomena (rather than deal with the nuances of high strangeness). Additionally, IMO, the `black budget' side of the the military in regards to this type of technology - will never be fully revealed to the simpleton and MSM dumbed down Joe Public. 
* My personal belief in the Fortean - including also that humans can be entertainment for BILLION year old beings/entities. That the Fortean accounts for a significant percentage of High Strangeness perceptions.
*That an extremely small but notable percentage of `Orb Phenomena' is `produced by human intentionality's' that involve BELIEVING in SOMETHING - be it a religious belief or an off the beaten path belief. It's as if the `event' is more dependent on the belief itself - rather than the `thing' of the belief. And, THIS PHENOMENA MAY BE increasing - Yikes.
*That there is a Perception Structure - nearly identical to - but NOT identical to - our phenomenological structure; which when combined with some shifting of human consciousness - can create non ordinary unique realities to observe.
Also Notable:
Undeclared FAKE video makers and distributors are everywhere and the best are occasionally supported by the MSM by featuring the FAKE. (as if they don't know what the characteristics are of the posters - such as David Icke believers or Exo-politic folks or other variations, such as a `gathering site').
Finally, and on a personal observation note (of the evolving UFO saga?), Friday was a very warm day in the Atlanta area and the windows were open upon going to bed................ And, there it was - I noticed it about 10:30 PM at the very lowest threshold of my hearing - `the low jet-roar' sky noise phenomena - continuous for over an hour - with only slight variation. So low in volume, as to be easily forgotten, if one was NOT focusing on it. But, the same unending wavy pattern of noise with no Doppler effect, only slightly more than the background din of the outer suburbs. 

Others had to have heard it - at least for a few moments - before ascribing it to distant jets, never thinking that it was an on-going phenomena.

I can easily see how the NON Glamorous `low hum' Sky Noise Phenomena - will be near impossible to explain to those who don't even see the Chemtrails; or don't even remember that they haven't ALWAYS been in our skies............... Oh my, and not a saucer to be seen.
Oh, if you are in North Carolina in the Durham area - you may want to check this out Psychometry Reading at the Rhine Institute. A tease from the mailing I get from being on their listing:
Kathe Martin returns for another psychometry reading event. Psychometry is defined as the ability to gain intuitive impressions of an object’s past history and associations simply by touching or handling it.

Please join us this time for an afternoon of readings following a semi-research format where Kathe will not initially know the identity of the object or the person who brought it. Objects will be placed in plain sacks. To accommodate more readings, these will be relatively brief, as opposed to the usual 30-60 minute private readings Kathe conducts. When a strong connection is made quantity does not necessarily equal quality. 

Finally, as some of you know - before I had nearly any of my blogs I did pages on Squidoo - I still have 7 pages there. Indeed, I started the new one on Dec. 31st of 2011 to record the BEST from UDCC. The best pictures, the best videos, the best UFO writings and links - and you can find the best of UDCC here at 2012 UFO Videos And Pictures.
Thanks for your visit today - Please share this post to Twitter or Facebook via the `share buttons' below. Oh, thanks to the person (the fourth so far) to sign up for `Second Life' via this blog. Please support UDCC sponsors. 
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

D.B. Donlon Returns With Some Amazing Posts

In our reality today - one can feel a kinship with people they have NEVER met or spoken to; BUT - HAVE READ. Yes, read - as in blogging. Especially bloggers who seem to have the same general ideas as yourself but who express them in ways that somehow puff out one's own ideas too. I have favorites like everyone who stimulate my mind with their words on their blogs - Duensing, Kuersten, our own MUZ - but, another of my personal favorites has been ..... ta da..... D.B. Donlon.

Today I'm going to link to his two latest posts after he took a bit of a breather as he re-evaluated his blogging efforts. Personally I'm glad he's back (hopefully). His first post upon returning was about what he knows is why many folks end up discovering his blog - Bigfoot. Donlon, IMO, has been one of the ultimate explorers of the phenomena of the last decade. Honestly. Not only that, his conclusion of the phenomena was one of the best reads the internet has ever had. You may need to explore his blog to find out more, right?

Anyway, in his post a few days ago - About Bigfoot Seekers he provided pure esoteric advice like this:
1. Remember that you don't know the first thing about how the world really works. You may have beliefs -- most of us do -- but to really do this job right, you have to put those aside. You don't even know whether the world you see this morning is in fact the one you left when you went to sleep last night. (Have a look at Consistent Histories if you don't believe me.) We get enough Fortean evidence that the world we live in is bizarre that we should carry with us supreme doubts about our ability to suss out the reality of it all. The only thing we can really be sure of is that the world is weird.

And, this is only a touch of his GREAT post. DB Donlon, like myself, is one of the few bloggers who MEAN it when we say that `Fortean Events' are signs into understanding the reality structure.
And, in his latest post - today as I write this - yesterday as you read it - he tackles his own dreams and lo and behold - DB Donlon's vibes are NOT good. And folks, before you judge his post of the 23rd day of 12 - dig into the overall head of his thinking in his blog - this guy is NOT an apocalyptic guy normally. But, this post is MUCH more than a guy seeing scary times ahead for the world - okay - VERY scary times ahead for the world.

Indeed, what DB Donlon got out of these dreams in his analysis is the stuff of a Stephen King novel in 500 words or less. I almost don't want to give away his best nugget of thought in this as his WHOLE post is incredible. But, I have to tease:
I've had this image before in other contexts -- the people who work behind the scenes know something is coming and they aren't doing their jobs anymore. These people are spiritual folk, not the living, and they may represent archetypes or subconscious energies, or really, just the denizens of the afterlife doing their jobs. Except they aren't doing them anymore.
I mean, OMG!!!! His F-ing dream is that -- putting it into my own words -- the guardians of the reality structure are simply going off duty for an unknown reason. ----- I mean OMG!!!!
Folks, nearly all of this guys thought nuggets and kernels of analysis are that good - and, he's got 100's of posts. Bloggers with this much depth deserve to be in your bookmarks. Thanks for checking Donlon's material out.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Alien Abduction Survey

While it's possible that I've posted this before, I don't think so. And, the `survey' is hardly what is even interesting in this 2010 posting - as it is the analysis and the comments that are FANTASTIC and must read material. Alien Abduction Survey. It's also interesting to read these idea BEFORE the scandal surrounding AA last year as I expect that nowadays the comments would be a bit different. Additionally, several links are embedded at the above that are certainly worth checking out. Such as this amazing Gem. Trust me, Clockers will dig this.
Now for something a bit different in/from our skies. TV report of GOO falling from the skies of Michigan this week:

To me, the most interesting thing about the above video is the CHEMTRAIL planes they show very prominently in the reporting - especially the last few seconds of the report. Fortean?
I see by the calendar that it is Saturday - which means my intellectual Clockers might have the time for one of the MOST esoterically positioned websites I have run into in a LONG time indeed - Tek-Gnostic Electronic Mystery School - This is NOT for LIGHTWEIGHTS - you'll probably need to bookmark this I'm sure. Again, you will LOVE this webpage.
Yes, the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - Entertains Too the universe and me and you - put to song.
Thanks for visiting today - please return again soon.
Do you know your credit score? As you can see, such info can be found in the sidebar on the top - please check it out.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Responding To Phil Coreski's `Alien Craft - Alien Connection' Interview

Good afternoon Clockers, and newbies, to UDCC - thanks for visiting again today. And, today I will be discussing Phil Coreski's answers to my interview questions about his on-going encounters with a mysterious Orb he films near his property. You can find that interview Here if you missed it. And, while there is more at the link, the Q's and A's are below too.

I will respond Q by Q.
Q1 - Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.
Why not walk back during the day - make sure no coyotes nests are there; or, go back before it gets dark? I don't buy the `excuse' but do NOT rule out it being possibly true from Phil's perspective. As I've already indicated, I think Phil doesn't change his position because of his SUCCESS from his current protocol. ---------------- ALSO, and it's a BIG also -- I doubt that Phil is actually videotaping an actual CRAFT (but, again, I will not rule it out totally) but IS videotaping some sort of anomalous plasma based consciousness driven `ball of light'. As such, I doubt that Phil's understanding of it being given off by the core of the ships `drive' to be probable fantasy or misinformation given to his mind via his `contact'.

Q2 - How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions.
I buy Phil's impressions of the lucid dreaming and OOBE's - I do believe that Phil's meditating has put him into some `special spaces' -- (In my Phillips Phenomenology - it would be the Able-To-Not-Be space.) that indeed MIGHT put him into a contact with `information or consciousness'. HOWEVER, SEEING THEM ON THE STREETS? (I will also warn Phil of messing with the unknown as far as human outcomes in general. Just sayin.) -------------------- (In seeing them on the street) We are talking about the outer edge of what the able-to-not-be MIGHT be able to produce within perceptual fields -- wow, if true, --- edging into madness if not. ---------------------------- AND, Clockers gotta love that Phil has, in essence, a MACHINE that transcribes the messages. -------------- You mean like this Radio Shack sold `Franks Box' that communicates with the DEAD?

Indeed, could Phil be in contact with the DEAD? (And, I'm not talking about Jerry Garcia.)

Well, I have a slightly different idea -- it is my opinion that Phil is in `contact' with some sort of `specialized consciousness' that exists within the universe. It's the SAME place and same type of experience that `alien abductees' have when they are shown pictures of a destroyed planet, wars, etc. - often ON a `space ship' craft. I wrote about THAT experience of others  On My Blog The Heavy Stuff in a post called A Twist To `Aliens' Showing Us OUR Apocalypse.
A different SPACE alright.

Q3.Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?
No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.
Fortean events HAVE NO CAUSE/EFFECT relationship and are literally FOR the `astonishment' of a/the human consciousness. IMO, it's NOT impossible that this is `the answer' - that said, I think other `answers' as I've been elaborating upon - are closer to the so-called `truth' of the matter for the OrionIFO orbs.

Q4 What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?
4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.  

Sounds MIGHTY familar to the words from a headline link I ran on Barf Stew on Nov. 3rd:
The Greys are made up of probably four groups of sort of gray-colored beings. There are what I call the Type B Greys, which are about 5and ½ feet tall and have triangle-shaped heads, pointed chins and dark black pupil-less eyes. They need food to survive, and prefer dairy products. There are the Type C Greys, which are around 5 ft tall, with more human-like eyes with pupils, but a small nose, mouth and sort of ears with a rounder face, and they can speak with verbal words. They are more human in appearance, might have some human DNA in their make-up. Type D are similar to Type C but their skin is reptilian in appearance, maybe a “C” with reptilian DNA in the mix. The Type A Greys are the most well known and are about 3.5 to 4.5 ft tall and about 40lbs. They has large heads in proportion to their bodies with huge almond black eyes with no ears and a slit for a mouth and nose. They have a tannish, pinkish gray body color. Their nourishment is absorbed directly into the skin (rubbed on animal membranes). They are probably more robotic than bio. And they have done the vast majority of the human abductions and human material gathering.

All the Greys have an agenda here and probably have been here as long as or longer than we humans have. They have been messing with us for thousands of years. We are their cattle
My gut feel about nearly all of the above is CRAPPOLA. I believe little to none of it. That said, IMO it is possible that humans may have been DNA modified --- possible, not probable.

That said, I will now `reveal' what strikes me as almost the strangest thing of all --- ORION is NOT a location - it is a collection of UNRELATED stars Wikipedia Link that as seen on Earth, create the one with the most visible `human' figure like THINGS in the nighttime sky.

Doesn't it seem a bit STRANGE that THAT is where `they' are from? And not from one of the 1000's of other stars in the sky? Does to me. Orion stars are in general, 100's to over 1000 light years from earth. WHICH Orion, Phil should ask?

And, the same goes for Zeta Reticulum - shouldn't Phil ask `which one?' As It is a binary star system - which OF COURSE has similar characteristics to our Sun. Also, IF the stars are ONLY2 billion years old - would THAT be enough time for a humanlike race to even evolve? It didn't on earth.
Q5. Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?
They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it.
IMO, not much of an `answer' as obviously, hopefully, Phil would be aware that contact is NOT simply thru HIM. (UDCC has identified many Orb callers and videomakers.) Not that it is possible that he is indeed among a selected few (which could be dozens or more). Hopefully, Phil has googled Prophet Yahweh by now.

Maybe never, not soon (on ufo disclosure) - sounds like a mighty safe answer to me.
Q6 - Provided links to best material - see above link to previous interview for those links.
Q7 - Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?

7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens wanta lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers of earth people at this time.
Frankly, this hit me a little differently -- as up to now, Phil has been following the exo-politics folks mantra pretty closely - BUT - don't the Exo folks say that ET is just chumping at the bit to reveal and be known to the world? All that said, would REAL ET's really like to be known, and like Phil, I doubt it. Nor, as I have already stated in another post, I think that Phil is convinced he his part of a procedure which literally produces the Orbs and wishes to NOT upset that balance. I get that.
Q8 - Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?

I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this
Of this, I believe Phil TOTALLY. (Indeed, I believe that Phil is largely NOT being evasive or dishonest in his answers - just that he is mis-interpreting them IMO.) Phil is vital to the protocol that produces the ORB IMO. The Orbs are Phil's FORTEAN event!(?).
Q9 - When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-2009
Q 10 - Do you meditate? Are you religioius?

Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.
The first thing that strikes me is - have you seen the ads on UDCC and other `paranormal' or UFO sites that says something along the lines of `what do ET's say?' and then give the `answer' is `to meditate?'. It makes me wonder if those ads might be worth clicking - lol.

Anyway, in no way do I make light of Phil's `mentalness' and altered state access potentiality. No doubt in my mind that it is also possible that `non-body spaces with consciousness' might indeed TUNE IN ---- TO PHIL. And then provide him an interchange mechanism for actualizing his intentionalities.
But, that is just MY opinion - I look forward to reading yours in the comments. That said, it seems that OrionIFO is gathering up a posse ready to gun him down as you can see from the video below: (With 198 views in 4 days)

link -
Interestingly, the guy above runs a UFO site you may have heard of that is like a one stop shop all for UFO's and entertainment. Perhaps the title `UFO sheriff' tingles his in-nurds but, for the life of me, other than comparing Phil to another regular `UFO filmer' Allison in PA (who is indeed flaky IMO, and is indeed NOT filming crafts or even orbs most of the time) he presents as little `evidence' as Phil does.
Should Phil respond - I will present his words here on UDCC.
Finally for today - Seems Lee's Summit has produced a UFO video - From Oct. 31st - about 10K have seen this:

I'm less than impressed.
11-11-11 - Tomorrow - Be Ready
BTW, thanks to my readership for the two items purchased off my blogs in the last two days - Hydroponic Food (hmm) and the most recent episode of GLEE - I have a diverse readership. LOL. And one not confined by boxes. Below is another opportunity to show how diverse the UDCC tastes are.
 - Collectors Item?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sky Noise Phenomena - Jersey City, New Jersey (Video)

I'm sure that a few of you are beginning to go `we get it already, there's some weird Sky Noise' --- to which I answer, yes there is. This one is from back in May; supposedly had been going on for an hour - at dawn and before. 16K views/listens.

link -
If you looked at the link immediately above you can see all the talk about Underground Nukes being the cause of strange sounds and the Virginia Earthquake. If that stuff is news to you as far as the internet rumor mill - you might want to check that out.
Updated my Newsblog today - interesting science story about antibiotics and what they do to not only those that use them but future generations too. Stats show, UDCC readers dig science.
My thanks to the person who bought ISO Maintamer Straightening System (Kit) from my blogs yesterday. See the other item purchased at my Newsblog above.
Another Strange Noise In The Sky - July 11th - went on supposedly for over an hour:

link - (20K views/listens)
Want a good read about one of the very early alien abductions? One with lots of insights and good comments from readers? Comments as heavy as this tease from Bruce Duensing, who may be close to a fuller theory on UFOs than most?
Outside of the quasi-theological debates on the nature of the phenomenon and their silly behaviors, I suspect, these gentlemen came into contact with an atmospheric phenomenon that

1 induced physiological effects that made both unconscious and one to enter a quasi dream state while unconscious.
2.The dream content and context was based on the initial perception of a flying machine.
3. They projected the image of a flying machine on the phenomenon as a "closest match"
4. The phenomenon was certainly energetic as they were not physically touched.
5. The energy signature is unique and unknown. If it became common rather than comparatively rare, we'd all be as mad as the mad hatter.
Of course these are suspicions rather than a theology. Belief always gets in the way..
By Bruce Duensing, at Sunday, September 04, 2011
BTW..In the NICAP summary, "Stephens and Gray described their UFO at first as looking like a helicopter, again like the Loring and Brunswick reports." It was alternatively described as having no visible means of propulsion as well. Presumably, one phenomenon having several physical forms or is it perception in physiology as influenced by the phenomenon itself may create red herrings which are consequently thought to be physical objects. In dualism this would suggest there is no phenomenon, but there is, although energetic and rare, it does exist. However, mistaking effects of the phenomenon for the nature of the phenomenon leads most astray into strange theologies based on belief alone.
And, again, here's the link - UFOcus
Finally, BS is up to it again - a `UFO' video which defies categorization - Strange Red Light And Sound In Sky - yes, even different `light' and `sound' than `usual' for the anomalous. Or, is this nothing more than a hoax or elaborate Lazar display from someone just before July 4th?
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Things That Shouldn't Be There: Cougar, Bigfoot, and Other Anomalous Critters and Things That Should Not Be In the Northeast but Might Be

The Fortean Collection: The Book of The Damned, New Lands, LO!, Wild Talents, The Outcast Manufacturers (with Linked TOC)Tornadoes, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather PhenomenaDaydream Two

Saturday, June 25, 2011

OMG High Strangeness - Orbs Follow Car, Then, Man Sees HUGE `Rabbit' - MUFON Report

You know, I have a buddy who once told me that he himself used to make up `Penthouse Letters' in the 1970's that he sent into for publication. The story you are about to read - an account of a high strangeness ORB event - happened YESTERDAY supposedly in Arizona. Here is the description:
While driving east bound from Flagstaff, AZ to Leupp, AZ, I noticed a red light in the sky. It was approx 800 feet in the air and at first I assumed it was a helicopter because of the low flying distance. I rolled the window down to see if I could hear any type of noise; no sound was present. The time was 1:21am; and as I drove onward, the light descended and flew about 4 feet above the ground. I was able to clearly see it light the ground up red. It flew parallel to my vehicle and just about kept the same speed as my vehicle (65mph). The orb itself, was red, and emitting a red glow - darker red in the center, brighter red around the edges. It was to the left of the vehicle, approx 50 yards away. At this point I was feeling panicked, afraid and curious.

As the road turns, I broke sight of the light and while I was turning the bend, a bright light caught my attention in the corner of my eye. The orb, now bright white, and approx 8 inches in diameter, was now flying alongside my vehicle, no more than 8-12 inches above the road. It was flying on the shoulder of the on-coming lane and kept perfect speed with my vehicle (65mph). The time was now 1:24am. While viewing this object, I had no feelings of emotion and I was calm and collected. No noise, besides engine noise was noted, the only notable difference was the presence of cellphone signal (there usually is none). It followed my vehicle for a quarter mile, and it sped up 2 car lengths in front of me and abruptly made a 90 degree turn, upward into the sky, at which point, I leaned forward to see it shoot across the sky, like a shooting star toward the East. It was not as bright when I saw it disappear in the sky.

I arrived at my destination at 1:36am. As I was pulling into the driveway, my headlights shone upon a rabbit, sitting where I was about to park. I stopped within 3 feet of the rabbit, which did not move, flinch, blink, of any sort. It was very large and from the ground to the top of the head (not including the ear length) about the height of my hood (approx 37 inches tall). It's width was approx 20 inches wide and it was brown and white mixed color with no distinct pattern or spots. It's eyes were black and it was sitting upright, like that of a cat. The ears were very stiff, long and together, and they were slanted back at an angle, like that of a jackrabbit. At this point, I began to panic, and I called a 2nd party to tell them of what I was seeing. The car remained running with the headlights on and I sat staring at this huge rabbit for about 5 minutes. After talking, I turned my engine and headlights off, and with the outside light from the house, I was able to keep eye contact with the rabbit as I exited the vehicle and proceeded to walk slowly around the rear of the vehicle and into the house, not breaking sight. The area seemed to be still and calm; I did not hear any usual night noises (bugs chirping, dogs barking, etc). Once inside, I remained on the phone until 2:12am.
MUFON's Latest Reports -
Now, before you write off the above account a few things come into my mind. First, HUGE rabbits have been reported before in Fortean situations. And, of course, Orbs have also been noted to follow cars, change colors, and take off into the sky. And, finally, the `silence' associated with the entire event - is also a near standard in the world of Forteana.

Overlays of a perceptual reality? Aliens? A trip outside the time-cone? A Fortean Joke - The Trickster?
And, speaking of rabbits - how about this blog for being down the Rabbit Hole? - Feed Your Head. (Honestly, I almost barf everytime when I read the words about `star children'.)
Thanks for your visit today Clockers. IF you are new to UDCC, become a Leader today via the sidebar. Also, the sidebar holds tons of interesting links for you to explore.
Strange UFO's & Aliens In My Life
Strange UFO's & Aliens In My Life

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Another Alabama UDCC Reader Has `Hanging Jet' To Report

As some of you are aware - I started this blog as an offshoot of my blog called The Heavy Stuff as at the time THS had become too UFO oriented for my tastes of what I wanted that blog to be. And, up until September of this year - I stayed within a 1-4 posts a month schedule pretty much. I found it quite easy to cover the issues of UFOs as I saw them with that posting frequency. And, really, once you say the same general opinion four times or more - it gets to be an effort to put the mind to the screen so to speak.

I say all that because up until now(ish) this blog has not been part of any `I'll share this with you' type of info. However, with the increase to frequent postings - `information' has filtered the way of UDCC -- most recently exemplified by the comment on a year plus old `high strangeness' UFO report about a Hanging Jetliner Picture/Story - that I covered.

And, I admit, it takes a bit of an open mind to even consider such reports as something beyond nonsense. And, no one of the observers of such phenomena - other than the writings of Colin Bennett - have put a face onto the phenomena. And, even with my last post I tried to put some semblance of `logic' to it - maintaining that it would certainly seem to be indicative of some kind of cloaking phenomena or mind projection phenomena.

I would still take that positioning.

However, on Monday Dec. 6th between Midnight and 1 AM I received an E-Mail concerning yet another `Hanging Jet' - here is the content of the contact:


Saw your blog post on the hanging jets in Huntsville, AL. Intrigues me, as I have seen one in Madison, AL. Madison is right next to H'ville. It would take a dive back through my journal, but I could give you the exact date and the approximate time of day.

However, I work in the aerospace field, and I CANNOT have my name associated. If it was discovered I had said anything about this, my career would be over. I've heard of other high strangeness in the area.

The jet in question was a large military jet, painted black.

As you can see - I have honored this contact as far as withholding the `non working' address used to contact me. Now, here's the even stranger part - this person did it thru my Squidoo account (in which I don't believe you can even enter a fake email - which is what I see on my end). Also, while I will not say anything in particular about the identification on the name associated with the above mailing - when I sent the returned E-mail to a account of the same name it did NOT return.

And, yes, I did look up the name via google and yes there is someone of the name that could very loosely be said to fit the self-description of the person above. So, as far as all that goes, I guess I am trustable now. LOL.

That said, I have NOT gotten an answer to my inquiry at all in any manner and I feel my leg has more than probably been pulled by a low level trickster of some sort (and no, at least as of now I am not saying the trickster of high strangeness fame).

But, a few more things - about THIS `Hanging Jet' Report - literally qualitative things I take away for the ENTIRE presentation of this information to me via a back channel of my contact on the internet (as simply leaving a comment works too as I approve each comment). Anyway, first thing, this person keeps a dated Journal and uses the term high strangeness and now brings yet ANOTHER DESCRIPTION - that does NOT match the prior ones about this Hanging JetLiner Phenomena.

Does that lend more credence to thinking mind control/mental projections is the more likely? Or, is it just as likely some inner working of a cloaking to use such data of the mind?

I certainly don't know, - but - what I do know is that this will probably be the last time a dead end contact will be the UDCC headline. That said, I will continue to provide `updates' simply within other posts should the contact seem sincere. However, this contact somehow gave a fake E - then didn't respond to what anyone would have done - change the .net to .com.

I gave two days for a further contact - UDCC will keep you updated.
Finally, as a postscript, I can't help but think of Blossom Goodchild's 2008 prediction of `UFOs Hanging Over Alabama' - as the sign from above. As indeed, if multiple people or all people in Huntsville Alabama were able to film such an event - the high strangeness factor would BE EQUAL to an UFO event IMO. And, perhaps without all the fanfare associated with a full blown UFO event - while providing the fortean `impossibilities' of all and any type of occurrence.

Here's the link to the previously reported hanging jet in Alabama - just a few days ago.

The Fortean Collection: The Book of The Damned, New Lands, LO!, Wild Talents, The Outcast Manufacturers (with Linked TOC)Fortean Phenomena

Fortean Times (Jan 2010) How Dennis Wheatley Sold Black Magic to Britain; Twilight Zone At 50; St Theres Goes to Prison; Balloon Boy; Thoughtography; Ig Nobel Prizes (FT256)The Complete Books of Charles Fort: The Book of the Damned / Lo! / Wild Talents / New Lands

My Squidoo blog that was contacted -

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Stephenville UFO `Sky Symbols' Suspend Belief - And Add Bewilderment

Hello fellow sky watchers, and, thanks for returning for another posting about the evolving Stephenville Tx. Ufo Incident of Jan. 2008 - this is episode two. 









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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition