The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label soft ufo disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soft ufo disclosure. Show all posts

Monday, December 24, 2012

Soft `Forced' Alien Disclosure - Fantasy Fiction

Let's have some fun today.

What would the `softest' actions be IF the `aliens' decided to introduce themselves to humanity - the `alien disclosure look' that would cause the least amount of panic? Wouldn't it be similar to what happened in NYC on October 13th, 2010? Simply an unexplained light in the sky that was PERSISTENT and over only ONE city?

However, instead of a one day signal - it would be a month long signal. And, instead of NYC, it would be Podunk nowhere.

Wouldn't such an approach allow the authorities to slowly introduce the world to the various possibilities of `alien intelligence' manifesting (and all that implies)? After all, it would be happening `elsewhere' to nearly all of humanity -except via the web. This would NOT be the `saucers over all major cities' imagination of science fiction writers. Eventually, most folks would get mighty tired of simply the same light being the lead story - bored even - especially if it was over a NON major city of the world. (That said, it would have to be over a city of some size level - something like a Kansas City or Cleveland perhaps.) And, certainly IF the light is not appearing to threaten - the worrisomeness of the event will also fade at least in the general public.

It hardly would be anything more than an amazing UFO flap - but would push the `wonder envelope' more than anything up to this point of humanity. The comparisons to the Bethlehem light would be obvious for the on going light source. Wonder will replace worry. And, after about a month, as interest was truly waning worldwide - and at which point the MSM had declared that it was `nothing of major interest' - at this point the `light' could change again into a `craft worthy of the introductory craft to a civilization' - perhaps something massive in scope - and begin beaming a welcome message to the world via all media and internet.

The buffer of the contact point will ensue. The `message' would be of peace and possible help and with a short window until the landing. (In the background, concerns rise about contamination and the weak immune systems of humans - could any contact begin a downfall.) Within 3 hours the craft could land in an area outside of the minor metropolitan area - but, close enough for complete local media coverage, with multiple official sources, without the population being or feeling threatened. And, without the time for the major MSM to return to cover the event.

Then, in what would feel like a slap in the face, the `aliens' would leave - after the undeniable contact in a ground landing beyond refute. Giving the needed jolt to the world.  Perhaps. Ideally, a message would be left or given - perhaps with bits of information to inspire or actually improve mankind's path. 

Something to worship that can first appear as a light in the sky. 

As Carlos Castaneda used to say for Don Juan - A cubic centimeter of chance.
Thanks for being a reader today.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

500 UFO Blog Posts Later

UDCC has reached a milestone, 500 posted offerings about the whole UFOlogy spectrum. A spectrum with more frequencies and sub-areas than even remotely imagined upon my first investigations into the whole phenomena in late 1991. A `phenomena' that seemingly continues to evolve even in 2012. And, yes, a phenomena with a spectrum of `realness' of which an simple overview is almost impossible in one blog post (but, I'm going to give it a try to hit what I think are the highlights, lol).
Indeed, what are UFOs to most people?

Even the fact that it is a question - is worth noting. 

Indeed, in Today's Age, has the 30 foot in diameter saucer shaped perception been replaced by an Orb lighted V-Shaped object of much greater size? Which, regardless of era, are crafts that NEVER seemingly land or conclude a journey - and, are always observed in a temporal and temporary fashion. Indeed, in my opinion - the amazing LACK of real video evidence for CRAFT of any sort (other than plasma objects) is VERY unlikely IF such craft are real phenomenological objects with any great frequency of occurrence. 

And, as readers probably are aware, a large portion of the public is of the belief that ALL UFOs are simply unexplainable things humans don't understand or are the `imagination' of the observers. As usual, at least the way I look at things, both camps of view have truths within them as long as they don't get dogmatic about it all.
But, more importantly for this 500th post - what is my OPINION about UFOlogy and UFO Disclosure --- OPINIONS FOLKS. Opinions, because NO one knows the FACTS.

* The 2011 `UFO Disclosure' by Phil Larson, the statement representing the US Government, was a `signal' to the MSM to `lay-off' using the `alien explanation' when it comes to anomalous phenomena. Likewise, since the `aliens' would be non-existent, there is no need for the MSM to `go-to' `UFO hotspots' in a fashion similar to what happened in  Stephenville, Texas. (The days of Larry King fondly asking the `dumb questions' - are over.) NO UFO stories are to have `legs'.
* Of the few craft that are REAL - Cloaking, or a slight phasing of space, are much under-rated manners in which the UFO phenomena might be representing itself to our human perceptions.
* `Aliens', IMO, generally are `entities' more than phenomenological beings. Generally, not entirely.
*Orbs, the real UFO IMO, are the REAL UNKNOWN about the whole phenomena and probably `themselves' are different `things' too.
* People who expect a UFO Disclosure haven't been paying attention. What was provided was a `soft disclosure' by some countries in which edited documents were provided - as a 36 hour news story - with NO country EVER then saying `Yes, there are Aliens' - NEVER. And, with other countries, such as our own here in the USA, placing their heads in the sand with a complete denial of the phenomena (rather than deal with the nuances of high strangeness). Additionally, IMO, the `black budget' side of the the military in regards to this type of technology - will never be fully revealed to the simpleton and MSM dumbed down Joe Public. 
* My personal belief in the Fortean - including also that humans can be entertainment for BILLION year old beings/entities. That the Fortean accounts for a significant percentage of High Strangeness perceptions.
*That an extremely small but notable percentage of `Orb Phenomena' is `produced by human intentionality's' that involve BELIEVING in SOMETHING - be it a religious belief or an off the beaten path belief. It's as if the `event' is more dependent on the belief itself - rather than the `thing' of the belief. And, THIS PHENOMENA MAY BE increasing - Yikes.
*That there is a Perception Structure - nearly identical to - but NOT identical to - our phenomenological structure; which when combined with some shifting of human consciousness - can create non ordinary unique realities to observe.
Also Notable:
Undeclared FAKE video makers and distributors are everywhere and the best are occasionally supported by the MSM by featuring the FAKE. (as if they don't know what the characteristics are of the posters - such as David Icke believers or Exo-politic folks or other variations, such as a `gathering site').
Finally, and on a personal observation note (of the evolving UFO saga?), Friday was a very warm day in the Atlanta area and the windows were open upon going to bed................ And, there it was - I noticed it about 10:30 PM at the very lowest threshold of my hearing - `the low jet-roar' sky noise phenomena - continuous for over an hour - with only slight variation. So low in volume, as to be easily forgotten, if one was NOT focusing on it. But, the same unending wavy pattern of noise with no Doppler effect, only slightly more than the background din of the outer suburbs. 

Others had to have heard it - at least for a few moments - before ascribing it to distant jets, never thinking that it was an on-going phenomena.

I can easily see how the NON Glamorous `low hum' Sky Noise Phenomena - will be near impossible to explain to those who don't even see the Chemtrails; or don't even remember that they haven't ALWAYS been in our skies............... Oh my, and not a saucer to be seen.
Oh, if you are in North Carolina in the Durham area - you may want to check this out Psychometry Reading at the Rhine Institute. A tease from the mailing I get from being on their listing:
Kathe Martin returns for another psychometry reading event. Psychometry is defined as the ability to gain intuitive impressions of an object’s past history and associations simply by touching or handling it.

Please join us this time for an afternoon of readings following a semi-research format where Kathe will not initially know the identity of the object or the person who brought it. Objects will be placed in plain sacks. To accommodate more readings, these will be relatively brief, as opposed to the usual 30-60 minute private readings Kathe conducts. When a strong connection is made quantity does not necessarily equal quality. 

Finally, as some of you know - before I had nearly any of my blogs I did pages on Squidoo - I still have 7 pages there. Indeed, I started the new one on Dec. 31st of 2011 to record the BEST from UDCC. The best pictures, the best videos, the best UFO writings and links - and you can find the best of UDCC here at 2012 UFO Videos And Pictures.
Thanks for your visit today - Please share this post to Twitter or Facebook via the `share buttons' below. Oh, thanks to the person (the fourth so far) to sign up for `Second Life' via this blog. Please support UDCC sponsors. 
Free Shipping to Australia and New Zealand at AbeBooks

Monday, August 22, 2011

Budd Hopkins Dies

One of the original folks involved in the investigations of `alien abduction' Budd Hopkins died yesterday. I'm linking to material that covers his death and some of his on-going things at the end - including the controversies about AA. Budd Hopkins Dies
Missing TimeWitnessed; The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO AbductionsSight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility and Transgenic BeingsART, LIFE and UFOs
Budd Hopkins Books All
Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods byBud Hopkins
SACRED SPACES : The Book of Temples / The Book of Guardians / The Book of Altars.
The Custodians: Beyond AbductionAlien Secrets
I hope you are catching the discussion from yesterday's post with John Mike - retired Physicist. If you wish to ask some questions he will probably respond.
Oh, I've got a UFO oriented Barf Stew today - Canadian Soft UFO Disclosure and Korean UFO Aug. 2011
Hessdalen Lights (ORBS) -- okay Clockers, I've got a GREAT orb video today that REALLY shows the total possible effects of ORBs - including SEPARATING, AND MERGING. A must watch video.

Hattip - (one of the sites I monitor for Clockers)
'Light above a hill at Hessdalen, Norway' - Art Print - Medium - 28x35cm
'Light above a hill at Hessdalen, Norway' - Art Print - Medium - 28x35cmA Characteristic Sighting of a Hessdalen Light as it Moves Down the Valley Photographic Poster Print, 16x12
A Characteristic Sighting of a Hessdalen Light as it Moves Down the Valley Photographic Poster Print, 16x12
Need more UFO reads? Resource You May Bookmark
Indeed Clockers - view this `Giant Craft' over Italy this weekend and tell me it isn't totally similar to what you see above:

Thanks for visiting UDCC today - please look around the sidebar for much more content about UFOs.
Solar begins to pay you back with your first electric bill:
Sunforce 39326 260 Watt Solar Kit with Sharp Modules
Sunforce 39326 260 Watt Solar Kit with Sharp Modules

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Amazing Japan UFO? Or Electric Fire?

Here's one that could easily depend on your point of view. It certainly is a weird security-cam video and has `orbs' shooting in the air on two occasions (if they are such): 80K views

Oh, BTW, the USA had a kinda soft disclosure this week - -- seems little was actually new. Here's another take - FBI releases proof of Roswell UFO crash -
Oh, and IF you want to worry that the end is near - I've got you covered -
Over at BS (Barf Stew) -- is the WORST Bigfoot video I think I've ever seen - 2million views plus in a few days -
Thanks for being a Clocker
Please explore the sidebar too

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

England Performs New `Soft Disclosure' - Fox News Guest Says Clinton's In UFO Coverup - Scientist Finds Life In Asteroid

Yes, the morning of 3-8-11 has arrived on the east coast of America - I see no world stopping headlines about UFO confirmation by the world leaders - on the MSM news. That said, the headlines above - do go part of the way that Lujan Matus indicated would happen this week. (Is it possible these were the `culmination' vibes?) However, that said, NOTHING is changed by either headline; as the UK already released documents prior to these, and, while interesting - the documents somehow are `missing' their most famous UFO case - and as always with SOFT Disclosure NO official leader going THEY EXIST; and, as far as the Clinton's go (you do remember that stupid video of B.Clinton he-hawing about how he couldn't find UFO info out even as Pres.) - the fact that Hilliary was photographed on the Rockefeller estate HOLDING a UFO book, is old news.

All that said, my UFO searches this week have been quite fruitful with more posted at The AnomalyMan Listing and I will even have `new' words from Lujan Matus that I will be posting later too. And, as you can see from the headline of the video below - today is the day. (they change this headline date each day btw)

Here's the Fox News coverage:

And, here is a link to the best overview of the whole `Life Is Found Elsewhere' - Scientist Style - Includes the Research Paper and more:
Finally, Clockers, I am still putting together the Jerusalem Event overview - who knows, might today hold another posting? And, will coverage of the confirmation of UFOs come from the skies, with silver orbs, or the silver screen of TV - stay tuned.

Oh, The Event started on TV last night in America.
The book that Lujan Matus said 2011 was the year - The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus

Monday, December 27, 2010

Best Videos, Stories, Events and Trends Of The UFO Phenomena In 2010

Hello, welcome to the first annual UDCC review of the Best Videos, Stories, Events and Trends associated with the UFO Phenomena in 2010 - it has been quite a year. And, unlike last year in 2009, when the Exopolitics folks put on their ultimate attempt at `forcing disclosure' - even predicting exact dates over and over ---- 2010 was strikingly different --- the Exo-politic voices have largely receded in importance and relevance; despite them thinking elsewise. That said, whether intentional or not - the phenomena seems to be moving towards disclosure.

As, indeed, in 2010 there was a seeming increase in BIG UFO stories - what UDCC is calling `Flash Stories' about UFOs - is rapidly increasing on the TV media; and with slightly less snickering. That said, either thru cohering or their own bumbling 8 year old mentality - the MSM remains seemingly clueless to the involvement of a fairly significant internet and alternative community that is following what seem to be evolutions in the whole UFO phenomena and implications.

Are the operators of these sky phenomena making themselves known in a more seeable fashion? Are different phenomena being lumped in with `Craft UFOs'? Is society any closer to getting a `beyond refute video' of anomalous phenomena?

Who knows, but here is UDCC'S top 10 of 2010

Number Ten - The UFO/ORB Callers-Videographers Trend

Really, it's been a mounting story for a few years and includes those who `call' the orbs thru prayer (ritual) - or simply do it with the ritual intention of videoing these objects. Different strokes for different folks.

That said, it is WAY too hot for the MSM to cover - this is Prophet Yahweh type stuff and the media has been burned before. Also, it is seemingly WAY TO CLOSE to being seen as a `miracle' in many ways. BUT - the idea of calling these orb phenomena has been around since at least 5 decades ago (I featured that that here Indeed, as these words say from the 1969 Rand Report - communication with UFO's/ORB's is not so outlandish:

"Sometimes the lights flash on and off or change color rhythmically. Several cases have been reported of the UFO flashing its lights in response to the witness flashing hand or vehicular lights. In other cases the lights winked off with the approach of another car or an aircraft, only to turn on again when the vehicle had passed…."

Anyway, for more speculation, UDCC covered this Orb Calling/Filming Phenomena here -


Number Nine - Strange Compelling Evidence of the UFO phenomena!

Now, please note UDCC readers that the word Phenomena is used. UFOs can be and most probably ARE `different things'. It is the range of those things that is what is most exciting. However, that said, some compelling evidence has been on UDCC's mind such as the Russian Fighter Jet video UDCC recently featured
Declassified Russian UFO Video - The best video clips are here

or, this `Triangle UFO' Picture snapped in Greenville, South Carolina - last spring - or this trailcam UFO photo - or this amazing story and photo or this Giant Metallic Tube seen over Vegas - --- and I know you can find links on the internet just out this week just as compelling to someone else who isn't me.

Now, the question - is all of this NEW -- or is simply the proliferation of recording devices the cause of the seeming increase?

The Number Eight UFO story trend is what UDCC calls the FLASH UFO `focus' event for MSM. BIG UFO events that capture the `aw-shucks' attitude of the MSM. 2010 had a number of them such as the China UFO `Airport' Event (the anomalous phenomena that shut down an airport) - the recent UFO Missile Event off of the California coast; the `Euclid Lights UFO Events';  The `Kremlin Triangle UFO'; NYC's Oct. 13th Events; The El Paso Lights - Blue Circle UFO's -- the list would go on forever if UDCC set the bar a little lower.

Many local events of lights in the sky or strange `trail-cam' photos of UFO's also rise to state, national or even international news. Indeed, as UDCC has found in its state by state search thru YouTube so far -- there is lots to find at the localish level.

It is all the classic `journalism' (small J on purpose) we see in this country - all surface and NO depth. Nothing about implications. Nothing about it being permanent....... UFOs are a subject to pull out when `news' is slow - OR - are to be used as entertainment value (often before the entertainment segment, something you will notice from now onward).

Indeed, the MSM has now been jaded beyond almost any hope of real journalism being applied to unusual phenomena now being `reported' by real citizens multiple times a day to organizations such as MUFON, YouTube, etc. No, the MSM needs BIG Events.

And, what are the reasons?

For one, the `implications' of UFO's simply do not fit the motif of the MSM's interest in selling deodorant to 9-16 year olds. (Yes, even implications such as alien abductions meaning that some reports of missing people could be alien related. Even if NOT true.) As the implications are much too staggering before giving the 1-10 Wizometer for tomorrow's weather score. Too much of a segway for the `science' portion of the news - the weather. (Which ignore the Chemtrails to boot.)

And while you can find most of the UFO Events above with a simple Google search, or searching this sites labels in the sidebar - here is an example of localized phenomena that gets local TV attention - the Horseshoe UFO Phenomena most recently

So, because the UFO phenomena can only be considered by the MSM in a `surface manner' - do expect this `Flash UFO Focus Event' coverage to continue - even if it has little to NOTHING to do with real UFO Disclosure. And, since the MSM wants the BIG show - perhaps humanity will get just that.


Number Seven continues to be the on-going existing trend of the EXTREME MainStream Media reluctance to take the UFOs seriously - displayed in many ways but best exemplified by their reluctance to Interview Robert Bigelow about the UFO reports and investigations of such reports given to him by the FAA (let alone his involvement in MUFON). ------ OR --- to have what is seemingly real UFO research done by Anthony Bragalia come to light OR be investigated by the MSM themselves. (Or other real researchers.) (Or, their now collective boredom with the soft UFO Disclosure being done by countries.)

By not speaking with Bigelow or Bragalia - by not pre-covering the UFO/Nukes press conference (and then running with the FAkE U.N. Ambassador story) - by not digging deeper and finding the Bigelow name even associated with the Euclid Lights - by letting the China UFO at Airport story fade - and on and on ----------- the MSM only proves itself to be IN THE POCKET of information control forces the general public only understands a smidgen about.

And, seemingly, could care less about - after all, `they' are TOLD all the time about our supposedly `free-press'. Sheeple.

Laughable if not for being so sad.


Number Six is the expansion of the Chemtrails/Contrails/Orb/Fake Planes(ufos) `story'. NO UFO story (after all chemtrail clouds are indeed in the sky or `flying' and they are certainly `unidentified') has been more shall we say -- IN OUR COLLECTIVE FACES -- than what has been happening in broad daylight for perhaps 15 years now.

(I took this photo in Atlanta on Dec. 19th)

But, the phenomena is simply getting more nefarious in UDCC's opinion - as more and more people are seemingly becoming aware of -- shall we say -- something being UP. MORE and more people are finding `orbs of light' near Chemtrails or going thru them. (I have seen one myself a couple years ago.) I mean, like, WTF?

And, even the `planes' that disperse the `trails' are now coming under more scrutiny as more and more people begin to film the whole contrail phenomena. Some are being likened to `missiles' - and we had our recent `Missile Launch off LA Coast' story just last month - while other folks are making bold outrageous claims --- THAT THE PLANES ARE NOT PLANES AT ALL.

Some call them fake planes or fake UFOs: Other videos show JUST THE ORB and no plane or object at all. The video below is worthy of a freeze frame at about the 28 second mark:

COULD all of this fit into UDCC's number one story of the year?


The Number Five `story' for the UFO phenomena for 2010 in UDCC's opinion was Nick Redfern's - Final Events Book.

Will it be 2010 that the whole UFO `category' slipped over the `acceptable edge' of what to believe about the phenomena? Do those within the culture of `UFO believers' begin to verbalize a support for a `demon UFO' belief system? (That, of course, a secret government group is quite concerned about.) Does UDCC risk backlash for questioning one of UFOs mainstays?

Or, have bits of truth found a new level of shock value in spinning a new yarn about the phenomena? -- Even one with religious overtones?

Indeed, if one thought the MSM was reluctant to do its job in the investigating of UFOs - wait to see how far they can run from ideas such as Redfern's - nonetheless, Redfern's non-fiction ideas (supposedly) about the phenomena - or, a part of the phenomena --- adds one more layer why the government would be beyond reluctant to ever come clean about UFOs.

At its worst - if NONE of Redfern's ideas are true - I can only be reminded of Carlos Castaneda's adventures seeping into a new version of the UFO phenomena -- and that will be one heckofa slippery slope. Will a Redfern and Icke book be next?
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife

Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More
Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy


The Number Four `story' of the UFO phenomena for 2010 is the examples of what UDCC calls `over the top - too good to believe - UFO videos' - could these examples have really been REAL?

That said, they look similar and both do `exit' the scene (as opposed to all fake videos that simply stop). But, what is it with rotating UFOs - could ANY being be INSIDE - if these crafts are real - can one assume they are not occupied?

Over course, the REAL UFO `proof' will seemingly come when some over the top video is provided by a minimum of two different people who have no relationship or hoax potential (or dozens) - and it will ONLY be at that point - that it will be hard to refute that something anomalous is actualizing.


The Number Three story is the seeming increase in the UFO `Ring' Phenomena - specifically the BLUE ring phenomena now seen on multiple occasions and featured in this TV report:

UDCC covered it here - - so what is the Blue Ring Phenomena? Sophisticated Lazar's? Some Alien or Government Experiment? Something paranormal?

And, what about the increasing reports of `Hanging Jet' UFOs?


The Number Two story-event in the opinion of UDCC was the long awaited official press conference in late September - where Military Officers talked of UFO interference with our NUKES. One side of the security issue of UFOs.

However, the possibly important press conference, was nearly totally sidetracked by a seemingly planted FAKE `Alien' Story of a UN Ambassador being named to be the Representative for humans if aliens made contact. Yes, a FAKE story on the very morning of the press conference. Co-incidence? UDCC thinks not - and covered it right here -
Digging Deeper:
UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites

UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record


Which leaves the Number One `Story' about the UFO Phenomena in 2010 - and - it was a dozy. Because on Oct. 13th what appeared to be an anomalous event unfolded over the skies of NYC - and thereby instantly made Stanley A. Fulham and his words - a famous man. As Mr. Fulham was the first of the so-called `UFO predicters', to get it right! At least partially.

What he got partially right was his BOOK prediction of a major UFO event over a major city on Oct. 13th. Well, er, actually the original prediction was for the event to be over major CITIES - and - in the opinion of UDCC - the `event' was close to, but, fell short of, a `major event'. Let's call it a moderate event (lol).

What was seemingly new was the events duration and `generated ground interest'. The on-going event described by TV crews as a Mystery and literally playing up the man on the street reaction to the idea that humans may not be alone.

Then, layer that with the `event(s)' happening simultaneously with the rescue of the Chilean Miners - a worldwide live TV emotion generating event. Layered finally with the book prediction (which was NOT mentioned by anyone on the street or TV casts on DAY ONE).

So, what ultimately happened?

Did a blind squirrel (the prediction) find a nut (event that occurred)? Or, blind chance that an `event' DID happen worthy of coverage on that day? Could some human emotion from the rescue set off some sort of anomalous phenomena?

OR, was it indeed AN ALIEN signal - if not to mankind, to people familiar with Fulham's Prediction? An alien signal of their stepped up timetable to address humankind and to clean up the Earth's atmosphere - before it is too late. (One of Fulham's main ideas about the aliens.)

In UDCC's opinion, the outcome of his bold prediction deserves to remain undiscarded - and his next predictions are on a rapid timetable - and indeed, runaway carbon dioxide is unlikely to relent.

Indeed, might Stanley be the one ultimately `right'?

That the aliens held off until they had to intervene for the PLANETS SAKE? (Humans always think of themselves as most important, so `we' would see this alien interaction in that manner - when it is possible that the `aliens' don't give a crappola about `us' - other than being polluters of a living system.)

The bits of seeming truth are quite tempting to put into some scenario that includes overt `contact' with the `public' - thru increasing `disclosure' of `their' presence.

All to a world public that has yet to have even one country VERIFY the existence of UFOs as an on-going phenomena - and yes, that includes the soft ufo disclosure of 2010 by a number of countries pulling out the dusty folders.

To a world public that has NEVER had the leading scientists be allowed to say that they have found life elsewhere - be it in small meteors from Mars that came to Earth, Experiments on Mars or even any SETI contact.

Indeed, the world seemingly remains in the final moments of thinking that only Earth contains LIFE.

And, the signs are, that, that thinking may only have only a few years, if not a few months or days remaining; - and that the balance will shift in ways that Mankind may not be seemingly ready for.

A cool time to run a UFO Disclosure blog..........Perhaps.

This was one of the better links UDCC did on the Fulham Predicted - NYC Oct. 13th UFO event(s) -

Mr. Fulham's Book.
(Stanley Fulham Died Dec. 2010)

UDCC wants your opinions of 2010 - please comment.

Friday, December 24, 2010

New Zealand Releases UFO Files

Don't bother with interrupting your holiday as this is just another `soft disclosure' as the Air Force guy in New Zealand says:

"We've just been a collection point for the information. We don't investigate or make reports, we haven't substantiated anything in them,"

Can we be far from as offhand a manner for `ufo disclosure' coming to this country? Don't bet on it. Soft Disclosure where NOTHING is `admitted' - seems to be the new BIG thing.

Make sure to look into the sky tonight as unusual things may be flying - word is - St. Nick is about to leave - let it to the governments to pick Christmas Eve as the UFO Disclosure Date. Almost humorous.

Here's a link to the more salacious stuff like aliens with size 440 shoes (feet) and more -

Monday, May 10, 2010

UFO Spectrum Broadens Into Absurdity - UDCC Clock Maintains Symbolic 6:00 A.M. Setting

As some of you know, I recently started a new blog with the title of Barf Stew (you can find the link on the sidebar) - and the reason I tell you this is - today's Disclosure Clock update - would easily take what I call Today's Barf Stew Tag. You see, the `proofs' of humans and realities `other worldlyness' - is now reaching tangents once only written about in bad science fiction short stories. I will get to all of this in a moment.

As you know, if this blog is anything, it is a true overview of one persons opinions about the `state' of the UFO coverage and UFO disclosure movement (if such a movement exists) on a monthly basis. The movements of my so-called clock - are largely influenced by the quantitative amount of MSM coverage of UFO's first; and an evaluation of the depth of that coverage; -- combined with - the internet coverage I am aware of that includes the full spectrum of `anomalous' reporting that tangentially involves UFO's (which is a huge tangent that includes UFO/Bigfoot reports, UFO/Missing Time reports, UFO/Aliens reports, UFO/Abduction reports, UFO/Secret Budgets, UFO/Exopolitics, etc etc etc.).

With that as a backdrop, the absolute `current' view - trying to satisfy some valuation to each attribute listed above - has IMO never been so out of wack. At least in my watching and evaluating of the scene since late 2007. Indeed, let's start with the latest wacky stuff to fit into your worldview. Indeed, your reality view.

(There is no reason to cover the MSM's coverage this month as there was none. After all, MUFON told the media the 2010 Euclid Lights were airplanes.)

Yes, I refer to the new stuff on the absolute edge of the Exopolitics scene - the Time-Travel/Mars Life, SERPO, Solar Warden edgy stuff. This link in the past month - with the picture that provides the PROOF of time-travel - is poised to take the cake as the most outlandish claim of 2010. (Interestingly, it followed, within days, of an internet meme of a time-traveler in a 1900's photo.) The claim reminded me of Steven Greer's FIRST alien photo just a few months ago (yes, the one in boots and goggles) - which had previously claimed the most outlandish claim of the new millennium. Could the MSM ignoring of the first photo of an alien or the proof of time-travel be more complete? Or, do they know Barf Stew when they see it?

(Nevertheless, perhaps Greer is calling something, and perhaps, Basiago is right about some life on the surface of Mars - complicating the whole saga even more.)

To me, it's beyond amusing the range of ideas available to consume about this whole UFO saga. From believing humans have traveled to other star systems and lived there - or - backwards in time to a Lincoln speech - or - secret societies on Mars (underground) - to underground secret societies on Earth - to our best science minds at NASA working on a parallel worthless projects (if we were to believe the Exopolitics lore) to mislead the public at large. And with SETI producing only one WOW signal in half a century of listening. And finally, again in the past month - links to articles indicating that humans are being infiltrated by human looking aliens. (Never mind the policeman who sees and has a video of reptilians.)

(Meanwhile, ORBS, are seemingly becoming more real by the day.)

ALL the while - the democratic governments release old time dusty files about UFO's in a soft disclosure to get the whole thing behind them. No wonder so many bloggers are burning out on the whole scene - the UFO spectrum has broadened into absurdity.

I'm reminded of Paul Revere and the Raiders song title - Kicks (just keep getting harder to find).

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Disingenuous UFO `Soft Disclosure' Continues

Hello, and welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - thanks for visiting today. And, as you can see from today's title - I'm expressing a point of view about the latest `UFO Disclosure' from the United Kingdom. It is literally 6,000 pages, and is the FIFTH release of UFO files to the public for a one month inspection period.

Excuse me while I yawn.

First, exactly as I wrote in this column last week - this is a `soft disclosure' - here is how I wrote it:

"And, I call all these `soft disclosures' - because while governments have released files that would suggest something solid is within the Earth's atmosphere that perplexed and interested the military from a security standpoint - no country has then admitted an on-going concern or even a strong interest in the whole phenomena after releasing the data and files."

And, the word I should have added then, which I will add now is that EVERY soft disclosure is wrapped in a scary disingenuousness. How? Well, first, let's look at the very definition of the word disingenuous: (1655) lacking in candor; also: giving a false appearance of simple frankness: CALCULATING.

Now, lets look at the forward to the 6,000 page tome that no one will be able to digest in 30 days - it is written by Dr. David Clarke who said "said many of the sightings may have been influenced by what people had read and watched..."In the period the latest file release covers (1994-2000), triangular-shaped US stealth bombers and Aurora spy planes featured heavily on TV (The X Files 1993-2002) and films (Independence Day, 1996) and the shape of reported UFOs corresponds" interpretation could be that the latest advances in technology may be influencing what people see in the sky."

So, let's follow this logic closely: indeed, V shaped government craft suddenly were in the skies during this timeframe and were seen - causing an increase in V shaped `UFO's being seen. Yep, makes sense. But, what does that have to do with hovering crafts? What does it have to do with the still seen saucers? What does it have to do with the strange shapes seen all the time of UFO's?

Anwser - Nothing at all. Indeed, to have a glib professor, (who has a reason to know his book sales will increase) routinely diss - the 80% or more UFO's that do not correspond to `current media influences' - is - disingenuous. To not talk about why nations may have concerns about air space violations - is - disingenuous. To not discuss abductions with a serious nature - is - disingenuous. And, finally, to not discuss - WHY governments may not want to come clean about what they know about aliens - is - disingenuous.

Indeed, about as disingenuous as shutting down a UFO reporting office so that the money can be spent on body armor for the British troops around the world. Yes, that is how stupid the government  and main stream media thinks the sheeple are.

You can read more here and it has a link to the 6,000 page report - is your printer ready? . Thanks for visiting today - bookmark and return. Please visit our sidebar for other great websites too. And, daily, I do this kinda stuff at .








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition