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Showing posts with label phil larson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phil larson. Show all posts

Monday, April 28, 2014

UFO Disclosure 2014 - Again

The plan is to do some rambling..... to talk about the search terms of interest.... like `when will the aliens return the passengers of Flight 370'.. that I read today in my stats from Google Analytics. AND, wouldn't THAT be the `story of the century'?..... A bit like the show being promoted right now.... resurrection! There THEY would be - the passengers and the aliens! What an introduction to the world, right?

I'm quite surprised that the Susan Duclos, Paul Gilbert and the FAKE UFO disinformation folks haven't worked up a piece or two suggesting that this is all imminent.  IF you are wondering who I am talking about - you evidently didn't see my EXPLOSIVE piece earlier this month about the Ukraine UFO (that never existed and is a total complete BS lie by the forces of disinfo). - Think I'm kidding? The BS Of UFOlogy.....

So, the FIRST thing to say about UFO disclosure in 2014 is that you have to wade thru tons and tons of PURE crappola and be VERY careful the sources you use...... continuing........ and one would THINK that the folks within the UFO Disclosure Traveling Show would be it, right? 

You know, supposedly former military folks talking about UFOs stopping our nukes and stuff... with others in their crowd saying much more such as the ALIENS are here (if not multiple races of such)..... and yet others of the same crowd say they time travel and more.... ALL the same crowd of folks..... the same crowd of folks that had a successful (in a sense) `news conference' in DC a time or two in the mid part of our first decade of the 2000's.... and they slowly gathered steam as there was no pushback.  The question was (I think) to the MSM - how much of this is TRUE? A question they (the MSM) had no way to prove.

As the traveling UFO show grew near the end of that first decade of our new millennium  - and the year 2012 approached - the LOONIES came out in force... the `alternative thinking crowd'.... those expecting either Armageddon or to Ascend to some new higher mankind `vibration' -- think of the Project Avalon folks for this type of crappola....... MEANWHILE... the UFOs in our collective skies, along with the `carry in your pocket' technology to catch pictures and videos (cellphones)... seemed to change the very nature of what constituted what a UFO was.... indeed, things seemed to be developing on many fronts as the 2008-2009 (yea we have a new black president and America is changing euphoria).. the anti-war, anti-military democraps were waking up seemingly..... for one.... and lo and behold... the technology of cellphones was now capturing  and creating a new phenomena that I call here at UDCC  `Orb Videographers and Callers'....... 

You are only beginning to catch up. (New Readers To UDCC)

I haven't even mentioned Robert Bigelow... a person very connected to the strangest of the strangest UFO reports via the government and the public... who the MSM seems to treat as totally OFF LIMITS.... I'd need too much space for one quick post.... I'm giving you the overview to do your own legwork as a new user here who THINKS that UFO disclosure is STILL coming in some manner..... (IT ALREADY HAPPENED in 2011) - here's the links -   HERE and Here.... it can't come ... it already arrived and no one at any other UFO website is telling you; let alone the MSM.

But, what about someone like Dr. Greer you say?.... well, Greer it turns out, IMO, is now actually a `commercial Orb caller' (I'd let someone go so far as to say they are calling the space of an entity). A guru of sorts... but no different IMO than at least a dozen or two `orb callers' that I've identified on UDCC over the last 7 years. He's embedded within a faction of the Traveling UFO Disclosure Show and is a hero to the alternative crowd. 

Nearly ALL the Traveling UFO Disclosure show crowd are anti-war, anti-military, and supposedly anti-truth suppression (but, do they have or share the TRUTH?)..... all these folks IMO are using manipulations to keep their point of view being viable.

As you perhaps know, this all became ugly as the UFOs caught by the new technologies continued to saturate the world, resulting in the multi-camera/people `Jerusalem Orb' in Jan 2011 - which took the MSM by storm after the predicted NYC UFO in late 2010 - it was the fourth `UFO' the MSM covered with the open ended question mark at the end (the Chicago O'Hare and the 2008 Stephenville being the other two). And a slippery slope could be seen developing..... by the powers that be (TPTB). (Also, such as the near immediate disinfo about the Jerusalem Orb.)

Meanwhile, the media, led by Miles O'Brien and Larry King (about 2008 being the peak) were giving credence to the voices of the aliens on Earth crowd. Even if only every other month in non-prime time on CNN. UFO specials were commonplace in other media during the sweeps (rating periods). They, the MSM, were even dabbling into the serious unknown of `alien abductions' .... but mainly the `sleeping dreaming' in my bedroom type of alien abductions.... (beginning the total confusion of objective and subjective aliens).

Hell, it wasn't even 2012 yet... and while anyone with any mind was pretty sure - no one knew if the ancient knowledge was going to come to pass.... for sure at least. Meanwhile in 2011 the Orb phenomena seemed to accelerate... much like the actual prediction of Shaman Lujan Matus in these very pages. 

And, as mentioned earlier, the Orb calling phenomena was in full swing - with copycats of Dean Clark moved into action by 2010..... could this be the proof the 2012 loony crowd might even  be right? Heck, even former astronauts were hinting Roswell was real.. was a can of worms about to begin crawling over everyone's skin? Was every `missing child' and missing person report to be thought of as a possible alien abduction?

Then, as if to cool the 2012 fervor..... the `UFO Answer' was given (link was provided above already) - by the USA government - delivered NOT EVEN IN PERSON - but by a letter issued by Phil Larson on government stationary. That answer was hardly what the UFO disclosure crowd wanted, indeed, it was the opposite; - the USA government not only said they were hiding nothing concerning UFOs, they said the totally all encompassing `no alien interaction between or with ANY humans': - aliens were NO LONGER REAL and NO LONGER TO BE CONSIDERED as ON EARTH by the MSM. It was simple to read between the lines the the MSM had been given its marching orders.

I've repeatedly called it Suppression Via Disclosure - and you have seen a TOTAL BACK OFF by the MSM since.

The total void was taken up by the nut crowd in 2012 - but, who have SINCE run into all kinds of `confirmation' problems of their own.... Oh, and the void also permitted a new phenomena of thought control..... the internet `UFO Gathering Sites' phenomena.... and fear and disinfo sites .... like Before It's News, Above Top Secret and such.... and the MSM decided, with pressure as I've already pointed out - to relent,, and to let the UFO story be just that ... a story. Not the truth. And, to leave the `coverage' to the manipulated alternative crowd.

And, things continued to `evolve' with `UFO Disclosure' the UFO disclosure traveling show lost steam and kicked out some members of their cabal. The 2012 NUTcrowd was humiliated by the no-show of Armageddon and at not becoming a higher vibrating human. And, the Orb callers nearly all found that their so-called `power' was limited in scope and timeframe. Nonetheless, bits of each continued into 2013 surviving and re-grouping... (as I mentioned just last post - the backtracking by some is beyond remarkable.).

Which dumps us all into 2014 in an attempt to catch you up with so called UFO disclosure....but, isn't the real question `what are UFOs'... and why is the powers that be so reluctant to talk about them? To that, the answer is IMO multifaceted as regular readers around UDCC know.... and is not the purpose of this mind excursion to satisfy the 80% of all visitors who are NEW everyday - and who are wondering about UFO disclosure 2014. Now, if you are new - go to the sidebar and enlighten yourself to a different point of view about the UFO phenomena and UFOlogy in general.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Searching Google `Did UFO Disclosure Happen In 2011?'

Clockers know of my obsession with the data with all my webpages.... and the search terms that bring folks to UDCC is certainly of interest...... so, it's of interest to me the WHOLESALE lack of awareness or even interest in the UFO DISCLOSURE answer that WAS INDEED forthcoming from a USA government official in late 2011 that `answered' the questions of the people - (literally - the petition time of which the government picks and chooses those unanswered questions burning in the common mans mind -  that meet some basic interest criteria level).....
This is how that 2011 document began:
red is my emphasis
OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE TOformally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure. and 1 other petition

Searching for ET, But No Evidence Yet

By Phil Larson
Thank you for signing the petition asking the Obama Administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.
The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye.
So, I went in search of UDCC on Google to see where UDCC would rank -- near the top of the 3rd page for `did ufo disclosure happen in 2011'..... but, as always, the results are of interest.... a few highlights"
typical `bin' hype
Hilarious backtracking from their 2009-2012's crappola
Oh, not ONE mention in either of the above that it had already happened. 
You say that you'd like to look at UFO Pictures for the next half hour? Here You Go (website UFO Circle)
so, I added several of you who since October have joined the private mailing listing on MailChimp. As you know, that then gets you an invitation to be part of the PRIVATE list for entry to UDCC when UDCC is in PRIVATE mode. One problem, it appears that only 3 of the 4 of you will receive the invitation from blogger - UDCC may have hit the unknown limit set my blogger for private lists - I heard it was 50 but it seems that 40 might be the maximum. So, 3 of you are getting invitations today - please respond.
I've been working on a BIG post for the state of Virginia - check the sidebar this weekend for more.
My GREAT Anomalous Material On Squidoo.Com

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Could The Authorities `Disclose Orbs'?

Okay, readers of this blog know that the USA `disclosed' in late 2011 via a memo by Phil Larson (who's he right?) - that there has NEVER been an interaction between a human and ET's and that the USA is NOT hiding information concerning the same matters. Yes, UFO Disclosure happened and you didn't even know it did you?

But, THAT SAID, I'd like to throw this oddball idea out there for consideration.... what IF the `authorities' eventually decided to acknowledge that `plasma entities' of some sort seem to have occasional temporal basis in different locations including `outer space' and even at near ground level.... and that these `entities' seemingly have `direction and possible intelligence suggestive of life' - but that they are of `unknown origin' and have possible properties of `morphing their own perception projection to humans'. How BOLD would that be?

Would a `truth' such as the above statements and ideas somehow `rock religion' or `cause panic'? 
Don't Miss My Landmark Essay On Entities Being Of FOUR Types - as what you see above is my best guesstimate of the real situation at hand. So what do you think --- could they disclose something as anomalous as I've described?
And in no surprise to me, Eric Wargo - blogger intellectual - found and commented on my best Esoteric post of the year Right Here the other day - he and I are of the opinion that the ETs are in some manner tied to the nukes of the 40's..... I am in no way done with bringing his blogging ideas here either.
You have still a few hours to grab an Amazon discount on my latest E-Book called The Heavy Stuff which is regularly 4.99.
Since I talk about `Plasma Orbs' around here - and we certainly have many MUFON reports about `bright orbs' traveling right by or over people - I thought you'd like to see something similar..... indeed, why is it we don't have great orb videos such as this? Just sayin..... (of course there are a few great orb videos IMO): - over 3 million views.
Other content that is mine:
My apologies to my MailChimp Mailing list participants about that screwed up mailing the other day ... I hope for better next time.
all of my books can be borrowed for free if you are an amazon prime member

Friday, October 18, 2013

If You Are A Newbie

Or is that Noobie? Anyway, many internet surfers arrive at UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) as folks who have NEVER seen this webpage before...... therefore.... I'd like to take you on a brief tour of this somewhat complex webpage. (NOT)

The top is a logo designed by one of UDCC's readers (link on this page) when I requested someone design something that fit the theme of this website.... and did they ever deliver... an Orb/UFO/Craft with what I'm told is the nautical sea compass as a guide..... descending or ascending out of a river valley. 

You'll then notice my `ads' (feel free to click if you have interest - this blog tends to generate `interesting ads' via Google: ie: fortune tellers, etc) or messages above the fold - the most important things I'd like you to check out if you have the time for something more than the main post you are arriving to read. Indeed, if you continue down the sidebar you will also find links to many ideas and angles about the UFO phenomena... which is much more complex than the MSM lets on. Indeed, look deep enough and you will find many of the best posts this website has ever written... many picked up by some biggies in the anomalous area and even the MSM arena (like when UDCC `predicted' the ORB to appear at President Obama's initial inauguration).

But, you will also find ---- RESOURCES (a lot more than you think from the NSA to the FBI and more) to read about either `official' accounts of the anomalous or such accounts pieced together without official government sanction. You will also find out THAT THE USA HAS ALREADY ANSWERED THE UFO QUESTION IN LATE 2011 with a simple statement from lower level administrative person named Phil Larson. BTW, the `answer' is that there are NOT aliens in contact with humans -- so now you can go home and forget about it. In UDCC's opinion it was a simple act of `suppression through disclosure'.

Finally, and anyway, you will also find books I have written on the page... all are Kindle books..... all can be borrowed for FREE if you have an Amazon Prime account (get a free trial on this page)... all are priced below 4.99 and FOUR are only 99 cents. Supporting independent bloggers who bring to you info the MSM would rather ignore is truly a good use of your fiat dollars. (LOL)

Finally newbies..... I like to point out on an ongoing basis that the anagram for UFO Disclosure is Ludicrous Foes... and that that about sums up the situation from the 1940's onward ... 
So, as a newbie, it's up to you.... flit away like a shallow wading pool afraid to look into the deep end.... or, ... stick around for awhile and check out the content above this post and in the sidebar.... heck, perhaps even read a sample of the books or even listen to a 15 minute UFO radio show. You might leave with a different impression about the anomalous.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

`Alien Disclosure In The USA' - (The Search Term)

As I did recently, I've decided once again to simply take the terms of a Google search that point folks towards UDCC - and provide an `answer' as to my opinion on the subject; today's term `alien disclosure in the USA'.................. and here's the basic `answer' from a UFO blogger.

Of course the simplest answer is that the USA `answered' the outlines of the question in late 2011 with a statement issued by Phil Larson - you can find that statement and the media reaction to it in the sidebar of UDCC. In simple terms - the USA answer was - total denial of any human interaction with aliens. Those looking for the USA government to give any credence to `aliens' is simply not listening to the governments `answers'.
So, the obvious question then becomes - are `they' right or full of manure. After all, we've had a `Disclosure Movement' lead by a variety of folks of various `former military' involvement with UFO's and aliens - and by offshoots of the same who profess the `calling of aliens'. (IE-Greer). NONE of those folks have gotten ANY traction with the MSM (likely controlled by the powers that be on important issues such as this)... of course.

But, is the Disclosure Movements stories about aliens, just that, stories? Stories designed to highlight OTHER ISSUES that the `Disclosure Movement' truly wants to bring out (the whole free energy crappola and a too big out of control military presence into everything). It certainly could be..... but, does the DM have any basis of fact to hang their `alien hats upon'?

That answer, anyone's answer,  is of course nothing more than `opinion' - as obviously, NO alien has ever been trotted out live on the MSM. Ever........... and EVER is an important point............... But, there does exist........ a grainy video or two.......... of what certainly appears to be an alien, non human, lifeform --- on the internet - the Main Stream Media (MSM) of the PEOPLE and not the government. But, are those videos dis-info? (The obvious advantage of letting your enemies think you have alien information.)

There also exists a handful of seemingly credible accounts of what I call `real' alien abduction - mostly from decades ago (Travis Walton and the other handful of stories from mostly the mid 1970's.) And, of course, the near countless renditions of what I call subjective `alien abduction' - interlaced with a strange form of lucid dreaming/doppelganger engagement. And, of those - to me - only the VERY few handful of cases should be considered as involving real phenomenological `aliens'.

So, my take is that `real aliens' ARE here around Earth at some level that is very minimal but real. Minimal is of course a subjective word and my minimal might be THE ALIENS ARE HERE to you. Unlike, the DM, or the many varieties of the 2012 crowd -- I do NOT think the aliens are here to save or help or conquer us. NOR do I think that they even COULD save, help or conquer us. I think 99% of folks ascribe more `power' to a method of getting here (therefore they could conquer Earth and Earthlings) - than is what could be mustered as a destructive force.

And, to me, the obvious issues are more complex - such as - IF they are indeed here at any level HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN HERE? That is the big issue to me. Are we talking EONS? Or, are we indeed talking only decades based on `their' discovery that we have attained some level of intelligence with our radio waves? THAT is a much much harder issue to ferret out - but the evidence is certainly skewed to the decades answer IMO.  (There are other answers to ancient civilizations on Earth too IMO - and the out of place objects that turn up on occasion.)
Want more of my thoughtful UFO analysis? My E-Books are chock full of such material - read a sample today.
Don't miss my UFO show on Blog Talk Radio in a half hour (NOON eastern time)
(if you don't catch it live, why not listen in via the archive?)
Oh, Clockers, I have a stellar VIDEO from the latest MUFON reports over at Amazing UFO Stories and Strange UFO Videos (my other UFO blog) - and it is a winner. From Grass Valley California (now that sounds like a heady place) and the video was shot 6-21.
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Monday, June 3, 2013

"Government To Announce Aliens" The Search Term

In today's search terms that brought folks to UDCC was today's headline `government to announce aliens' - as it frequently is - along with other `imaginations' of what an honest government will do with sensitive information. IMO, these folks are probably the LAST folks in America to actually BELIEVE that the government will EVER come clean about `aliens' in any meaningful manner. A government that is clearly on the defensive about the lousy system of politics currently in place in the USA and the world in general. As it should be.

That said, if anyone actually believes that the government is any closer to announcing aliens than before the Obama administration is sadly mistaken IMO. IF anything, the words of Phil Larson in 2011 when the current administration `answered' the UFO Disclosure question via memo - make the likelihood of `alien disclosure' even more remote than previously. Especially with the MSM now no longer even interested in covering the great UFO dog and pony Disclosure show.

And, don't get me started on what a dog and pony show the politicians in Washington D.C. are. It's indeed a sad state of affairs for those that are still `seekers' of truth from the government. AND when you throw in the dog and pony show that is clearly the worthless media ----- common folks can only wonder how many dog and pony shows CAN exist at the top of a needle.
Bet it all continues tomorrow!
Did you miss the FIRST podcast on Blog Talk Radio of Rick Phillips? (Editor/Webmaster UDCC) You can hear that introductory show - only 15 minutes - Right Here
Did you know that you can get some blogs on your Kindle? And that you can get UDCC on your Kindle to begin for FREE - so give it a try today.
Over 140 of you found the free books on my Amazon Author Page Yesterday - Thanks - Please Write A Review!
Thanks for your support

Friday, March 1, 2013

NEW BOOK - The UFO Disclosure Destruction Papers

Welcome. I have a new E-Book that I released yesterday. It's a compilation of 12 posts from UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock and 1 post from The Heavy Stuff - WITH additional analysis and comments too. It's a real good read that traces the heady days of `expected UFO Disclosure' from the more than hopeful Exo-Politics crowd - and the harsh reality that followed - including the total CRASH of UFO Disclosure when the Executive Branch trotted out `the UFO Disclosure answer' via a piece of paper signed by Phil Larson. 

Indeed, while only ONE post, the final post, I believe my book is the FIRST to even remotely describe our REAL mainstream media `news' positioning on UFO's now that `disclosure happened' in late 2011; and, it isn't a pretty positioning at all. (As Clockers Know!) The book is a good read and I hope Clockers will check out a sample and then BUY BUY BUY ---- LOL.
The bad news of course is that I've removed all those good posts from the archive at UDCC - a process sure to continue as I convert my best posts into `E-Books'. Indeed, the `Chapters' of my new book are:

Unofficial, Un-Intentional – Disclosure

The Heaven And Hell Of UFO Disclosure
`True' Anagrams For - UFO Disclosure
Vatican Blesses Believers - Of Aliens
Obama's "it depends" Answer To The Alien Disclosure Question - Part Two
The Actual Lack Of Thirst For UFO Disclosure
Is `UFO Disclosure' Already Getting Boring?
U.S. `UFO' Disclosure - Could It Be Done With Limited Impact?
Might Even FORCED Alien Disclosure Mean Virtually Nothing?
C-SPAN Embarrasses
Don’t Worry, The Aliens Are Friendly
Exopolitics Greer - Makes Disclosure Plea
The Unthinkable - Disclosure Happens
I've written a LONG foreword that is available to read for free with a click of the book cover above.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Disclosure Clock Moves - Above Top Secret `UFO Picture' Analysis

Sometimes, I'm surprised that there aren't more UFO bloggers. After all, the MSM would like you to believe that 14% of all folks have seen the impossible - even if the actual percentage is MUCH smaller than that. Nevertheless, that would still leave a huge multitude of possible UFO bloggers. And, indeed, nearly EVERY UFO blogger or anomalous blogger - has had `anomalous phenomenal perceptions' at one time or another, and often - many multiple times.

Indeed, while I rarely link to ATS (above top secret) - a UFO photo and more importantly a UFO photo analysis has come into my perception horizon. First, the photo:
(See Original For MUCH Better Detail - Then Return)
Evidently, this photo was the topic of discussion on C2C last night (Coast To Coast). Literally breaking news on UDCC. In a nutshell, the person who took the photo was a woman photographer on vacation (photographer as in professional photographer, with access to advanced equipment and undertandings) - who the ATS folks seem to think the world of as NOT being a FAKE bs'er.

But, what really makes this ATS post of interest is the INCREDIBLE analysis provided of ALL PHASES of this photo - right down to the object showing itself to this woman because of her world orientation as an outsider to normal society and because of her other `interests' (such as Owls). Yes, it makes for an interesting read to say the least. A long detailed read about the above photo graph. ATS Analysis Of Crete UFO Photo

The analysis even includes stuff about anomalous perceptions in rural or unpopulated areas - much like my post on The Heavy Stuff - that I linked to here yesterday on UDCC. Anyway, please if the above picture is of interest to you - as daytime UFO photos should be - make sure to read just how deeply an analysis of all factors about UFO's can beAbove Top Secret - Analysis Of Crete UFO Photo. Bottom line? This guys thinks this is legit.
I see the calendar has turned - and the time to evaluate just where the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock should be set for the month of October 2012 (based on September 2012 UFO `actions'). As Clockers know, a new `time scale' has been in use for the previous two clock settings based on our new Evaluation Scale established in August.............. Ready? Here goes:

The Phenomena Itself - July-65, Aug-50, Sept-40 Overall, my perception is a slowing of the phenomena, especially in comparison to the claims of the phenomena. That said, Myrtle Beach did have a multiple night Orb event and more UFO captures by Cellphone seem to be coming to light. MUFON reports show the continued increase in multiple orbs but Chinese Lanterns certainly continue to take a toll on reports to the point that ANY report with the words, `Glowing, Faded, or Drifting and Following the same path' are now suspect IMO.

The MS Media - July-25, Aug-9, Sept -30 The MS media showed interest in the FAKE Pink Google UFO and a bit of pre-event interest in the `UFO Secrets' meeting in Las Vegas by the UFO Disclosure crowd of ex-military and UFO book writers. Oh, there were NO new UFO Secrets in the pay to attend event BTW.

Governments - July-2, Aug-14, Sept-1 Seems in total shutdown mode and off limits in the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Phil Larson's statement stands as the official USA position.

Internet/Other - July-30, Aug-55, September-80 This extremely high number was earned with the TWO oddities that emerged on the Internet about the MOON - one was an unexplainable movement of 13 objects from the moon into space and the other was the WALL on the moon (walls actually says Ken) found in NASA pictures by MUFON Investigator for NJ,  Mr. Pfeifer. Both events utterly ignored by the MSM. Some have suggested an October UFO Disclosure Surprise as part of the Obama strategy for this fall is possible - if a rabbit needs to be pulled out of the hat to maintain stability of government.

Overall analysis - Despite very unusual and mindblowing info about the MOON, the MSM stayed away, preferring simply to give a lip-service rehash to the UFO Disclosure gang. Suggesting strongly the MSM holds onto the power gig compared to the Internet gig concerning UFO's - allowing the Governments to go into shutdown mode concerning UFO's. (`Serious' things, like Ambassador Killings preclude any interest in the real unknowns.) And, unfortunately, September saw the advent of Quadrocopters - a new RV toy that is sure to confuse the public further on Lights In The Skies - as DRONES get ponied up for higher up in the sky concerns of the media. IF the phenomena itself wants to stand out in this environment - it might just have to step up it's `game'. 

Nonetheless, the media did say the words `UFO Secrets' and the internet did pony up some amazing phenomena upon the Moon - so, the Clock moves a bit closer to midnight from it's previous 7 PM setting. How about 8:30 P.M!
I want to thank the person that bought the below book of my blogs yesterday:

And, I'd like to thank those that purchased off my Author Page too - The THREE Books have sold in the last TWENTY FOUR hours.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff) Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff) Beyond The Great Beyond
OVER 600 BOOKS Again were downloaded for FREE from my author page in September - make sure you check it out often.
USE The Share Buttons Below to post on Facebook this Crete UFO picture - or - send it to Twitter or Stumble On. Thanks.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

UPDATE on the Jacksonville Texas `Google UFO'

I could have brought this info to you in some sort of breathless fashion just a day or two ago - but, something wasn't `right' - so I waited. Glad I did, as apparently the `Pink Google UFO' turns out to be supposedly a lens reflection. Details on the Facebook page that busted the idea is Here with the `2nd' UFO picture which makes the first `silly' to consider. Hmm. Oh, here's more proof that these lens flares are everywhere on Google this one from a MUFON example.

It was a `fun' story (after all, UFO's can't be real, Phil Larson told us that last year) - and the media treated it as such - as you can see below:, Longview, Jacksonville, Texas | ETX News
Another one bites the dust....... Ludicrous Foes.
So, I've updated my blog The Heavy Stuff with another good one called Anomalous `Perceptions' Of Humans In Rural Settings - need I say that it's a good read?
Speaking of good reads Aura's Paranormal Experiences is a fine way to enjoy your Sunday free time. More anomalous perceptions?
And speaking of updating - I updated my group blogging effort at The C Influence - highlighting the various efforts already on the Amazon platform for the contributors of the esoteric blog:
Did you know that the Global Consciousness Project is now found on a new server and that supposedly Princeton U. told them to find a new host?
Finally, don't miss the ever growing bookshelf of UDCC's second page - now with over 90 Anomalous Books - Christmas Is Coming!
You could share this on Facebook you know via the share buttons below - or you can Tweet it. Much Appreciated.
Lastly, nearly 100 of you downloaded the FREE book off my Author Page yesterday. Thanks.................... Pink UFO's?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

`UFO Secrets' Day Has Arrived

?From what I can gather - the event that I said was supposed to be yesterday (The UFO Secrets event) - evidently is today at 6 PM Las Vegas time. To the best of my ability to read the situation - the MSM (Mainstream Media) has no intention of making any kind of big deal about it. I will search for coverage and report on that tomorrow if possible here at UDCC.

(Do you really think that UFO Disclosure is going to come from the media covering ANYTHING in VEGAS?)

It will be of interest to see if ANY of the media who present any coverage tomorrow refer to Phil Larson's statement of the official government position on UFO's. Don't you think?
It's been interesting to see who has visited here the last few days (via my stats) based on searching for `UFO Wars off San Francisco'. The wilder the better, right?
Had several Amazon Purchases off my blogs yesterday including the below items:

Readers also purchased the books below from my author page too:

going to the light at death
Much Appreciated. Please check out all 9 books at my Author Page On Kindle! You can read samples free and they let you download the Kindle software for your PC for free too.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The ZANY Days Of UFOlogy

It can ONLY be called that, right? After all, this website among others this week brought you `THE WALL' (S) on the MOON and it didn't even lift an eyebrow of the MSM - despite the built in reputation of Chief Investigators for MUFON. And, despite legitimate webpages, even including this one, that strives to attempt to bring one the whole gambit of UFOlogy, including the crappola of fakes and thrill seekers. All this, while the MSM is content to let the matter stand that `something may have crashed decades ago in New Mexico' as their consensus of the intelligence level applied to the subject matter.

(Mainsteam media median level of intelligence concerning anomalous phenomena) Orbs you say? Aren't those those funny balls of transparency on camera film?

Anyway, one would think that some element of what used to be called journalism would spark the curious MSM person to check out Ken's claims - even if to totally dispel them. Indeed, one would think that these so-called ancient structures (if that is what they are) are visible to many sophisticated telescopes here on Earth - if so - why doesn't the MSM take it upon themselves to find the best telescope in their state and take a look?

Or, God Forbid - ask NASA to comment (perhaps the .mil types that come to UDCC might have an interest too? Or the fine Boeing folks that visit for their daily read? Heck, NASA from the Huntsville area has been here, why not check this out? Or is it all inside info?).

Oh, and then we have so-called UFO secrets about to be revealed -                                         - that reaction was the yawn and `say what' the MSM has intentions to provide to the event in mere days. This is hardly December 1999 and `Ginger' is about to change the world - (remember how the Segway was going to do that?) - I will make a prediction that the `UFO secrets' will NOT be on CNN for more than ONE DAY max, and will be a part of a story NOT to exceed 18 seconds. And, the story will be `followed or preceded' by the biggest fluff story of the day - probably about someones `amazing' dog.

All this while the theoretical in the house insist that the entire phenomena is simply perceptions of humans and NOT real in the material sense. And, let's NOT forget - they hold the `show me the proof' trump card. At least at the level of official confirmation. Confirmation of alien disclosure.

Which the UNinformed still clamor for - IGNORING the fact that `their man' Obama - would provide the `truth' in some sort of grand disclosure gesture; cleansing the white man of yet one more evil pushed upon mankind by them. But, alas, they got the opposite of their DISCLOSURE big time in 2011 - the UFO Disclosure that they will BEG for later this week to a MSM that has obviously been `called off' from the `suppression through disclosure' provided by Phil Larson's official statement. (see sidebar for more info on Phil Larson's statement). 

After all - we are going to have UFO secrets revealed.

Think anyone will ask those doing the revealing of the UFO secrets what they think of the MOON WALL? Or, is that just too ZANY? And, too off the wall? (And, how long has this group of UFO secret revelers been hiding the `truth'?) 

Where's Blossom Goodchild when you need her?
As you can see at the top of the sidebar - I was a FEATURED author at yesterday. That resulted in a HUGE number of downloads in one day for my newest book `Beyond The Great Beyond' - rising well into the hot 700 of ALL free books on Amazon Kindle. Over 400 downloaded totally - thanks much. Already today, several have bought the book at full price - much appreciated.

Click To Read A Sample!

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Near Laughable Promotion For UFO Disclosure Later This Month

I like the ingredients - don't get me wrong; - but, less than 72 hours after the latest announcement, that the latest secrets about `UFO's' is set to be revealed, later this month, at a meeting in a  loosely tied Government building with a recognizable name - no one even cares and the `excitement' felt by dozens nationwide has already faded.

It seems to me that  IF the endless same group of `yea sayers' to UFO Disclosure - would be able to rally `real people' outside of some government facilities with signs and protests - that their supposed concerns for our very livelihoods would be better served. What is this now, the fourth UFO setting with retired military telling the same old tales that the press ignores for years - yawns at reporting it once - and ignores again for years? 

Frankly, it's getting a bit old and tired. And, aren't these folks aware that the Obama Administration DID answer the UFO Disclosure and alien interaction question in 2011? Were they asleep under some tree or galaxy of stars? They need to Google (or go into the sidebar) Phil Larson and his statement about UFO's - don't you think? 

Are they NOT aware that by `disclosing the UFO answer' of the government in 2011 ---- that they are using `suppression through disclosure'? Do they NOT understand that the media has been WARNED OFF the subject matter? Do they NOT understand that the new mantra for unknown objects in our skies are DRONES?

What the UFO Disclosure gang also doesn't seem to understand is how they have been part of a compartmentalization; that `UFO experiences' are `local perception events of humans' - which may or may not be real. Perceptions that are to be believed or not - even if they are shared with others while in uniforms with many bars and stripes. Perceptions that are temporal with authorities holding the real trump card of `SHOW ME THE GOODS'. 

Also, as a UFO blogger - it is insulting that these `experts' on UFO's the craft - fail to acknowledge that it is Orbs that are vastly the UFO in our skies (give or take a few anomalous saucers, triangles and such) - or that the consciousness of some humans seems to have interactions with the Orb phenomena. Also, I'd like to point out yet another problem with the Exo-Politics folks (Of which the upcoming meeting is basically an offshoot in my opinion or perception.) - almost no one believes that `energy solutions' have existed for decades that have been trumped forever by the powers that be - EVEN IF IT IS TRUE. (Of which I am not a huge believer in.)

And, okay, it sounds like the upcoming meeting might get into the Physics of UFO's as currently understood (does that mean the UFO's are ours, is this disinfo?) - you mean they read the book by the NASA man at the top of the UDCC sidebar? And how about the other folks who have given similar independent views - even in these pages such as
John Mike who was featured in UDCC a year ago with his Physics explanation of UFO's? 

Perhaps the promoters of this meeting-news conference-promotion - need a new approach. One that musters up real outrage and perhaps even throws a pie into a politicians face about the issue. As certainly, `million fax' approaches simply don't flatten the troops but might fatten the promoters.

Meanwhile, UDCC will probably get what I call a `cruel optimism' internet traffic bump for a week or two from the broo ha ha. Those that believe the the media and the government will somehow `do the right thing'. 

Talk about believing in miracles.
Oh, I almost forgot - read about The UFO Secrets About To Be Revealed and who makes up the panel presenting the case......... again.
Today is the final day of FREE for my 2006 Chicago O'Hare UFO Incident Kindle Book - find it on my Kindle Author Page and check out my other Kindle Books too. Indeed make sure to see the second in the UFO series and currently again today a Top 100 Paid UFO Books on Kindle this morning - it is below:

click to read a sample chapter

Friday, August 24, 2012

`UFO Disclosure' Trends UP For First Time Since Phil Larson's Official Government Statement About UFO's And Alien Contact

As you know, UDCC seeks out the most real and relevant information about UFO's for it's readers. And, today I'm happy to report that something (perhaps the fake UFO Disclosure Olympics stuff) has actually made the term `UFO Disclosure' within the Google Trends graphic - RISE FROM ZERO. See that direct link here and then return -
My assumption is that it was the Olympic bounce (thought I'd work that in since you will be hearing of a Republican Convention `bounce' I'm sure). Oh well.

(It will be interesting to see if the media will ask about UFO Disclosure this time around in the campaign - or - have they already been warned off?)

Frankly, I don't expect the term will have much relevancy anymore with the idea of DRONES in our collective skies. The boogie man has been removed............... soooooo forget about it. Yeah right........... I also don't expect a spoon fed media to offer any resistance after being put in their collective places after Stephenville. (That is unless the `aliens' themselves forced disclosure with some grand display - a scenario I've blogged about on multiple occasions. Oh, and you may want to dig into UDCC as many long articulate posts are about to vanish into more upcoming Kindle book offerings.) 
Oh well indeed.
Speaking of oh-wells, I had one myself on my best selling (for me and on the charts, but falling, for over 12 days in the top 100 in Paid UFO books on Kindle and Paid 100 Shamanism books) book on the Shaman Lujan Matus. The book, available since the very end of July, has sold 42 copies in August, and today received it's first `review' - from what seems to be a professor making his first foray into writing reviews. 

Now, understand that this guy BOUGHT the book and didn't ask for a refund (all books on Kindle are guaranteed) - and that NO ONE has asked for a refund for that book and I've only had one request in over 130 sales now of my books in the last few months. I think that speaks for itself.

All of my books are CLEARLY marked as being previous blog posts of mine. ----- (These are the very cream of the crop as those of you have bought my books know) --- Somehow, this `professor' didn't know that. Even didn't know that after the FREE preview on Amazon shows him the first chapter that clearly shows it was a blog post. Oh, and as you will read - he says the price is 4-5 dollars, yet another exaggeration of many you will read in his `First Amazon Review'. The book has only sold for the price of 2.99. The best value pricing for authors on Kindle (inside Kindle Author talk there, the bottom line, I'm not ripping anyone off). (One does need to look for the humor in life and a professor looking dumb via words is one of the ways. Right?)

So, the guy goes into a rant and opening line of his `review' is `this is the worst book ever'. Indeed, let me bring you his words directly:
Im sorry to say this is the worst book ever. Its content gives a feww informative insightes in the world of Luan MAtus and that is all. The book has no structure and it is based on repetition from the authors blog. At least 30 pages are un readible!!!
So if the author does not make seriuos changes to the content, structure and understanding to his book please dont through away 4-5 dollars.

So, might it be a bit of an exaggeration when the next line is that it brings insights into a Shaman's world ? And, can I help it that the `book' doesn't have the book structure he is looking for when he has already been told and read for free that the chapters were exactly that? ------------ And, as Clockers know, I am totally fair - while he is totally exaggerating - some of the font on a few of the pages probably is challenging for a few readers - but he is the first to say so. And, thirty pages -- pllllllllleeeeeeassssseeeeee.

Should I point out that he misspells multiple words including - I'm, few, insights, unreadable, serious, and throw, -------- are you kidding me? A PROFESSOR wants stuff like this on the internet?

Anyway, IF you care to indulge in a great book and THEN write a legit review or if you have already purchased the book - you will have a chance to do so on SUNDAY and MONDAY as I will be making this best selling book FREE on those two days - and IF you download the book PLEASE speak up with an honest opinion about it and the content it contains.

Much appreciated. OR, you can even buy the book as a sign of support or impatience. LOL. Nonetheless, make sure to check out my author page on Kindle for some great reading material and thanks for your continued support.
The Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers Book
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers
The above is just a picture of the cover - use the link to read the introduction for free.
Oh, I THANK the professor for the traffic that the words - the worst book ever - will probably generate to this post. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

RE-Setting The UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock

A couple years ago UDCC had a `poll' in the sidebar allowing the readers a chance to set the UFO Disclosure Clock via voting in the survey. And, if I remember correctly, 2:15 PM came out as the median for all answers of a fairly large sample of readers (hundreds) - meaning half of voters set the clock later and half earlier. (For those that confuse median, mean and mode.) 

Indeed, the poll was skewed with both early and late time suggestions for when and IF UFO Disclosure is going to happen or whether it HAS Happened (yes, even then a few years ago a few folks were saying, hey, it's all on the internet without huge denials by the government). So, the range of opinion about the subject of UFO Disclosure has always been wide ranging.

UDCC has attempted to let the Clock reflect a `cumulative' time more reflective of the phenomena itself and how it seems to possibly be playing out - and the increasing likelihood that what we are seeing, which seems to be evolving may indeed be `alien' in nature on several fronts - right in front of our very eyes. 

But, the Clock also needs to reflect not only the pipe dreams of the Exo-politics folks of a government come clean, but - the OFFICIAL position of the government too if one exists - AND - the evolving nature of the `unknown' phenomena in a direct appeal to individuals, groups, and larger. (And yes, with an eye over our collective shoulders for the conspiracy folks looking to distract our attention from the real positions and phenomena.)

So, with all that into consideration - I have moved, for July, the Clock to reflect a more middle mainstream understanding of where actual `UFO Disclosure' might actually stand. You see, in my opinion, - the Clock would have different times based on what facet or tidbit of classification you wish to look at. For example, the OFFICIAL government position was given by a peon in the power structure last year in 2011. It simply was a blanket denial in every regard ----- that if put in terms of a Clock setting would be 12:01 AM - ie: we HAVE Disclosed, there ARE NO aliens, and we are NOT withholding anything. It's an extreme position that I think FLOORED THE  Exo-Politics crowd.

Speaking of which, the Exo's (as I will now call them) - fully believed that by securing press rooms with real military and real press and real UFO stories - would somehow be EQUAL to the government coming clean on everything and anything. As you can see, it produced the exact opposite. But, the Exo's have a bit of everything to kind of catch all the `alternative crowd' - so we have channeled info of various sorts and called entities too. I guess, somehow, implying that both the physical UFOs driven by alien beings with bodies like you and I are EQUAL to entities that may be from beyond the time-cone.

Which leaves the great middle trying to figure out the wheat from the chaff. UDCC does attempt to bring a fuller spectrum of material and views as the phenomena totally extends beyond what either `side' is willing to admit. Or, to even talk about - even if it is OBVIOUS to some of us. (Uh, Oh, we and them, the slippery slope just ahead.)

For example - Chemtrails.

Could it be more obvious and untalked about? (untalked my new word is better IMO than unspoken) - A literal conspiracy of silence that for me has totally discredited the local news weatherman and national ones too (even those purporting to be science folks). Where is the TRUTH there? This is something much more obvious than UFOs or such.

So, where does that leave us in expecting some form of truth out of our media or government?

Nowhere - except to find our own version that hopefully has attributes that fit the evidence in some manner. And, here is the UDCC version of the truth that will be considered in placement of the Clock hands for Disclosure.

ORB Disclosure - The media and public and government understanding and explanations becoming more in line with the now reported phenomena - including reporting on the  ORB Callers making demonstrations of the phenomena into the sky. The realization that ORBS are the real mystery about UFOlogy. The slippery slope that Orbs represent in terms of phenomenology and religion. There is virtually NO serious Orb Disclosure in our MSM.

UFO Disclosure - IMO, UFO Disclosure is OVER as far as the government and eventually the MSM is concerned. The government has spoken and the answer was NO, and the media better get in line or simply treat it, the subject matter, as entertainment. UFO Disclosure is NOW to mean DRONES in the sky. Man-made objects ARE the unknown. (Years ago NIDS funded by Bigelow said the same thing about the Triangles in the sky.) The government does not reveal government secrets of security nature. End of story............... Now, ANYTHING not of that official above line - such as how the MSM covered the Stephenville UFO events immediately afterwards (and stayed around poking their nose into it) will be considered a bump in the clock as that type of reporting is now off limits to the MSM. (They no longer go to hot-spots like the Kansas City area.)

FORCED ALIEN DISCLOSURE - The wildcard. The unknown. The unknown of the unknown. (LOL) Is it indeed possible that for some reason the `aliens' are taking upon themselves to alter and increase their presence known in the sky? By things such as Chemtrails? By things such as Orbs? By things such as dropped cloaking devices around their crafts?
So, the balance has changed. 

No longer is the peon waiting by the doorstep of its king, awaiting for a crumb of knowledge; as a much larger version of the official knowledge is available to all in the new age. No longer can the peon expect the so-called `power of the press' to `force' anyone's hand - as the government has cleaned itself of any traces of alien-ness. Indeed, aliens are now `somewhere in the universe but not here' - physically at least. At least in the official fuzzy line of official government speak.

So, it may boil down to Orbs. Again.

Are Orbs something HUMAN connected? OR, alien connected? And, if REAL aliens are NOT Orbs - and if Orbs are NOT real alien craft - why the similarity? Are ANY aliens in a permanent ontological form on Earth? And IF SO why are the even shaky strange looking videos so FEW in number? Is it because real aliens in a permanent ontological form on Earth are EXTREMELY limited?

Because the Orbs, IF they are indeed the `alien' presence in our skies (more and large) - do indeed seem to be increasingly evolving in location and timing and structure. IMO. And, they could be increasing FOR the reason of a Forced Alien Disclosure - at least on localized basis. Something that is now NOT reported at the national level - such as the Lee's Summit `UFO Wave' - or other localized phenomena including supposed Orb callers such as Robert Bingham and the others we've featured on UDCC.

(Yes, I KNOW the callers all think they are communicating with different `aliens' - be them from Orion or the Devil or Angels - the point is that these folks are producing phenomena of an unexplained nature almost ON DEMAND.)

And, the reason is IMO, that ORBS are too hot to handle with the possible real explanations behind the seemingly multi faceted phenomena. Reasons that challenge mankind's role and abilities as a conscious phenomena. Beings that are perhaps mirrors of our intentionalities and desires. And that challenge the traditional sense of church in nearly all societies.

Anyway, --- I will be giving additional weight to the possibility of ORBS doing something special - whether it is `performing' night after night in the same general locations - or - developing a more visible structure of light extensions as their representations. Or, something real special as they perhaps did in NYC on Oct. 13th, 2010 or something similar to the spectacular phenomena displayed by the Jerusalem Orb of Jan. 28th, 2011. OR, other displays before massive gatherings of people such as at some recent fireworks displays in previous years. 

(Remember the idea that fireworks themselves may release something from the very fabric of existence.)

Anyway, back to the Clock setting - this month, as I said, the previous median time is being used. Next month, look for the new time setting reflecting the new attributes and the new weighting being given for each.

You may provide input.
Oh, my thanks go out to those of you who yesterday purchased the three books below:

click the pictures for more info








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition